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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Egyptian Copts - "With Our Soul And Our Blood We Redeem The Cross" Egyptian Copts - "With Our Soul And Our Blood We Redeem The Cross"January 5, 2011 January 5, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Chanting, "With our soul and our blood we redeem the cross," Egypt's Christian Copts protested the recent bombing of an Alexandria church, which killed more than 25. The violence occurs against a backdrop of al-Qaeda hectoring Alexandria's Muslims to "destroy the cross," "In the weeks before the New Year's Day suicide bombing of an Egyptian church, al-Qaida-linked websites carried a how-to manual on "destroying the cross," complete with videos on how to build a bomb and the locations of churches to target — including the one that was attacked. They may have found a receptive audience in Alexandria, where increasingly radicalized Islamic hard-liners have been holding weekly anti-Christian demonstrations, filled with venomous slogans against the minority community." [source, Anti-Christian drumbeat loud before Egypt attack, AP, http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iohMy5LGHFB_K6a0GyOr8taaAISg?docId=0de41fe06ea6435c815293fcf76e1fa1] World-wide attempts by stealth jihadists to deny any Islamic connection to the carnage is contradicted by the presence of local Muslims at the scene heard chanting, "Allah Akhbar," God is great, the traditional Muslim war cry, popular since the time of Mohammed. From combined press reports, it seems that the Mubarak government might be in the process of attributing the bombing to a single person, intending to minimize the obvious potential for anti-Muslim blowback from this event. As noted repeatedly on these pages, the genocide against the Middle East's Christians, is occurring across the entire Muslim world unabated and largely, until very recently, ignored by the media [see, William Mayer, Beila Rabinowitz, Christians Under Genocidal Attack Throughout The Muslim World, PipeLineNews.org] Not only is this happening in countries with Islamic majorities, it is also taking place in European nations which have substantial Muslim minority populations such as Holland [see, Christian Asylum Seekers in Holland Intimidated by Muslims and the Widespread Trouble with Muslim Immigrants, Emerson Vermaat, PipeLineNews.org] Click on link below to view videos. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=copt152011101%2Ehtm |