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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Geert Wilders: Anti Islam Party Needed In All Europe

Geert Wilders: Anti Islam Party Needed In All Europe

February 27, 2011

February 27 2011- Militant Islam Monitor -In an interview with NU.nl Geert Wilders, the head of the Freedom Party (PVV) in Holland ,declared that all of Europe needed an anti Islam party adding that "an anti-Islam wave is going through Europe". Wilders supports the initative in Germany which lead to the formation of a German party, Die Freiheit ,which has a platform similar to that of his own party the PVV.

Wilders also said that: "In many European countries people are critical about Islam. I would really like to start a party in all those countries. Such a party could quickly get 20% of the votes." http://www.elsevier.nl/web/Nieuws/Europese-Unie/290486/Wilders-In-heel-Europa-behoefte-aan-antiislampartij.htm

Click here for the two part interview with Geert Wilders:

"The Anti-Islam Wave Can No Longer Be Stopped" Part II


"With Islam Every Democracy Remains Fake" Part I


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