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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > David Yerushalmi's Strategic Analysis Of Lawfare - How To Stop The Shari'a Threat

David Yerushalmi's Strategic Analysis Of Lawfare - How To Stop The Shari'a Threat

November 30, 2011

November 30, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In the below video, David Yerushalmi, chief counsel to the Center For Security Policy [see, http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/index.xml] discusses the process which has come to be known as "lawfare," using the courts to implement changes in behavior irrespective of input from either the executive or legislative branches of government.

As Mr. Yerushalmi notes, the first large scale practitioner of this method was the ACLU. The organization has been very effective in obtaining the results it has sought, often backward engineering the case from the ground up to assure a better chance of success.

Yerushalmi along with a small group of similarly motivated attorney's has been pursuing this concept with regard to mitigating the use of Shari'a in deciding American legal issues.

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