March 18, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - - Geert Wilders, the head of Holland's Freedom Party, says that a Moroccan cultural center aimed at strengthening ties between Moroccans and Dutch will achieve exactly the opposite.
The politician stated that, "The Moroccan government should not in any way be involved with Moroccans in Holland." The center is to be financed by the Moroccan government for the purpose of providing Moroccan youth with a greater knowledge of their culture. [source,,buitenland]
Wilders thinks that the center will work against the integration of Moroccans in Holland, already a huge problem in the Netherlands, and has asked for clarification from the Minister of Internal Affairs. The Moroccan Minister for migrant affairs made the announcement while in Amsterdam, expressing his "satisfaction" at how well Moroccans had integrated there.
That claim is beyond the pale:
For example, in early November, 2004 Moroccan born, Dutch educated jihadist Mohammed Bouyeri, brutally murdered [nearly decapitating] the film maker Theo van Gogh because Bouyeri decided that van Gogh's film about the abuse of women, by male Muslims, "insulted Islam."
According to crime statistics, half of all Dutch born Moroccan youth have had encounters with law enforcement. Moreover, these immigrants have adamantly refused to learn the language, adjust to a secular pluralistic culture and become integrated into society
In an article entitled "Moroccan Youth Terrorise Dutch Town" this writer cited the Dutch newspaper Trouw's reporting on one of numerous incidents involving Moroccan youth and their targeting of native born Dutch, "The problems with the Moroccan youth in Oosterwei are ongoing since 2008. Residents are accosted on the street, hit with stones and eggs, robbed and cursed at by youth who are mostly younger than 12 years old." [source, translated from the Dutch - sourced at -,]
With this in mind concerns raised by Wilders and others take on special importance, given the antagonistic tribalism currently on display by all too many of the country's Moroccans.
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