Abu Mazen Courts Terrorist Groups to Weaken Hamas Friday, April 22, 2005 / 13 Nisan 5765
PA chairman Abu Mazen is trying to form a coalition with secular terrorist groups to counter the growing possibility that the Islamic-oriented Hamas will win parliamentary elections set for July.
Abu Mazen is courting terrorists from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, the Popular Front (PFLP), Democratic Resistance Front and smaller organizations pledged to violence against Israel. Radio Palestine reported that Abu Mazen proposed giving the other parties 10 guaranteed seats in the new parliament, which is to elected July 17.
The Palestinian Authority leader fears that the Hamas terrorist organization will take control away from his Fatah party. The PA legislative council this week approved changes in the election law that calls for 70 per cent of the parliament members to be designated by regional elections. This system strengthens both Fatah and Hamas at the expense of smaller parties.
Abu Mazen's offer would potentially reduce the power of Hamas, which scored impressive victories in local elections over the past two months. One reason for their popularity is their practice of provisions to poor families while charging the PA with bribery and corruption.
Abu Mazen earlier this year tried to coax Hamas into the government and proposed they join the PA security forces in exchange for their giving up their weapons. Hamas accepted the invitation and reversed its previous position of boycotting the elections, but it has stated it will not give up its weapons. -----------------------------------
As Usual, Palestinian Terrorism Continues Monday, April 25, 2005 / 16 Nisan 5765
An Israeli soldier was wounded Saturday when an Arab terrorist stabbed him in the neck and snatched his gun. The incident occurred at the entrance to the Jewish town of Ganim in northern Samaria.
Another stabbing attack was attempted near Shechem, also in the Shomron; no one was hurt.
Three Kassam rockets were fired over the Sabbath at Jewish targets. One hit an electric wire north of Gaza near Yad Mordechai, while another landed in the town of N'vei Dekalim in Gush Katif. A third one fell harmlessly in PA-controlled territory.
Terrorists opened fire in two different southern Gaza areas this morning; no one was hurt. Over the weekend, Palestinian terrorists fired at Jewish targets along the Netzarim-Karni route, on the Israeli-Egyptian border, and near Kfar Darom. An anti-tank rocket was fired at an IDF outpost near Ganei Tal. No one was hurt in any of these incidents.
No fewer than four infiltration attempts were thwarted over the weekend in various parts of Gaza. The arrested Arabs were taken for interrogation.
Yesterday, a major attack was averted in northern Israel. An IDF Golani force near the Lebanese border in the Mt. Dov area noticed a string of bombs, and extricated themselves from the site just minutes before the bombs were detonated.
The army continues to receive warnings of attempted terrorist attacks, and will retain the high alert and closure on the Arab-populated areas of Judea and Samaria until after the holiday, six days from today.
Two Arabs involved in a Tel Aviv suicide bombing escaped from a PA jail Friday morning, and other terrorists escaped Israeli gunfire while the PA continues to announce it is curtailing violence.
The two Islamic Jihad terrorists were held in a Palestinian Authority (PA) prison in Tulkarm, located 20 miles northeast of Tel Aviv. The two Arabs helped carry out the suicide bombing at the Tel Aviv Stage nightclub on February 25, 2005, which claimed the lives of five Israelis. Israel recently turned over to the PA responsibility for security in Tulkarm.
Israeli security officials have often blamed the PA for facilitating terrorism by what they call the "revolving-door policy," by which Arab terrorists are arrested by the enemy as a public relations stunt, only to be later let go under the claim that they escaped.
Despite statements by PA chairman Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) that he is disarming terrorists, attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers have increased more than 300 per cent in the last two weeks. Terrorists shot at soldiers this morning near Shechem in Samaria as the IDF searched for two wanted terrorists. Army troops also arrested Islamic Jihad terrorists east of Shechem and north of Be'er Sheva.
One hundred terrorist attacks were reported between April 5 and 14, compared to only 23 during the previous week, according to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies. The PA "has not reacted effectively against the terrorist organizations' activity," according to the Center. A graph depicting the sharp rise in attacks can viewed on the Terrorism Center's Bi-weekly Summary.
PA officials Friday morning continued to state they are disarming terrorists. PA Security Minister Mohamed Dahlan promised Israel Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz the PA will control terror in Tulkarm, reiterating similar comments made earlier this week by Abu Mazen.
