Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Islamists Congratulate Obama On Election Win "Look Forward" To Working With Him Islamists Congratulate Obama On Election Win "Look Forward" To Working With HimNovember 9, 2012 MIM: Islamists are lauding the re election of Obama who they consider to be one of them. The White House's open door policy for radical Islamist groups and individuals will continue. It is also a curious "coincidence" that two terrorist operatives were "delisted" one from the 'designated terrorist list' and another from an FBI 'no fly' list one day after the election. Both Islamists are now in the United States. See"Terror Tied Muslims Dropped From Government Watch Lists - Bin Laden Friend Enaam Arnaout and Hamas Operative Muhammed Salah". Obama was endorsed by Muslim Brotherhood leader Hasan al - Turabi a Bin Laden friend from Sudan. Al-Turabi stated that "he's gentle with the Muslims generally". The boiler plate congratulatory statements by Islamist groups below state that they are "looking forward" to working with Obama and his administration and encourages Muslims to take a leading role in shaping American society and furthering their agenda for global dominance. This means pushing for the implementation of sharia,special priviledges for Muslims, criminalizing criticism of Islam and replacing the Constitution with the Koran. ISNA November 7, 2012 The Islamic Society of North America joins our fellow Americans and world leaders in congratulating Barack Obama on his re-election to a second term as the President of the United States. We also wish to acknowledge Governor Mitt Romney for a hard fought campaign that helped advance our national discourse on issues of critical importance. Obama's election in 2008 as our first African American President demonstrated that America strongly embraces its increasingly pluralistic identity. President Obama has since enhanced this vision by expanding the Whitehouse Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships improving outreach to minority communities across the United States. He has also struggled persistently to reverse the economic downturn, improve international relations, reform our health care system and address climate change. While much more work needs to be done, we congratulate him for his efforts in these areas for the past four years. The next four years will be a pivotal time to continue efforts to boost the economy, increase jobs across America, and address a number of other critical issues. We ask all Americans to join us in praying that President Obama provides the nation with outstanding leadership during this next term, acting with conscience and compassion for all people and upholding the rights of the people he serves. We hope and pray that the conclusion of this election season will lead to a newly re-energized and bipartisan approach to the numerous issues that our nation and our world are facing. Among other things, we urge President Obama and his Administration to bring about:
We look forward to working with the President and his Administration on these and other issues to strengthen our union and better our world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON, Nov. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today congratulated President-elect Barack Obama on his election win and offered the Muslim community's support for ensuring that America remains both safe and free. In a statement, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said: "CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil rights and advocacy group, offers its congratulations to President-elect Barack Obama on his historic election to our nation's highest office. President-elect Obama's victory sends the unmistakable message that America is a nation that offers equal opportunity to people of all backgrounds. "While congratulating President-elect Obama on his win, we also recognize the heavy burden placed on those in a leadership role. To be effective, any person in a position of authority needs the support and sound advice of those he or she leads. "We look forward to having the opportunity to work with the Obama administration in protecting the civil rights of all Americans, projecting an accurate image of America in the Muslim world and playing a positive role in securing our nation." CAIR has 35 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, E-Mail: [email protected]; CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, E-Mail: [email protected] MANA Congratulates President-elect Barack Hussein Obama The Muslim Alliance in North America congratulates President-elect Barack Hussein Obama on winning his bid for President of the United States of America. This election was historic in many ways and we know Muslims became actively involved. We pray that Allah, Most High, will purify Obama's heart, guide his actions and policies, and protect him and his family as he leads this nation. Furthermore, we encourage American Muslims to engage in forging an agenda and shaping the future of our society. Let us all strive to be at the forefront of change in America--fighting for truth, justice and peace, and advocating for issues and policies that impact American Muslims and Muslims around the world, insha'Allah. I'm thankful to Allah that this striving is truly what drives the goals and initiatives at MANA. May Allah, Most High, keep all of us rightly guided and obedient to His will. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPAC Congratulates November 7, 2012 MPAC congratulates President Barack Obama for winning a second term as President of the United States of America. At the Election Night Results Party held in the Washington, DC area last night, more than 150 American Muslims gathered to await the results and broke into applause and cheering when the results were announced. Yesterday, our nation and the world watched as the election results came in precinct by precinct and state by state, and in the end, Obama won both the electoral and popular vote of Americans. Obama received 303 electoral votes and 50 percent of the popular votes. "As history has shown and we've all experienced first-hand, campaign season can prove to be very divisive," said Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC President. "We applaud and congratulate the American people for moving past the negativity and maintaining the bigger picture of an ever-progressive and inclusive America." Al-Marayati was joined by commentators Ahmed Younis and Wajahat Ali for a candid and lively discussion last night at the gathering in Washington, DC. After all this time and campaign work, they agreed, the real work begins today for America. As Obama mentioned in his acceptance speech last night, "the role of citizens in our democracy does not end with your vote." Obama has four more years as the leader of our nation and as such, we look forward to engaging him on the difficult issues, both in frustrating times and prosperous moments. We expect much from this administration, as we would of any administration, and we are confident that our continued engagement will prove fruitful for the benefit of all Americans. The American Muslim community has put forth many questions that need to be answered. Will Obama make real immigration reform a priority? Will Obama keep his '08 campaign promise of closing Guantanamo Bay? Will he continue drone strikes? Will he take action to end the atrocities in Syria? MPAC looks forward to working with both the administration and lawmakers from both parties to ensure that our nation moves forward. Last night, Americans sent a message to their political leaders that they want them to work together and stop the political gridlock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freedom and Justice Party Congratulates Obama on Re-Election As US President – Ikhwanweb: The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has issued a statement congratulating President Obama on his reelection. According to the statement: