Iranian Double Agent Kahlili - Rape And Torture Common Under Iran's Islamic Regime
June 14, 2011
June 14, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - Ever since the Islamic revolution of 1979 in Iran and the rule of the clerics, rape, torture and execution has been a common practice by the Iranian rulers.
The clerics even honored those who killed the most. Ayatollah Mohammad Mohammadi Gilani, as the chief judge of the Revolutionary Courts, had ordered demonstrators killed and virgin girls raped prior to execution so they could not go to heaven. He called the torture and killing of male and female opponents of the regime fair and just. All for no other reason than they violated the Islamic law as viewed by the mullahs. He was awarded the highest judicial honor for his 30 years of service to the Islamic Republic.
Recently Mohammad-Javad Larijani - head of the human rights council in Iran's judiciary called Execution, Eye Gouging, Cutting off Hands and Feet and stoning 'Beautiful and Necessary' under Islam.
Ayatollah Haeri Shirazi, a member of the Assembly of Experts (The body that chooses the Supreme Leader) in a meeting with the Iranian officials asked to implement the cutting off hands with the same persistence of wanting to wipe Israel off the map!