May 10, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - According to various reports [see,] the door handle of a Louisiana mosque was allegedly smeared with pork in what Islamist groups are now calling a hate crime, "Muslims in Bossier City, La., reported to police that a white male in a pick-up truck tampered with the doors of the Mosque and left pork on the door handles..."
Ibrahim [aka Douglas] Hooper, CAIR spokesman, suggested that the event is demonstrable proof that Islamophobia in the United States is out of control, "These types of incidents will continue to occur as long as our nation's leaders fail to speak out forcefully against the growing anti-Islam sentiment in American society," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper..."
As noted in an October 13, 2010 piece Possible "Bacon Attack" on South Carolina Mosque - CAIR In High Dudgeon, about a similar incident, the motivation behind the faux outrage of the Muslim Brotherhood front groups in such situations is clearly intended to define the nature of "hate" crimes down to a level where it has the potential to thoroughly trample the Constitution, of course thus clearing the path towards Shari'a compliance:
"The issue which the outrageous nature this Looney-Tune non-event masks, neatly encapsulates what many now understand to be among the most critical threats facing the United States - efforts by Islamists to make Western societies Shari'a compliant. In this case, equating even the most sophomoric supposed slights against Muslims with a serious violation of Shari'a, insulting Islam or its prophet..."
CAIR [yes, one of the unindicted co-conspirators in U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation] has advised American mosques to take advantage of its special "Muslim Safety Kits" [which presumably contains rubber gloves and handy-wipes] to protect these institutions in the future.
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