Mofaz said he and Dahlan agreed to coordinate the planned withdrawal of Israeli civilians and soldiers from Gaza in order to prevent an evacuation under enemy fire.
In accordance with a decision by the political echelon and in light of the security assessment, a general closure will be imposed on Arab-populated areas of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, effective tonight and for the duration of the Passover holiday.
Throughout the duration of the closure, humanitarian cases will be handled by the District Coordination and Liaison offices.
PA TV Broadcasts PA Sponsored Sermon Inciting Against Israel/US
Monday, April 25, 2005
The sermon broadcast this past Friday on official Palestinian Authority (PA) television accused Israel and the United States of seeking to conquor the Arab world.
"Our enemies want to occupy Arab and Islamic lands, under their leadership," Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris declared in his weekly sermon last Friday. The imam (Islamic preacher) is on the PA's payroll, according to Hebrew University Professor and Arab Affairs expert Dr. Michael Widlanski, who translated the sermon.
The speech given Friday was, in other words, both broadcast and financed by the PA, whose chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has repeatedly committed to eliminating incitement against Israel and the US.
"Our enemy has become strong and fed on us like prey in our lands, in the East and in the West, because we are weak, and our only strength lies in the Koran," Mudeiris said in his speech. He also declared that the "enemy" had deliberately tried to cause "civil war" among the Arab world. Abu Mazen himself last month told Egyptian journalists that any attempts to reign in terror groups would lead to "civil war."
The Islamic preacher did not mention America and Israel by name, but the term "occupiers" is a word used in the Muslim world for both the United States and Israel whose forces are termed "the American Occupation Army" and "the Israeli Occupation Army."
Widlanski claims that although Abu Mazen has shown "intermittent restraint" immediately following Israeli or American pressure - including the removal of most "martyr films" from PA TV - there has been a "parallel promotion of atrocity stories about Israelis deliberately murdering Palestinian children."
"In addition," he says, "there has been an increase in the use of certain code-words such as 'resistance operations' and 'martyrs' that glorify, rather than condemn, certain attacks on Israeli targets."
Hamas Bomb-Maker Star of Syrian-Produced TV Series
Monday, April 18, 2005 / 9 Nisan 5765
A 12-part series on the life of the "father of suicide bombings," Hamas bomb-maker Yihye Ayash, is set to be aired on the Lebanese-based Hizbullah satellite television station al-Manar.
Ayash, who studied electrical engineering at Bir Zeit University near Ramallah and joined Hamas shortly afterward, was responsible for manufacturing bombs that killed at least 76 Israelis and injured more than 400. Israeli intelligence elements finally succeeded in killing him in 1996, using an explosive installed in his cellular phone.
Ayash is lauded as a hero in the Palestinian Authority, and posters featuring his face, with the honorific nickname ‘al-Muhandas' [The Engineer], plaster the walls of many Arab towns in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
On January 5, 1996, Israeli security agents succeeded in having him answer a cell phone in which they had planted 1.7 ounces of explosives - causing it to blow up and kill him on the spot.
The Syrian-produced TV series on his life is not the first anti-Semitic program to be aired on al-Manar. Aside from laudatory news reports following attacks on Israeli civilians, the channel broadcast a series called ‘A-Shatat' [Diaspora] in November 2003. The show was billed as an accurate depiction of modern Zionism, but was blatantly anti-Semitic in content and made repeated references to the forged anti-Semitic document "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
Following that broadcast and the refusal of al-Manar to remove anti-Semitic programming, the channel was removed from the rosters of local satellite networks in the United States and France.
The series on Ayash began airing in April, at prime time each evening. The series glorifies the terrorist, and Hamas in general.
The Arab actors playing IDF soldiers and Israeli government officials speak Hebrew in the series, though with a thick Arabic accent. Sinister music is played whenever a Jew appears on the scene.
Ayash is portrayed as a role model, and even a moral humanist. One scene depicts him urging terrorists under his command not to harm any Israeli children in an "operation." He says to them: "Never forget, we are superior to our enemy in our moral standards."
Six years after Ayash's death, Israel's Ministry of Education released a pamphlet about the 70 infants, children and teenagers who had been murdered by Palestinian terrorists - and the 720 who suffered moderate to serious wounds in these attacks. Dozens more have been killed since then.