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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Hundreds To Call For FAU Islamist Professor's Termination - Thursday April 14th at 11:45 a.m. at FAU Hundreds To Call For FAU Islamist Professor's Termination - Thursday April 14th at 11:45 a.m. at FAUApril 11, 2011
http://www.americansagainsthate.org/press_releases/PR-Bassem_Alhalabi_Terminate_FAU.php April 11, 2011 PASTOR MARK D. BOYKIN , JOE KAUFMAN OF AMERICANS AGAINST HATE, AND ANTHONY VERDUGO OF THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY COALITION CALL ON FAU TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF PROFESSOR BASSEM ALHALABI FOR HIS INVOLVEMENT WITH INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS THAT SUPPORT TERRORIST ACTS AGAINST THE U.S. AND ISRAELHUNDREDS TO PROTEST IN FRONT OF FAU; PASTOR BOYKIN TO MARCH TO THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE AND WILL DELIVER AN OFFICIAL REQUEST(Boca Raton, FL) Rev. Mark D. Boykin, Senior Pastor of Church of All Nations and Mr. Joe Kaufman, Chairman of Americans Against Hate are calling on Florida Atlantic University to terminate the employment of Professor Bassem Alhalabi for his involvement with individuals and organizations that support terrorist acts against the United States and Israel. A protest and press conference will be held on: THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2011, 11:45 a.m. Mr. Bassem Alhalabi was research assistant to Sami Al-Arian and wrote a number of publications with him. According to U.S. Department of Justice documents, Al-Arian, was sentenced to 57 months in prison for assisting a terrorist group. In his guilty plea, Al-Arian admitted that "he and a several of his co-conspirators were associated with the Palestian Islamic Jihad, knowing that the PIJ had been designated as a Specially Designated Terrorist and that it engaged in horrific and deadly acts of violence." Mr. Bassem Alhalabi is also associated with the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR). It's first imam, Ibrahim Dremali, was a representative of the Southeastern Division of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA-SE), an organization that was asking its followers to give material support to groups associated with al-Qaeda. Mr. Dremali was arrested in October 2010 on immigration related charges. The imam who replaced Dremali at ICBR was also arrested in May 2003. ICBR's spokesman was arrested in July 2005, and one of ICBR's founding directors was also the creator of the official website of al-Jamiya al-Islamia, the Gaza parent organization of Hamas. ICBR member Rafiq Sabir was also convicted of supporting al-Qaeda. "We have an individual teaching at FAU, who supports organizations that want to destroy both the United States and Israel," said Pastor Mark D. Boykin. "He should not be allowed in this country, let alone teach at such a fine institution, and the administration at FAU must begin the necessary proceedings to terminate his employment immediately," added Pastor Boykin. Professor Bassem Alhalabi was found guilty of shipping military equipment to Syria by the U.S. Department of Commerce in June 2003 and was arrested on March 22, 2010 for two separate charges of assault and battery. "We are calling on the FAU administration to terminate the employment of a very dangerous professor who has ties to terrorists," said Mr. Joe Kaufman, chairman of Americans Against Hate. "There is plenty of documented evidence that shows that Professor Bassem Alhalabi does not merit employment at FAU," continued Mr. Kaufman. "It is unconscionable, after all that we know about Mr. Bassem Alhalabi, that the administration at FAU is still allowing him to teach; he represents a national security threat; he must be terminated immediately and be deported from the United States," stated Anthony Verdugo, Founder and Executive Director, Christian Family Coalition. Hundreds are expected to attend the protest and press conference. Contact: [email protected]. |