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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Saudis On Verge Of Establishing Huge Wahhabi Base In Fairfax County Virginia Saudis On Verge Of Establishing Huge Wahhabi Base In Fairfax County VirginiaJuly 13, 2009 Saudis On Verge Of Establishing Huge Wahhabi Base In Fairfax County Virginia By WILLIAM MAYER and BEILA RABINOWITZ
The institution is supported by the Saudi government, specifically the kingdom's Ministry of Education, notorious for its strict promotion of Wahhabist Islam in the classroom. In the most recent study of Saudi textbooks, some of which are used at Virginia's ISA, the New York Times found that, "Despite years of work aimed at changing Saudi Arabia's public school curriculum, the country's latest textbooks continue to promote intolerance of other religions, a new study said Tuesday. A first-grade student is taught that "Every religion other than Islam is false"; the teacher instructed to "Give examples of false religions, like Judaism, Christianity, paganism, etc." Fifth graders learn "It is forbidden for a Muslim to be a loyal friend to someone who does not believe in God and his prophet, or someone who fights the religion of Islam." [source, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/24/world/24saudi.html] Other, less politically correct studies find far worse:
The Fairfax County Supervisors' "meetings" at which this decision has been considered have featured crowds of up to 600 angry supporters cramming themselves into the supervisorial chambers and then systematically intimidating the few opponents willing to speak out against the planned expansion. These demonstrations of total intolerance are almost always accompanied by the Islamic call to prayer, adding to the intimidation factor. Many commentators on this topic have noted that several former alums of the academy as well as some former faculty members have been involved in serious acts of terrorism, with David Stokes observing, "Raed Al-Saif is a 2003 graduate of the Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA), the same institution that gave us the likes of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was the school's valedictorian in 1999. If that name rings a bell, it's because he's the guy who was convicted in 2005 on charges that included "providing material resources to Al-Qaeda" and "conspiracy to assassinate President George W. Bush." [source http://townhall.com/columnists/DavidRStokes/2009/07/12/the_county_and_the_school_of_hate?page=full&comments=true] It is difficult to assess the reasoning behind the county supervisor's support of this program. Whether it is due to hectoring by the nearby Saudi loving State Department or sheer intimidation by the school's local proponents, if this institution receives the go-ahead to expand it will serve as a concrete lesson to the Islamists that America, especially under the Obama administration can be easily rolled with the effect being the establishment of a huge foreign controlled and dominated Islamic jihad factory almost within throwing distance to the center of American government. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=isaid=7.13.09%2Ehtm |