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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Obama Confidant Bill Ayers Joins Pro-Hamas Demonstration in Egypt Obama Confidant Bill Ayers Joins Pro-Hamas Demonstration in EgyptJanuary 4, 2010
Obama Confidant Bill Ayers Joins Pro-Hamas Demonstration In Egypt
In a December 31 posting to a weblog [see, http://www.theittlist.com/ittlist/ind/gaza_freedom_march_dispatch_3] Ayers wrote, "The GFM wanted to enter Gaza 1,400 strong to express solidarity with civil society, witness their struggle for survival and self-determination, and join in a massive peace march." "Civil society" in this case being that fostered by Hamas in Gaza. Protest observers said the crowd numbered less than 500, far below the organizers' rather generous estimate. The event was so beyond the pale that Egyptian authorities decided to break it up in a manner befitting a totalitarian Middle Eastern Islamic state, "Members of the Gaza Freedom March are being forcibly detained in hotels around town as well as violently forced into pens in Tahir Square by Egyptian police and additional security forces. Reports of police brutality are flooding a delegate legal hotline faster than the legal support team can answer the calls. The reports span from women being kicked, beaten to the ground and dragged into pens, at least one confirmed account of broken ribs, and many left bloody." [from GAF PR blurb, see http://www.france24.com/en/20091231-foreign-activists-hold-freedom-march-protest-against-israeli-blockade-gaza-closure] Three cheers for Mubarak on this one. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=ayers1.4.10%2Ehtm |