CAIR-PA Staff and Members with Mayor Nutter
April 14, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - - On April 3, 2010 the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] held their 4th annual banquet in Philadelphia. CAIR is a discredited organization, named as an unindicted co-conspirator in U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation et al., the nation's most important and successful Hamas funding prosecution. On November 24, 2008, all defendants were found guilty on a total of 108 charges which included conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, providing material support to a foreign terrorist, and conspiring to commit money laundering. Further complicating the picture for CAIR, one of those convicted in the trial was Ghassan Elashi, the founder of the Texas chapter of CAIR, who was already serving a long prison sentence on another terror conviction. Of additional note, apparently based upon evidence presented at this trial, the FBI made the determination that CAIR was so problematic, that it halted all contact with the group [see,].
Despite the above being public knowledge, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter nonetheless addressed the gathering. One of the other speakers at the event was Johari Abdul-Malik the director of community outreach for the radical Dar Al Hijrah mosque. Dar Al Hijrah was in the news recently, as one of its former imams - the al-Qaeda linked cleric Anwar Al- Awlaki - praised Ft. Hood shooter Malik Hasan's murderous jihad. [see,]
Al-Awlaki is also thought to have ministered to two of the 9/11 hijackers.
Nutter began his speech with the Arabic greeting "Asalam Alaikum," praising CAIR as "a great organization that is doing fantastic work." He also lambasted the media over its coverage of Muslims saying that "I have seen...where the description of someone who may have done something wrong or did do something wrong was preceded by 'Muslim whatever'…and that the one thing I know about the Muslim community is that you have a respect for the law and are peaceful…I want our media to be very very sensitive."
Nutter also spoke about ways in which he and the city of Philadelphia would be working together with CAIR in the future. He mentioned that through the Mayor's office of Faith Based Initiatives he "had the opportunity of working with any number of (sic) Islam leaders and learn more and more not only about Islam the religion but about the Muslim community." The Mayor talked about CAIR's collaboration with the Islamic Social Services Association of Philadelphia and of conversations the city government has had with Muslim community leaders.
According to Mayor Nutter, "We are expecting to put together a training and education program for the top officials in our city government and additionally with our Philadelphia police department. We want to make sure that everyone at the highest levels has a much better understanding of who our American Muslim community is and what they're about… We want to make sure that in our city government people are not harboring thoughts that may come from being ill informed or lack of information and working with this organization and a number of others we want to make sure that top officials in government are paying attention to these kind of issues."
The Mayor ended his speech by lauding CAIR's efforts and saying he "looked forward to working with CAIR and many other organizations that support and represent the interests of American Muslims in communicating information about Islam all throughout Philadelphia, our region across our state and across the United States of America. May Allah bring you blessings. God bless you."
It would behoove Mayor Nutter to in the future, fully vet the organizations before he and the city provide what is in essence, the Good Housekeeping seal of approval. CAIR's record is clear, having engaged in a stealth jihad campaign of compelling Shari'a compliance at every opportunity.
As such the organization is doing exactly the opposite of what Mr. Nutter stated, "fantastic work," and the sooner he realizes it, the sooner he will cease being seen as a buffoon, expertly played by a group of Islamists.
The only thing fantastic about this event is that CAIR managed to convince another apparently well-meaning public servant to shill for it.
2010 Beila Rabinowitz, LLC. All rights reserved.