February 1, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In an attempt to stay on top of where the Ikhwan is [publicly, on its toned down English language website] on the Egyptian crisis we go to the source, IkhwanWeb.
Current front page items include this not very reassuring statement regarding Israel:
"...The US, which is often at Israel and beck and call, has been trying to convince leading Arab states that their enemy is Iran and Sunni Islamist movements, such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, not Israel which committed a virtual genocide in Gaza two years ago and is constantly trying to kill the prospects of Palestinian statehood by keeping up the construction of Jewish colonies on stolen Arab land..." [source, Of Course Israel Is Egypt's Enemy, http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=27755]
The following item is very interesting, in that court documents once again establish the ties between the Ikhwan and terrorism, in this case its relationship with the Pale terror group Hamas, the reference is to MB Deputy Chairman, Kheirat Al-Shatar.
From IkhwanWeb:
"...Abdel Moneim Abdel Maqsoud, the Brotherhood's chief lawyer, explained that President Mubarak's decree to exclude senior detained Brotherhood leaders from the presidential pardon is contrary to the Constitution and deprives them of their legitimate right...Abdel-Maqsoud has noted that the exclusion of Al-Shater and other MB members from the presidential pardon is an abuse of power, demanding their immediate release..." [source, Appeal for MB Deputy Chairman Al-Shater Postponed to February 8 , http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=27912]
From the Middle East Media Research Center [MEMRI]:
"...During the military tribunal of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt General Guide's second deputy, Kheirat Al-Shatar, the prime witness revealed documents attesting to an organizational connection between Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. According to his testimony, the purpose of the Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood coordination was to infiltrate jihadist elements into the Palestinian territories for purposes of military training and establishing armed groups in Egyptian Rafah, the West Bank, and southern Lebanon.." [source, Documents In Egyptian Military Tribunal Reveal Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood Coordination, http://www.thememriblog.org/blog_personal/en/2728.htm]
Consequently, the MB continue to have a PR problem.
While the group continues to claim moderation [even going to the extent of now hooking up with Islamist stooge Mohammed El-Baradei, who at best turned a blind eye to Iran's nuke program when he served as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency from 1997 to 2009] its English statements, present a very different picture when examined against other public records.
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