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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Suffers Huge Defeat - Parliament Dissolved, Potential For Military To Maintain Control

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Suffers Huge Defeat - Parliament Dissolved, Potential For Military To Maintain Control

June 17, 2012

June 14, 2012 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Egypt's Supreme Court, possibly fearing what appeared to be the imminent seizure of power by the Muslim Brotherhood under a fraudulent "democratic" process, has dissolved the country's "lower house of parliament." [source, OnIslam.net, http://www.onislam.net/english/news/africa/457578-mubarak-pm-in-polls-parliament-dissolved.html].

The high court also validated the bid of Ahmed Shafiq [representing elements of Mubarak's military based old guard] to run against the MB's candidate Mohammed Morsi in the June16-17 presidential runoff election.

The short term effect of destroying Morsi's legislative power base is considerable, leaving him, if elected, with little ability to swiftly transforming the country into a full-blown Islamic theocracy, powered by the MB's revolutionary zeal.

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