Pakistani Scientist Convicted in NY on Terror Charges
February 4, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - - Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, born in Pakistan but educated in the United States, has been convicted in Judge Richard Berman's Southern New York District court on seven counts including attempted murder of U.S. citizens and U.S. officers and government employees. She was also found guilty of possessing a firearm in the commission of these crimes.
Throughout the trial Siddiqui's court demeanor verged on the bizarre, haranguing the court with outbursts, especially directed at Israel, "This is a verdict coming from Israel, not America—your anger should be directed where it belongs. I can testify to this and I have proof." [source,]
Siddiqui was arrested in the Afghani province of Ghazni. accused of attempting to carry out a terrorist attack. A search of her handbag revealed plans to carry out a mass casualty type assault. During an interrogation session conducted by U.S. forces Siddiqui grabbed the M-4 carbine which the interrogating officer had laid on the ground and started firing wildly. She was subdued by the same officer who brought her down with his side arm.
She was subsequently extradited to New York for trial.
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