Terror Soft Eric Holder Busted - Identity of Al-Qaeda 7 Revealed by Fox News
March 3, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Team Obama was hit hard this afternoon by a major revelation by Fox News [see, http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/03/03/exclusive-unknown-doj-lawyers-identified] which has determined the identity of 7 of the attorneys currently working for DOJ who either represented accused terrorists, filed amicus briefs on their behalf or worked for firms who represented these clients, usually pro-bono.
Two DOJ attorneys had already been identified.
The seven are:
Jonathan Cedarbaum - Office of Legal Counsel
Karl Thompson - Office of Legal Counsel
Joseph Guerra - Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Justice Department
Tali Farhadian - Office of the Attorney General
Beth Brinkmann - Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department's Civil Division
Tony West - Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Civil Division
Eric Columbus - Sr. Counsel, Office of the Deputy Attorney General.
Previously outed include:
Neal Katyal - Principal Deputy Solicitor General
Jennifer Daskal - National Security Division Attorney
The stonewalling DOJ has admitted the information is correct, but refuses to identify anyone else in the department who is linked to terrorist defense and refuses to say whether or not any of the above individuals are currently working on matters which might be a conflict of interest.
As we have noted in numerous pieces [see for example, http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=wolftrial2.2.10%2Ehtm] Representative Frank Wolf [R-VA] and Senator Chuck Grassley [R-IA] have led a lonesome effort to reveal the extent of the Obama administration's malfeasance regarding national security. It is especially instructive that Holder et al., were still resisting both houses of Congress' requests for information when Fox News broke the story.
Here is DOJ spokesman Miller's statement on the matter, attacking those who are simply demanding that team Obama come clean and reveal the full extent of its hiring of what amounts to the terrorist bar for important Department of Justice positions.
"On February 18, the Department sent a letter to Senators about political appointees who were involved in detainee-related litigation before joining the Department. As the letter stated, Department attorneys are subject to ethics and disclosure rules as required under both Department guidelines and the administration's own ethics rules, which are the strongest in history.
In the time since we sent that letter, politics has overtaken facts and reality. Each of the nine people referenced in the letter filed legal briefs that are available by using something as simple as Google. The names the Department is being asked to disclose are already in the public record, and can be easily found by anyone.
We will not participate in an attempt to drag people's names through the mud for political purposes. One of the hallmarks of our nation's legal system is that attorneys provide faithful representation to all sorts of clients. As John Roberts said at his confirmation hearings, it is wrong to identify lawyers with the client or the views the lawyer advances for the client, and our history is replete with such examples, from John Adams representing British soldiers to Department of Defense JAG lawyers representing Guantanamo detainees. Department of Justice attorneys work around the clock to keep this country safe, and it is offensive that their patriotism is being questioned, just as it was offensive when people questioned the patriotism of JAG lawyers representing detainees or the Supreme Court Justices who, by majority votes, ruled in favor of detainees in cases during the previous administration."
[source, http://www.mainjustice.com/2010/03/03/doj-lawyers-who-represented-gitmo-detainees-identified/]