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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Jihad through Conversion - Florida Muslims push Islamisation of America through campus and community interfaith activities

Jihad through Conversion - Florida Muslims push Islamisation of America through campus and community interfaith activities

February 21, 2005

Islam 2000

Jihad 2000 by German convert to Islam Murad Hoffman

"Where the Muslim World is at the threshold of the 21st century and what it takes to make Islam the relevant religion of that century worldwide"


MIM: Islamic organisations in Florida are waging a relentless campaign to spread Islam through Da'wa. Islam Awareness month at USF is "dedicated to educating USF students about Islam" and is one of the ways in which Islam is brought to students at universities throughout America under the guise of 'diversity'. Islam Awareness Month,events include a lecture entitled "Signs of Allah" and the performance of Allah Made Me Funny, a Muslim 'comedy' group consisting of native born Muslims and converts who 'joke' about suicide bombings.

The Tampa Bay Woman's Muslim Association lists their mission statement "To promote Da'wah- the sharing of the Islamic message with others" and includes among their activities, "interfaith breakfasts for women" and "the selling of bumper stickers with the Islamic message".

The University of Southern Florida ,aka Jihad U, is living up to it's name by allowing the Muslim Student Association to use the facilities of the Univesity to propagate Islam with their Islam 101 course . (The MSA at USF was formerly lead by the daughter of jailed USF professor Sami Al Arian, (who was indicted for the terrorists murders of 100 people).

Islam 101 at USF appropriately offers a class Jihad/Struggle. According to the website advertisement for the class ;The "more people who come" to the "free resourceful class" will ensure that "more people will pass on the correct information (about Islam) to their "friends, family and colleagues".


MSA's Islamic Awareness Month (February)

Every semester, the Muslim Student Association at the University of South Florida hosts a series of events dedicated to educating the USF students about Islam. Each semester is a success and insha'Allah this time will be no exception. Please review the following events planned.

Feb 3
- "Eid Celebration" at the MLK Plaza 10am-2pm
This event will show the different Muslim communities around the world celebrating the same holiday, Eid. Pizza and wings will be provided.

Feb 8- "Colors of Islam" 10am-2pm
This event shows the diversity and unity in the Muslim world. From Asians to Africans, Arabs to Americans, we all worship the same God.

Feb 14- "Signs of Allah" 10am-2pm

The MSA is also helping to promote the "Allah Made Me Funny" comedy show and the "Jesus:Biblical & Qur'anic Perspectives" Muslim-Christian Dialogue mentioned above.


The Muslim Student Association of USF is offering its free Islam 101 class again, to any interested people. This class is aimed at educating non-Muslims about Islam, dispelling misconceptions, and opening communication with other students.

Each week a different Muslim student presents a particular topic for approximately 30 minutes and then leaves approximately 30 minutes for a question and answer session. Alhamdulillah (thanks to God) last semester the Islam 101 was successful but they need your help:

Please spread the news about this free resourceful class. The more people that come, the more people who leave with a better understanding of Islam, and the more people who will pass on the correct information to their friends, family, and colleagues.

What: Islam 101 class
Where: USF in Marshall Center room 006 (basement)
When: Thursdays at 5pm
Why: Learn about Islam

Topics, dates, and presenters:

1/27- Part I: Islamic Civilization/contributions- "Founding" of Islam and spread- Siddiq and Kenan

2/3- Part II: Islamic Civilization/contributions- Aliyah

2/10- Creed (6 pillars of Faith)- Hamza and Shehzad

2/17- Life/Practices of the Prophet (peace be upon him)- Mehnaz

3/3- Position of women- Jennifer

3/10- Jesus in Islam- Rehana

3/17- Jihad/ "Struggle"- Laiq

3/24- Islamic Spirituality (ihsan)- Danya

3/31- Contemporary Issues/Misconceptions (post-colonialism, media, etc)- Naveed

4/7- Question and answer

Topics are subject to change based on recommendations from regular attendees.

If you need more information please contact the Islam 101 coordinator Sr. Danya.



Mission Statement and Goals

United Muslim Association of Tampa Bay Women is an inter-communal organization of Muslim women working together co-operatively as one.

Our motto: "And hold fast altogether, by the rope of Allah, and do not be divided amongst yourselves." -- Quran 3:103

Funded: June 2001


  • To follow the Quran (the last Holy book sent from God) and Sunnah (the teachings of the last prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him)
  • To promote Muslim co-operation and unity
  • To promote Dawah (the sharing the Islamic message with others)
  • To promote communication, organization, and activism among Muslim women
  • To provide community outreach
  • To provide social services to the needy, non-Muslim and Muslim
  • To coordinate activities and resources with other organizations that may share similar goals
  • To provide recreational activities for the youth


  • Community Outreach Committe
  • Family Services Committe
  • Fundraising Committe


  • Annual Islamic Dress Festival and Cultural Festival
  • Internet list serve. To subscribe, send an email to [email protected]
  • Organizing the collection and distribution of clothing, household goods, and toys to the needy
  • Breakfast meetings at 10:00 am on the second Sunday of each month.
  • Providing the "Liberation of women in the Koran" video for public access
  • Selling of bumper stickers with an Islamic message
  • Sponsoring inter-faith breakfasts for women

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