April 20, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] will headline a roster of speakers during the dinner break on the first of a two day public relations event being held at UC Berkeley [April 21-22] which is intended to further the fraudulent allegation that Islamophobia in the U.S. is rampant.
Awad was one of the founding members of CAIR, an Islamist organization which has consistently failed to specifically and by name condemn Hamas as a terrorist entity. Not surprisingly given the group's history and associations, it was named as an unindicted co-conspirator/joint venturer in the largest Hamas terror funding prosecution in U.S. history, U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation. [source, List of Uninticted Co-Conspirators and/or Joint Venturers]
The trial resulted in the conviction of all of the defendants on a total of 108 charges. Among those convicted was Ghassan Elashi, a co-founder of the Texas chapter of CAIR. Elashi was already serving a long sentence on a previous terrorism conviction [U.S. vs. Infocom] involving commerce with among others, Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas leader.
In response to legal efforts by CAIR to be removed from the co-conspirator/joint venturers list the U.S. District Court, North Dallas stated in its opinion, denying CAIR's plea:
"ISNA and NAIT, in fact, shared more with HLF than just a parent organization. They were intimately connected with the HLF and its assigned task of providing financial support to HAMAS. Shortly after HAMAS was founded in 1987, as an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, Govt. Exh. 21-61, the International Muslim Brotherhood ordered the Muslim Brotherhood chapters throughout the world to create Palestine Committees, whose job it was to support HAMAS with "media, money and men." Govt. Exh. 3-15. The U.S.-Muslim Brotherhood created the U.S. Palestine Committee, which documents reflect was initially comprised of three organizations: the OLF (HLF), the IAP, and the UASR. CAIR was later added to these organizations. Govt. Exh. 3-78 (listing IAP, HLF, UASR and CAIR as part of the Palestine Committee, and stating that there is "[n]o doubt America is the ideal location to train the necessary resources to support the Movement worldwide . . ."). The mandate of these organizations, per the International Muslim Brotherhood, was to support HAMAS, and the HLF's particular role was to raise money to support HAMAS organizations inside the Palestinian territories. Govt. Exh. 3- 17 (objective of the Palestine Committee is to support HAMAS)."
[source, ACLU, http://www.aclu.org/images/asset_upload_file142_36171.pdf]
Because CAIR is such a discredited entity, Awad's inclusion in such an event should be little more than a bad joke. It proves that this event is all smoke and mirrors, another example of the Muslim Brotherhood's stealth jihad to undermine the West and create enmity against the United States.
No doubt the Berkeley campus will be flooded over the next two days with fools all too anxious to believe the propaganda which will flow from this conference.
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