May 4, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - Indiana's sometimes GOP Senator, Richard Lugar [ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry Chairman] seems to have his eyes set on working with the Dems to defund the war in Afghanistan.
In a strongly worded statement made yesterday, Lugar's assessment of the planned $100B expenditure [FY 2012] to be made for that campaign was harsh, " is exceedingly difficult to conclude that our vast expenditures in Afghanistan represent a rational allocation of our military and financial assets." [source, Senator Lugar's website,]
Lugar suggested that the "mission" must be clarified as to "core objectives," but offered nothing clear in the way of guidance.
Taking an entirely contrary position, as recently as January 18, Lugar indicated that a withdrawal from Afghanistan would produce "disappointing," effects as far as American interests were concerned. [source, Editorial board meeting with Christian Science Monitor,]
This leaves Mr. Lugar where most conservatives usually find him, riding what he thinks are the prevailing winds with little regard for anything but his prospect for re-election.
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