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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Despite Denials, Muslim Brotherhood's Egyptian Presidential Campaign Driven By Slogan "Islam Is The Solution"

Despite Denials, Muslim Brotherhood's Egyptian Presidential Campaign Driven By Slogan "Islam Is The Solution"

April 24, 2012

April 23, 2012 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In an April 23, 2012 posting on the Muslim Brotherhood's English website, Ikhwanweb.com, a spokesman for group's presidential candidate [and member of the MB Executive Board] Mohamed Morsi attempted to head off speculation that a strict imposition of Shari'a remains the centerpiece in the MB's end game.

"Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Ati, General Coordinator of the campaign to support Dr. Mohamed Morsi for the presidency, said that the official slogan of the campaign is 'Renaissance, the Will of the People', and that the project and the platform presented by Dr. Morsi is the 'Renaissance Program'. He assured that reports on the use of the slogan 'Islam is the solution' are totally unfounded..." [source, http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=29918]

Abdel-Ati's statement is however a total contradiction of what Morsi forcefully stated in a November 26, 2010 piece published by the same Ikhwan website:

"Concerning the media's ongoing war against the Muslim Brotherhood's election slogan "Islam Is the Solution", Morsy said that Islam is the official state religion, Sharia is the primary source of legislation, and the Egyptians are in dire need of political and social reform to improve the working and living conditions of the poor people. Egyptians have accepted the comprehensive Islamic Sharia for the country's welfare, prosperity and development..." [http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=27056&ref=search.php]

That the Muslim Brotherhood is so plainly engaged in intentional deceit to bring about a fully Shari'a compliant Egypt is not surprising, what is of note however is that they do it so boldly, apparently content in the knowledge that most Western news sources will remain willfully ignorant of the group's long established propensity for taqiyya, religiously condoned lying.

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