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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Al Qaeda Linked Group Claims Responsibility For Bulgaria Bombing : 'Ramadan Will Be A Month Of Holy War And Violence'

Al Qaeda Linked Group Claims Responsibility For Bulgaria Bombing : 'Ramadan Will Be A Month Of Holy War And Violence'

July 22, 2012

Al-Qaeda Linked Group Claims Responsibility for Burgas Terror

A Muslim terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the murder of five Israelis in Burgas, Bulgaria.

By Maayana Miskin First Publish: 7/21/2012, 9:41 PM

Scene of Burgas attack Scene of Burgas attack Reuters

The Muslim terrorist group Ka'adat el-Jihad claimed responsibility Saturday for a terrorist bombing in Burgas, Bulgaria. The bombing in Bulgaria last week killed five Israelis, one a pregnant woman.

The Lebanese paper El-Nashra reported that the group, which has ties to Al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility in an email to the Arab press.

The email also reportedly bragged that the entire month of Ramadan will be a month of "holy war" and violence. "This is a month of war against the Jews and their American helpers, the enemies of Allah," it stated.

The missive went on to term the victims of the Burgas attack as "Jewish tourists, who rape the holy lands."

Ka'adat el-Jihad terrorists wrote that they will continue to target Israeli and American targets "until they are expelled from the lands of Islam."

Investigators have collected DNA from the body of the terrorist who blew up the bus in Burgas. However, he has not yet been identified.

Bulgarian police have publicized a composite sketch of the terrorist, and are asking the public's help in identifying him. Police are also searching for a second suspect


MIM: Also see: "Why Muslims Can Kill During Ramadan"



Beleidsmakers bij de ministeries van Defensie in de westerse wereld zijn extreem gevoelig voor ramadan. Maar hoe zit het met moslimstrijders zelf? Respecteren zij de heilige maand ramadan? Is de ramadan ook voor hun echt een maand van vrede en bezinning?

In de maand van de vrede ging de burgeroorlog in Libië gewoon door. Ook de salafistische strijders hadden daar geen moeite mee. Ze doodden elke dag de medemoslims die ze als ongelovigen hebben bestempeld. Het regime van Khaddafi is een regiem van 'kufr'. Geen vuiltje aan de lucht.

Ook in andere landen gingen moslims vrolijk door met het vermoorden van medemoslims. In Syrië kwamen gedurende de ramadan van dit jaar 473 burgers, moslims, om het leven door het regime van Assad.

In Irak pleegden verschillende islamitische groeperingen aanslagen op moslims. Intussen zijn we de tel kwijt hoeveel Irakezen door andere Irakezen zijn omgebracht. Ook de oorlog tussen Iran en Irak (in de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw) ging tijdens de ramadan in alle hevigheid door.

Moslims mogen moslims doden! Ramadan als de maand van vrede is alleen uit propagandistisch oogpunt van belang om de westerse naïevelingen voor de gek te houden...

De vrede is de vrede van de islam. We moeten het niet verwarren met het begrip vrede zoals dat het in het westen wordt gebruikt. Als fundamentalisten het ongeloof bestrijden, zijn ze bezig om vrede te stichten. Want het ongeloof brengt conflict en oorlog met zich mee...

MIM translation:

Policy Makers from the ministries of defense in the Western world are extremely sensitive for Ramadan. But how about Muslim fighters themselves? Do they respect the holy month of Ramadan? Is Ramadan for them really a month of peace and reflection?...

Muslims may kill Muslims! Ramadan being the month of peace is only important from a propagandistic view to fool the naive Westerners.

The peace is the peace of Islam. We should not confuse it with the understanding of peace as it is used in the West. As fundamentalists struggle against un belief, they are busy building peace. Because the un belief brings conflict and war with it.


MIM: 'Palestinian Authority Police' are being deployed during the time of purported "peace and reflection" which is Ramadan. The irony of having 'PA police' who are themselves terrorists and the reliance on them during Ramadan to prevent 'disruptions of peace' speaks for itself.

PA in Jerusalem for Ramadan Preparations

PA officials visit the Temple Mount and PA police patrol Jerusalem during Ramadan. By Maayana Miskin First Publish: 7/22/2012, 7:31 PM PA police officer PA police officer Flash 90

Palestinian Authority officials are quietly being given more freedom to act in Jerusalem during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began Thursday. During the holiday, PA police will patrol in the Kalandia area, within the municipal borders of Jerusalem.

