February 20, 2012 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Though the talks between the U.S. and Afghanistan's Taliban are being conducted under tight security in Qatar, the few details which have leaked are enough to make national security professionals awaken in a cold sweat.
Aside from the ugly spectacle of an American government bargaining with the Taliban's barbarians while the organization continues to kill Americans in Afghanistan, the Obama administration is seriously considering releasing 5 of the most dangerous Taliban jihadists currently being held at GITMO in order to further curry favor with Taliban negotiators.
Those five have been described as the worst of the worst by those who should know.
As Congressman Dana Rohrabacher [R-CA] states about the process:
"The Taliban is a terrorist organization responsible for the death and maiming of hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan, and were in league with al-Qaida when 3,000 people were murdered in the U.S. on 9/11...While President Obama refuses to talk to America's natural allies in Afghanistan, the Northern Front, he is in the processes of making one-sided concessions to the Taliban that will put some of its worst killers back in action...President Obama is negotiating with the Taliban from a position of provocative weakness, accepting their preconditions to release some of the Taliban's top terrorist plotters to resume their work without anything in return."
Obama's unilateral decision to withdraw from Afghanistan by a date certain gives the Taliban the upper hand in any conceivable negotiations. Thus, this process is more akin to the Taliban dictating the terms of a U.S. surrender in Afghanistan. Left unsaid in Mr. Obama's increasingly reckless approach to this matter is an important question. Should the U.S. emerge from the Qatar talks with the Taliban, will those who represent a mortal danger to U.S. interests, including the safety of the American public, be removed from the State Department's Most Wanted list? [see, Rewards for Justice, http://www.rewardsforjustice.net/index.cfm?page=wanted_terrorist&language=english] Among the most notable of these terrorists are:
Mullah Omar - Afghani Taliban leader. Provided material shelter and support to Osama bin-Laden and al-Qaeda as it planned the murder 3,000 American citizens on 9/11. $10M reward.
Sirajuddun Haqqani - A member of the Pak Taliban's Shura Council [a Muslim governing board]. Up to $5M reward.
Hakimullah Mehsud - Emir of the Pakistani Taliban. Despite claims made by Pak ISI that he was killed in a drone strike, the Taliban has denied it. Up to $5M reward.
Abu Yahya al-Libi - An important terror facilitator who seeks to integrate Taliban and al-Qaeda operations. Up to $1M reward.
How can we continue to pursue with a "hunt and kill" mentality, these and other less well known Taliban jihadists in the face of a peace treaty with them?
It's pretty hard to imagine the Taliban, who has waited nearly a decade for a weak president like Obama to bully, agreeing to anything but total and complete amnesty. That means no more drone attacks either in Afghanistan or Pakistan, where Mullah Omar is reportedly being shielded by the Pak ISI as it did with Osama bin-Laden.
That will prove to be an exceedingly tough sale to Congress and the American people and it may prove to be the undoing of this president as we roll on towards November.
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