May 20, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - Yesterday, attorneys representing families of 9/11 victims made a filing in Manhattan's U.S. District Court, which heavily implicates the Islamic Republic of Iran in the September 11, 2001 jihadist attack undertaken by elements of al-Qaeda.
A website Iran 911 Case, created by the Philadelphia law firm headed by Thomas Mellon, Jr. [lead attorney in a 9/11 suit filed on behalf of Fiona Havlish, whose husband, Donald perished in the WTC's North Tower] claims that, "...Iran played a key role in planning and facilitating the 9/11 attacks and called on the U.S..."
The posting also states, "Representing eight law firms from across the United States, the attorneys and their team of investigators have turned up convincing evidence that Imad Mughniyah was the main liaison between Iran's leadership and al Qaeda and that Mughniyah played an active role in planning the 9/11 attacks. Mughniyah, a Lebanese Shiite, was a top commander in Hezbollah, the terrorist organization created and supported by Iran since the early 1980s. Mughniyah was assassinated on February 14, 2008, in Damascus, Syria."
The central focus of the filing pertains to the actions of Imad Mughniyah, who is no stranger to terrorism having been accused, "...of masterminding the April 1983 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, that killed 63 people, the October 1983 simultaneous attacks on the U.S. and French military barracks in Beirut that killed 241 U.S. Marines and 58 French soldiers; and the kidnapping and murder of numerous U.S. hostages in Lebanon, including the CIA's Beirut station chief William Buckley and U.S. Marine Lt. Colonel Richard Higgins."
Mughniyah is also thought to have been a key player in the, "...1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847...the murder of U.S. Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem, and by Interpol for his role in the 1992 attack on the Israeli Embassy, and the July 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish community center, both in Buenos Aires."
The new evidence was obtained as a result of a private investigation undertaken by the legal team, which formed a panel of experts including three former 911 Commission members who sifted through testimony taken from, "...former U.S. Government and intelligence officials, members of the 9/11 Commission staff, former Iranian intelligence officers, and a wide variety of non-governmental experts and fact witnesses..."
The investigation reveals for the first time the existence of hard evidence of Iran's intimate involvement in aiding al-Qaeda both before and after the attacks, a connection the 911 Commission was still working on as its report was published.
As attorney Tim Fleming states, "Imad Mughniyah was known to be an agent of Iran, running terrorist operations for Iran and Hezbollah. Mughniyah's participation in the hijackers' preparations for the 9/11 attacks leaves no doubt that Iran was directly involved in, and had foreknowledge of, a planned terrorist attack on the U.S."
He added that the 911 Commission had determined that, "after 9/11, Iran and Hezbollah wished to conceal any past evidence of cooperation with Sunni terrorists associated with al Qaeda.'"
It has long been known that despite sectarian differences between Shia Iran and the Sunni led al-Qaeda, there has been a degree of cooperation between the two seemingly antagonistic groups. If this new information proves to be valid, it will be a game changer, entirely transforming the nature of the still festering controversy regarding the American incursion into Iran. Moreover it will provide some measure of closure for the 911 families as well as Americans in general as the true dimensions and nature of Islamic jihadism comes better into focus.
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