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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Bertus Hendriks: Witness Against Wilders Apologist for Terror Bertus Hendriks: Witness Against Wilders Apologist for TerrorApril 17, 2011 April 17 2011-Militant Islam Monitor-In his piece "Wilders Trial and Witness Bertus Hendriks" in the newspaper ‘Het Vrije Volk' Dutch investigative journalist and author Peter Siebelt details the "path from Marx to Allah"* which was taken by Hendriks over the past decades. Siebelt traces Hendriks involvement in leftwing causes and his meetings with Arafat and pro Palestinian and pro Hamas support. Hendriks is scheduled to testify against Party for Freedom leader Geert Wilders at his trial on April 15 for insulting Muslims and discrimination. http://www.wildersontrial.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=26&Itemid=4 According to Siebelt, Hendriks is an apologist for terrorism and virulently anti Israel. "Hendriks is one of many career activists who attempts to whitewash Palestinian terror attacks with statements such as "I condemn it but you have to understand the reason behind it"…Meanwhile Hendriks was wearing two hats and was next to the NPK activities (translators note: National Palestinian Committee) had begon on a scientific career at the University of Amsterdam. As lecturer in political anthropology of the Arab and Islamic world. In 1989 he landed at the Wereldomroep where he was from 1989 to 1994 head of the Arabic department of Radio Nederland. Next to that he was until his pension in 2007 Middle Eastern specialist for all the language departments of the Wereldomroep. In between that he increasingly made appearences as expert in NOVA, the NOS- Journaal and other radio and television programs to give detailed explanations about what was going on in the Middle East at that moment. Since October 2008 he is the chairman of the journalists and writers club ‘On File'. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also makes use of his services. In his career as activist and journalist Hendriks has met the past PLO leader Arafat many times, in Beirut, in Algeria, and in Egypt. After Arafat's death Hendriks ‘has placed his bets on another horse', Hamas...On January 11 2009 he appeared with a number of his expert comrades in a colorful documentary from the Nederlandse Islamitische Omroep (NIO). Here also he also glided through the criminal practices of Hamas. "Hamas is not a terror organization. Hamas does use terrorist practices ehhh, just like most of the liberation movements have done, such as in Algeria (…)...This NPKer has worked himself to the top as activist, scientist and journalist from the very beginning to become one of Holland's most well known Middle East experts. He prefers not to be confronted with dark matters from his past." http://www.hetvrijevolk.com/index.php?pagina=13119 *To see a review of Peter Siebelt's book "The 4th World War- The Path From Marx to Allah" click here: http://www.meforum.org/1656/de-4th-wereld-oorlog-het-pad-van-marx-na-allah ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On December 3rd 2009 the writ of summons was served on Geert Wilders. He is charged with five counts;
http://www.wildersontrial.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=26&Itemid=4 |