Video: Rep Sue Myrick Warns Of Homegrown Terrorism, Ft. Hood Explained
January 10, 2010
Rep Sue Myrick Warns Of Homegrown Terrorism, Ft. Hood Jihad Explained
January 9, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - - In a new YouTube video, Representative Sue Myrick [R-NC] draws attention to the rising danger of homegrown terrorism, domestic jihad.
About the threat she stated, "...but there is one challenge that you haven't been hearing about, because your government hasn't been informing you and that's the rise of homegrown radical extremism in our country. The Ft. Hood shooting brought it back into focus."
Congresswoman Myrick relied upon 4 respected terrorism experts to provide expertise in helping her understand the matter in depth, including Steven Emerson and Walid Phares.