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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Former Federal Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy And Frank Gaffney's Presser On Possible Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operation Inside White House

Former Federal Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy And Frank Gaffney's Presser On Possible Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operation Inside White House

August 8, 2012


August, 8, 2012 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In a joint press conference held today at Washington's National Press Club, Andrew C. McCarthy - the former Federal Prosecutor responsible for putting the spiritual leader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers [Omar Abdel Rahman, the "Blind" Sheikh] behind bars for life - and Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy [which has prepared a powerful course on the Muslim Brotherhood, The Muslim Brotherhood in America] presented an overwhelming case suggesting that the Muslim Brotherhood, and its U.S. front groups, have long been engaged in influence peddling operations at the highest levels of the U.S. government.

Mr. McCarthy delivered the majority of the remarks, examining the many security questions surrounding Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's long time aide and her current Deputy Chief of Staff.

Abedin's familial [and possible personal] links to the Muslim Brotherhood and its many affiliates, have been the topic of a furious debate since five Congressmen [Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) and Tom Rooney (R-FL)] sent a Congressional Letter of Inquiry to the State Department's Assistant Solicitor General, requesting a review of Ms. Abedin's potential national security conflicts of interest which might render her unsuitable to further serve within the Obama administration [see William Mayer, Congress Alarmed Over Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operation Within the Administration, June 19, 2012, PipeLineNews.org]

McCarthy carefully laid out the long-term written strategy drafted by Mohammed Akram - a U.S. based Muslim Brotherhood operative [see, PLN document - half in Arabic, half in English, An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America] - and how important infiltration and influence operations conducted by the MB within the U.S. government were to the plan's success.

Regarding Abedin, Mr. McCarthy noted the key alliances her late father, her mother and brother had and continue to maintain with the MB and its affiliated organizations and found them troubling.

In closing remarks Mr. McCarthy suggested that a thorough review of the degree to which this White House, its Department of State, other federal agencies, as well as Ms. Abedin, may have been compromised by interacting with the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies.

For a list of the MB's American partners, its "friends and organizations," please refer to ]Investigative Project document Holy Land Foundation List of Co-Conspirators/Joint Venturers] presented into evidence by Federal Attorneys in the United States' largest and most successful prosecution of domestic Hamas funding, U.S. v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development].

"...government agencies are responsible to police themselves, to ensure that improper influences and conflicts of interest do not skew policy away from the public interest..."

The complete press conference can be view on C-SPAN [see, video Frank Gaffney and Andrew C. McCarthy Discuss Muslim Brotherhood in America].

© 2012 PipeLineNews.org LLC, William Mayer. All rights reserved.


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