PA officers will be stationed along the road from the Kalandia neighborhood to the Israeli checkpoint of the same name. "We'll guide traffic and prevent disruptions of the peace," a police commander said.

On Thursday night, a group of senior PA politicians visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount to supervise preparations for the many thousands of PA Muslims expected to visit the site in the upcoming weeks.

According to the PA news agency WAFA, the officials reported that ambulances and a mobile clinic will be at the site 24 hours a day during Ramadan.

The increasing PA involvement came as a preacher at the Al-Aqsa Mosque declared that Jerusalem is rightfully Muslim and will always be Muslim. The PA claims much of Jerusalem, including Kalandia, the Old City and the Temple Mount, as part of the capital city of a future Arab state.

During Ramadan, Israel will ease protocol for Arabs living under PA rule who seek to enter Israel to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Women and men age 40 and over who are married with children will be able to attend prayers in Jerusalem without a permit.

Women and men ages 35-40 will get permits to visit the Temple Mount. Access will be restricted for young adults due to terrorism fears.



Twenty Dead in Iraq Attacks- Fear For More Sectarian Violence

Twenty people were killed this evening and at least 80 wounded due to bomb attacks in three cities in the South of Iraq.The bombs exploded shortly after dusk, the time wherein Muslims may break their Ramadan fast. At that time the streets are very busy...

Twintig doden bij aanslagen in Irak – angst voor meer sektarisch geweld

July 22 2012

door Niels Posthumus Buitenland

Bij bomaanslagen in drie steden in het zuiden van Irak zijn vanavond twintig mensen om het leven gekomen en zeker tachtig gewond geraakt. De bommen ontploften kort na het invallen van de duisternis, het tijdstip waarop moslims hun vasten tijdens de ramadan mogen onderbreken.

Op dat tijdstip is het dus veelal druk op straat...



MIM: This from the Arutz 7 article "Court Permits Support Israel/Defeat Jihad New York Bus Ads"

Some Muslims were furious over the ruling. Pakistani-American CUNY student Omar Makram Radwan told Bikyamasr.com, "If we decided to put ask for ads saying Israel and Jews were savages, we would be protested and the court would agree with them that they are hate speech so I don't see the difference here.

"This sort of hate speech is now being tolerated by judges and as Ramadan hits it is very unfortunate. People are angry." The Muslim holy month of Ramadan began last Friday... http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/158115


MIM: This article was accompanied by two photos showing Afghan boys and girls reading the Koran during "the holy month of Ramadan".

5 Nato Troops Killed In Afghanistan


KABUL, Afghanistan -- A person wearing an Afghan national security force uniform turned his weapon Sunday against civilian contractors with the U.S.-led military coalition, killing three.
In other incidents, five NATO service members were killed in roadside bombings over the past two days...

In other violence, a spokesman for the governor of eastern Wardak province said insurgents had kidnapped five Afghan men working a base jointly operated by Afghan and NATO forces and killed them. Spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said their bodies were discovered early Sunday.
Also Sunday, Afghan officials reported that four civilians died when hundreds of shells and rockets were fired from neighboring Pakistan.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/22/2906468/nato-says-3-service-members-killed.html#storylink=cpy


Nearly 90 Killed In Attacks Across Iraq


At least 89 people were killed in bomb and gun attacks in Iraq on Monday after 20 died in blasts the previous day in a coordinated surge of violence against mostly Shi'ite Muslim targets. The bloodshed coincided with an intensifying of the conflict in neighboring Syria...The last two days of bombings and shootings shattered a two-week lull in violence in the run-up to the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, which started in Iraq on Saturday



"Muslims begin Ramadan fast; bombs hit Thai south," by Niniek Karmini for the Associated Press, July 21

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Muslims have begun fasting for the start of the Ramadan holy month in Indonesia, Malaysia and elsewhere around Asia, but the somber occasion was marred in Buddhist-dominated Thailand by two bomb blasts that killed one person and injured seven....


At least 99 people were killed and more than 300 wounded in the single bloodiest day this year, according to local Iraqi officials in the many areas where attacks took place.

The attacks, coming in the early days of Ramadan, the monthlong Muslim religious rite, were predicted Sunday in an audio message attributed to the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Bakir Al Baghdadi, and posted on the group's Web site. Mr. Baghdada vowed that a new offensive, which he called Breaking Down Walls, would begin soon.

The offensive was without precedent this year at least in sheer number of attacks, spread over so many locations in a third of Iraq's 18 provinces, from north to south.



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