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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Geert Wilders Launches Anti Mosque Website : "Every Mosque That We Can Stop Is A Victory"

Geert Wilders Launches Anti Mosque Website : "Every Mosque That We Can Stop Is A Victory"

January 30, 2013

Friday, 25 January 2013 13:46

Algemeen Dagblad, January 25, 2013

PVV-leader Geert Wilders has launched a new website: MoskNee (MosqNo). A self-help program for people who do not want a mosque next to their home.
The site has gone on ear at 6am this morning, prior to the start of Wilders' mosque tour in Enschede. "To those who do not agree, I say you can start your own website MoskJA (MosqYes)."

Please visit our website: www.mosknee.nl

Read more: "Every mosque that we can stop is a victory"


Friday, 25 January 2013 13:46

Algemeen Dagblad, January 25, 2013

PVV-leader Geert Wilders has launced a new website: MoskNee (MosqNo). A self-help program for people who do not want a mosque next to their home.
The site has gone on ear at 6am this morning, prior to the start of Wilders' mosque tour in Enschede. "To those who do not agree, I say you can start your own website MoskJA (MosqYes)."

Please visit our website: www.mosknee.nl

Earlier, the PVV tried to ban the construction of minarets, the construction of mosques, and, in its latest election program, the construction of mosques in residential areas. So far, all these legal initiatives were unsuccessful.

Now Wilders takes a different approach: a quide for people who want to use the existing regulations in order to postpone the building of a mosque indefinitely. We asked Wilders a few questions:

What is your problem with mosques?

The mosque is a symbol of an ideology of hatred, violence and oppression. We must fight this. We currently have 450 mosques in the Netherlands, and the number is growing. People contact us from Zoetermeer to Almere and Enschede. They are worried. People are afraid. They do not want a mosque next to their house.

Your last proposal was: no mosque in residential areas.

That is a minimum. Build them in an industrial area or next to a pig farm. They are often symbols of imperialism. Not nice if you have to live next to them.

Even such a limited ban failed.

It does not seem to be legally possible. So we need a different approach. Every mosque that we can stop is a victory. In England, someone took the initiative to offer people legal assistance in their opposition to the construction of mosques in the area. Of the 17 cases in which he was involved, he won 16. By using existing laws.

What do you hope to achieve?

More opposition to the islamization of the Netherlands. We support people who often find no help elsewhere, because they are seen as scary racists if they complain to the local authorities.

Have you ever been in a mosque?

Once, in Syria. When my shoes were stolen. But that is not the reason that I never want to go anymore. I know very well what happens in there, I know Islam very well. It is something which we should not want to happen in the Netherlands.

Are people who visit mosques so bad that you do not want to have them as neighbors?

No, I will never say anything bad about people. I do not have a problem with people who call themselves Muslims. I hope they can liberate themselves as soon as possible from the yoke of Islam. My initiative is directed purely against the mosque, this symbol of hatred.



No Mosque

Holland is not an Islamic country and must never become one. In spite of this we see the influence of Islam growing by leaps and bounds.

With the opening of the first mosque in Holland in 1955, Islam took on concrete form in our public space. Under the influence of the quickly growing Muslim population - in 2013 around 1 million people - the number of mosques has increased greatly. At the moment the number of mosques in Holland is at least 450. And that is alot. Very much. How beautiful it would be , a Holland without mosques.

Because of this the PVV says: enough is enough. As far as we are concerned there should be not one single more mosque in Holland. And until that time in any case nowhere in a built up area.

Protest often erupts in places where the arrival of a mosque is announced. And rightly so, people do not want an Islamic temple next door to them. Besides the practical problems which the arrival of a mosque brings with it (disturbances, traffic disruptions and welfare) the character of the neighborhood is also affected and many have experienced that the quality of life has decreased.

People with objections can expect no help from fearful and politically - correct officials. Due to the bureaucratic run around and lack of clarity about how people can begin an objection procedure people often become discouraged, And that is a pity.

The PVV wants to support people in their opposition and provide them with some help in their objections to the arrival of a mosque. The website mosknee.nl is there to give advice to everyone who wants tips in this matter, is looking for examples of objection letters and who asks themselves if and where others stand with them in their opposition. Also we as PVV in the Lower House will continually confront the cabinet with the opposition to the further Islamisering and the building of new mosques.

In addition to useful tips, links to examples and step by step plans for the first weeks, you can also report where a mosque is planned near you and how this will create a problem.

To know the right way in procedure land, to submit objections on time and to know that you do not stand alone shall help you in your opposition.

The PVV says NoMosque!


Nederland is geen islamitisch land en mag dat ook nooit worden. Toch zien we invloed van de islam hand over hand toenemen.

Met de opening van de eerste moskee in Nederland in 1955, kreeg de islam concreet vorm in onze publieke ruimte. Onder invloed van de snel groeiende moslimbevolking – in 2013 rond de 1 miljoen personen – is het aantal moskeeën fors toegenomen. Inmiddels telt Nederland er maar liefst meer dan 450. En dat zijn er veel. Heel veel. Wat zou het mooi zijn, een Nederland zonder moskeeën.

De PVV zegt daarom ook: genoeg is genoeg. Wat ons betreft komt er geen enkele moskee meer bij in Nederland. En tot die tijd in ieder geval nergens binnen de bebouwde kom.

Daar waar de komst van een moskee wordt aangekondigd onstaat vaak protest. En terecht, mensen willen geen islamitische tempel naast de deur. Behalve de praktische problemen die de komst van een moskee met zich meebrengt (overlast, verkeershinder en welstand) wordt ook het karakter van de wijk aangetast en ervaren velen dat de leefbaarheid afneemt.

Hulp van bange en politiek-correcte bestuurders hoeven mensen met bezwaren niet te verwachten. Door de bureaucratische rompslomp en onduidelijkheden hoe men een bezwaarprocedure kan beginnen, raakt men vaak ontmoedigd. En dat is zonde.

De PVV wil mensen met bezwaren daarom ondersteunen en ze enkele handvatten aanreiken in hun verzet tegen de komst van een moskee. De website mosknee.nl is daarom te raadplegen voor iedereen die tips wil op dit terrein, voorbeelden van bezwaarschriften zoekt en zich afvraagt of en waar anderen in verzet zijn gekomen. Ook zullen wij als PVV in de Tweede Kamer het kabinet steeds opnieuw confronteren met het verzet tegen de verdere islamisering en de bouw van nieuwe moskeeën.

Naast bruikbare tips, links naar voorbeelden en een stappenplan voor de eerste weken, kunt u ook aangeven waar bij u een moskee staat gepland waar u niet van bent gediend.

De juiste weg in procedureland kennen, tijdig bezwaar aantekenen en weten dat u niet alleen staat, zal helpen bij uw verzet.

De PVV zegt: MoskNee!


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