May 12, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - According to an announcement on the Muslim Brotherhood's English website, Egypt's "freedom" revolution will, not surprisingly, perpetuate a policy of widespread Muslim bigotry, disallowing either non-Muslims [primarily directed at the already much persecuted Christian Copts] or women from being candidates in the country's upcoming presidential election, scheduled to be held at the end of this year.
"Senior MB leader Mohsen Rady confirmed that 15 percent of the party's founders are not affiliated with the group, adding that in fact a number of Copts including Coptic intellectual Rafiq Habib have signed up. Citing former statements by the elected party leader Dr. Mohamed Morsy the MB has confirmed that there will be no discrimination between Muslim and Christian party members; he added in fact it will accept a Copt as deputy for the party if elected. He maintained that the Freedom and Justice Party will not differentiate between males and females however it rejects the candidacy of women or Copts for Egypt's presidency ." [source,]
This leaves official Washington, especially State Dept. types, in an untenable position as they continue to spread the lie that the process unfolding in Egypt will bring forth a new participatory democracy, bereft of the type of discrimination and bigotry which has, and continues to, dominate the Muslim world.
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