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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin To Speak At Radical Islamist Fundraiser For EMERGE USA Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin To Speak At Radical Islamist Fundraiser For EMERGE USAMarch 23, 2012 MIM: Mohammed Hameeduddin's appearence as keynote speaker for the Emerge USA fundraising event after the publication of the article "Debbie Wasserman Shultz Empowers Radical Muslim Fundraiser" which exposed the Islamist orientation and terror ties of the organisation and staff indicates that he cannot be considered a moderate as the media projects him to be and is in fact a stealth Islamist. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/5197 MIM: Hameeduddin is currently seeking a second term as mayor. March 9 2012 "Incumbent Mohammed Hameeduddin is seeking his second term. Hameeduddin was chosen as mayor by his fellow council members in July 2010. He served on the planning board prior to joining the council. A Teaneck High School graduate, Hameeduddin is the owner of a title searching company. http://www.northjersey.com/news/142108573_Six_candidates_to_vie_for_three_council_seats_.html Hameeduddin has also spoken at an event for the Council of American Muslim Professionals (CAMP) in 2011 which included radical Islamists Suhail Khan and Hamas linked Linda Sarsour. He was on a panel entitled "Power and Leadership" http://www.camp-online.org/summit/speakers.html Other speakers at the event were Wahajat Ali and Reza Aslan. Below pictures of the "Power and Leadership" panel members:
MIM:He was invited by stealth jihadists Congressmen Keith Ellison and Andre Carsons to participate in a conference where he focussed on profiling. The honorable Mohammed Hameeduddin, a city councilman of Teaneck NJ, explained that his agenda was "racial profiling." http://muslimmedianetwork.com/mmn/?tag=mohammed-hameeduddin MIM: Nihad Awad of CAIR was among the invitees to this event. According to an article the event was a "Muslim Leadership Summit"in Washington on May 11 and 12th and the attendees "also made significant contributions to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee". "Some of the prominent invitees were Mr. Patel, the attorney Mazen Asbahi from Chicago, Safir Rabb, Riaz Fakhoury from Ocala FL, SA Ibrahim, Nihad Awad of CAIR, Winston Ibrahim, Kamran Farid, and the mayor of Teaneck New Jersey, Mohammed Hameeduddin, Adnan Durrani, Uzma Iqbal, Hurram Waheed, and Kemal Oksuz were also there. The tectonic shift of the American Muslim community towards increased activism and strong support for the Democrats was exemplified this month by a visit of Muslim business leaders to congress and the Executive Office Building next to the White House, in an event arranged by first-ever Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison (D-5th-MN). About 30 leaders from the Muslim community, businessmen, medical professionals and politicians, went to Washington May 11th and 12th, to meet with prominent congressmen including Keith Ellison, Andre Carson (D-7th-IN), and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-8th-CA) and to participate in discussion on foreign policy issues. Attendees also made significant contributions to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. This was the third annual event of this type, and those in attendance expressed their wish that this annual event should continue and that the Muslim community should increase in political clout." http://muslimmedianetwork.com/mmn/?tag=american-muslim-community MIM: Emerge USA has found a replacement for Debbie Wasserman Schultz as speaker for it's April 21th fundraising banquet. It is Mohammed Hameeduddin, the Mayor of Teaneck New Jersey. Hameeduddin's father (Mohammed Sr.) is a founding member of Darul- Islah Mosque which hosts the Young Muslims (YM) youth organisation from the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) a group tied to Al Qaeda. http://www.darulislah.org/?page_id=112 The mosque website states that it's mission is da'wa i.e. "propagating Islam" which is a form of jihad. "Located in the Teaneck Township of Bergen County, New Jersey, Dar-ul-Islah was established in the nineteen seventies by the Muslims of Bergen County for the sole purpose of upholding, preserving and propagating Islam." http://www.darulislah.org/du/?page_id=15 MIM: On March 22, 2012 a New Jersey newspaper reported that a former president of Dar-ul-Islah was promoting the imposition of shari'a law by saying that he wants Teaneck public schools to be closed on the two days of Eid. "Waheed Khalid, an official of the American Muslim Union and a former president of Dar-ul-Islah Mosque on Fabry Terrace, wants schools closed on two holidays, called Eids. The first Eid is celebrated at the close of Ramadan and the second, two months and 10 days later. "There are a substantial number of Muslim families in Teaneck with children who attend the public schools," Khalid said in an interview. He noted that Teaneck is home to two mosques and has an estimated 