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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Whose Naksa is This Anyway ? Whose Naksa is This Anyway ?June 6, 2011 Sivan 5, 5771, 07 June 11 01:11by Daniel Pinner (Israelnationalnews.com)The all-new exciting up-and-coming word du jour in the lexicon of the Left-Islamic axis is naksa. Get used to it: it's coming your way. Naksa is Arabic for "setback", and the yawm al-naksa, or "day of the setback was June 5th. This is the date in the Christian Gregorian calendar that the Left-Islamic axis will from now on, year by year, mark as the defeat of the Arabs by the Jewish State in what came to be known as the Six Day War. Just to recap briefly: On May 16th1967, the Arab world began to prepare in earnest to exterminate Israel. It started when President Gamal Abd el-Nasser of Egypt ordered the UN Emergency Force, which had been stationed along the Israeli-Egyptian border since the Sinai War (1956) to keep the peace, to leave, and UN Secretary-General U Thant acceded within a few hours. Cairo Radio quoted Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer's Order of the Day to the Egyptian Army: "The Armed Forces have to be in a state of full preparedness in order to carry out all military functions on the Israeli front". By May 20, seven Egyptian divisions, fielding over 1,000 tanks and 100,000 troops, were deployed along Israel's border, including in the Egyptian-occupied Gaza Strip. On May 18th, Syria achieved battle readiness on Israel's north-eastern border, and on May 22nd, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli ships, as well as non-Israeli ships bound for Eilat, blockading Israel's supply routes from Africa and the Far East, and blocking Israel's oil supply. In short order, over a dozen Arab and Moslem countries joined the war coalition. By June 4th, the anti-Israel axis consisted of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Kuwait, Tunisia, Sudan, and Pakistan (who volunteered their air force). The next day the war began, and six days after that it was all over. With a Moslem coalition of that size ranged against Israel, it's little wonder that they have a chip the size of a mosque on their shoulder at losing the war. But here's the central question: What did the "Palestinians" lose? It is obvious what the main belligerents lost. Egypt lost the Sinai Desert and the Gaza Strip; Jordan lost Judea and Samaria (which they had re-named "the West Bank"), including half of Jerusalem; and Syria lost the Golan Heights. The other countries suffered the humiliation of being on the losing side. A decade and a half on, under the Camp David Accords, Egypt got back everything that they wanted – namely the entire Sinai Desert. The Israeli prime minister of the time, Menachem Begin, pleaded with Egyptian president Anwar Sadat to take back the Gaza Strip as well – but Sadat was far to savvy to accept: the last thing that he wanted was responsibility for the Arabs of Gaza. And a few years after that, in 1988, the Kingdom of Jordan dropped its claim to the "West Bank". The result is that today, the only country which still claims that Israel occupies part of its land is Syria, which claims the Golan for itself. And the "Palestinians"? Well, until the Six Day War they didn't even exist as a nation. True, the PLO was founded in 1964 – but it was quite openly a tool of the League of Arab States, created by Egyptian dictator Gamal Abd el-Nasser as his proxy in the pan-Arab war against Israel. Whatever other reasons the Moslem countries may have had for attacking Israel, "liberating Palestine" was most emphatically not their motive. The fact is that when Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria, and Egypt the Gaza region, they never gave the "Palestinians" so much as a single square nanometre. Forget independence, autonomy, sovereignty – as long as other Arab countries occupied any part of Israel, the "Palestinians" had zero prospects for any freedom whatsoever. Only after Israel gained control of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza did the concept of a "Palestinian" entity in those areas arise. Had the Arab axis defeated Israel in the Six Day War and carried through their intentions of total annihilation of Israel and all the Jews therein, then the "Palestinian" nation would simply never have come into being. The "Palestinians" would still be Egyptians or Jordanians – as they were before the Six Day War – because no Arab country was ever going to grant them any form of self-determination whatsoever. One wonders, then, how the "Palestinians" can claim that the Six Day War was a naksa, a "set-back", for them. Israel's crushing victory over the Arabs in 1967 was the best thing that has ever happened to the Palestinians; not merely because Israel has been the only country ever to grant them any political self-rule, the only country ever to offer them a state of their own. But also because without the Arabs' defeat, the "Palestinian" nation would never have been created. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/10309 |