May 5, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - - According to Al Hayat Daily, Hamas and Fatah terror leaders, Khaled Mashaal and Mahmoud Abbas [Abu Mazen] recently concluded an acrimonious meeting at Cairo's Egyptian intelligence headquarters and there signed a "reconciliation" agreement.
The paper also suggests that Hamas' headquarters in Syria will be closed and that both Qatar and Egypt had agreed to host the terror organization, however with Qatar stipulating that is would only accept Hamas' "non military" political wing.
In an article on the Muslim Brotherhood's English website [] it is claimed that, "Khalid Mashaal, head of the group's politburo, will move to Qatar while his deputy, Musa Abu Marzouk, will go to Egypt, according to the report..."
The "report," mentioned in the MB web quote also refers to Al Hayat as the original source.
Musa Abu Marzouk [also, Marzook], named as a designated international terrorist in 1995] was a pivotal figure in the largest American prosecution of Hamas terror financing, U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation, having co-founded and then heavily funded the fraudulent Muslim "charity" which siphoned at least $12M from the U.S. to Hamas.
If Hamas does move its operation to Egypt, the responsibility for such a distressing development must be placed upon Mr. Obama, given his vocal support for the so-called Egyptian "freedom" protesters in Tahrir Square, his pulling the plug on our long-time Egyptian ally, president Hosni Mubarak and then throwing him [with countless others] under his campaign bus.
What this matter seems to indicate is that while the administration seems to have the capacity to follow clear cut foreign policy templates established by others [witness the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and most recently, the bin-Laden operation] but when forced to rely upon its own resources is hopelessly lost in a world which it clearly doesn't understand.
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