June 15, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - Today's Congressional hearings, "Threat of Muslim-American Radicalization in U.S. Prisons," helped to outline the process whereby American prisoners are converting to radical Islam.
Peter King [R, NY] Chair of the House Homeland Security in a prepared statement said, "Today we hold the second in a series of hearings on radicalization in the Muslim American community; specifically, on the important issue of the threat of Islamic radicalization in U.S. prisons. I welcome our distinguished panel of witnesses. They have first-hand insights into this problem, and we appreciate their willingness to share their experiences with the Committee. This issue of Islamic radicalization in U.S. prisons is not new. In fact, this is the third Congressional hearing on this problem in recent years. It is a hearing which is necessary because the danger remains real and present, especially because of Al Qaeda's announced intention to intensify attacks within the United States. A number of cases since 9/11 have involved terrorists who converted to Islam or were radicalized to Islamism in American prisons, then subsequently attempted to launch terror strikes here in the U.S. upon their release from custody.
Showing bipartisan concern King related the recent experience of Senator John Kerry [D, MA] who last year stated, "Three dozen U.S. citizens who converted to Islam while in prison have traveled to Yemen, possibly for Al Qaeda training."
Mr. King added, "Dozens of ex-cons who became radicalized Muslims inside U.S. prisons have gone to Yemen to join an Al Qaeda group run by a fellow American, Anwar al-Awlaki, whose terrorists have attacked the U.S. Homeland several times since 2008 and generally acknowledged to be Al Qaeda's most dangerous affiliate."
He also made reference to the fifth column work being done by American Islamist organizations [aided by the MSM] in an attempt to quash the investigation, "...the first radicalization hearing which this Committee held in March of this year was met with much mindless hysteria - led by radical groups such as the Council of Islamic Relations and their allies in the liberal media personified by the New York Times."
Emphasizing his feeling that bipartisanship on this matter is possible, Mr. King said, "...the Department of Homeland Security is formulating a comprehensive plan to stop terrorist radicalization and recruitment in America's prisons" appealing to the administration for a coordinated effort to deal with the danger irrespective of party differences.
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