300-500 Muslim families. Homes on Fabry Terrace and adjacent streets are almost entirely occupied by Muslim families, he said." http://www.northjersey.com/news/143792906_Two_more_days_off_school__.html MIM: For more on the terrorist ties of the American Muslim Union see: "AMU Executive Director Waheed Khalid has called the Patriot Act "an extremely dangerous piece of legislation" that, "under the guise of 'national security,'" tramples on "our nation's more than 200-year-old Constitution". http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6623 MIM: For more on Khalid the AMU and Dar -ul- Islah (the mosque which Hameeduddin's father helped found) see: "When asked by the Bergen County Record in May 1998 about Hamas' terrorist attacks, Khalid responded, "They are trying to get the occupiers out of their home." MIM:According to a NY Times article about Hameeduddin's election: "Religion aside, there's a pretty traditional tale in Mr. Hameeduddin's rise from the son of immigrants from Hyderabad, India. His father, Mohammed Hameeduddin Sr., was a founding member of the Darul-Islah Mosque in Teaneck. The younger Mr. Hameeduddin, an entrepreneur now working in title insurance, is remembered by classmates as one of the cool kids at Teaneck High School, where he and Mr. Gussen graduated in 1991. Friends called him Mo and he is still fondly remembered for the sleek Champagne-colored Ford Probe he drove. (Mr. Hameeduddin, saying he'd had too many interview requests and didn't want to call undue attention to himself, declined to be interviewed.) HE first became interested in public life after 9/11 when he decided to speak out about misperceptions of Muslim culture. After getting involved in the mosque issue, he served on the town planning board from 2006 to 2008 and then on the town council. " http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/08/nyregion/08towns.html "Hameeduddin, a first-generation American of Indian descent, prays five times a day. A devout Muslim, he has traveled to Mecca for the Hajj, and he fasts during Ramadan." http://articles.latimes.com/2010/sep/09/nation/la-na-muslim-mayor-20100910 MIM: In a North Jersey.com News article Hameeruddin was invited to the White House Iftar and was pleased when President Obama voiced his support for the Ground Zero Mosque. "Hameeduddin said Obama's focus on the rights of free religious exercise – and the need to uphold the law of the land – jibes with his own view of the controversy... Hameeduddin, the first Muslim mayor in Bergen County, said Obama's point that al Qaeda has killed more Muslims than people of any other faith was a reminder that the Sept. 11 terrorists do not represent Islam. "There's been a broad brush painted for Muslims and Islam," he said. "We feel that we're being unfairly blamed for other people's actions." http://www.northjersey.com/news/100710274_Obama_s_stand_on_mosque_surprises.html?c=y&page=1
MIM: In July 2011 Mohammed Hameeruddin was one of the guest speakers at an event entitled "Ten Years After 9/11) along with James Yusuf Yee the Executive Director of the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR is a Saudi funded front group for Hamas. http://aaldef.org/events/special-events/july-30---south-asians-in-new-jersey-ten-years-after-911.html July 30 - South Asians in New Jersey: Ten Years After 9/11Tuesday, Jul 19, 2011 Come to a community meeting on Saturday, July 30 at 10 am to 12 noon, organized by SAALT and co-sponsored by AALDEF, "South Asians in New Jersey: Ten Years After 9/11." It will take place at Dinneen Hall at McIntyre Lounge, Saint Peter's College, 2641 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ. Directions: http://www.spc.edu/pages/840.asp. AALDEF staff attorney Aparna Garg is speaking at this event. Other guest speakers include: Amardeep Singh, White House Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Please RSVP to [email protected] by July 26th. Sponsor list in formation: Action 21, American Friends Service Committee, Asian American Legal Defense Fund (AALDEF), Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALANJ), Citizens of Old Bridge (COB), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ), Hindu American Seva Charities, Manavi, New Jersey Muslim Lawyers Association (NJMLA), New Jersey Independent South Asian Cinefest (NJISACF), North American South Asian Bar Association (NASABA), Sikh Coalition, South Asian Bar Association New Jersey (SABANJ), South Asian Bar Association New York (SABANY) For more information, go to http://on.fb.me/qftjwt. Emerge 2012 Annual Banquet: Investing in Tomorrow's Leaders Today
Emerge USA will be holding its annual banquet on April 21, 2012 at the Marriott Fort Lauderdale North. The theme of the banquet is "Investing in Tomorrow's Leaders Today" with Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin of Teaneck, NJ and Comedian Ahmed Ahmed. Registration is at 7pm and doors open at 7:30pm. Hallal dinner will be served and childcare will be available. http://emerge-usa.org/events.html?task=view_category&category_id=1 |