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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Pak Taliban "Buying" Children And Forcing Them To Become Suicide Bombers Pak Taliban "Buying" Children And Forcing Them To Become Suicide BombersJuly 5, 2009
Pak Taliban "Buying" Children And Forcing Them To Become Suicide Bombers
Apparently, Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of Pakistan's resurgent Taliban is buying pre-teen children for as much as $14,000 to supply the endless demand for suicide bombers. Children as young as 7 have also been kidnapped for the same purpose. According to an anonymous source at the DOD, "[Mehsud] has turned suicide bombing into a production output, not unlike [the way] Toyota outputs cars...[he] produces these suicide bombers, which are sold or bartered, which can be used by [Afghan Taliban leader Mullah] Omar's Taliban or ... other groups." [source, ibid] Mehsud narrowly escaped death in a U.S. sponsored drone attack last week that killed nearly 100 of the Taliban leader's top fighters. The extremes that the radical Muslim jihad is willing to undertake in order to carry out its mission of establishing Shari'a on a worldwide basis was outlined on these pages in a February piece, see The Depravity Of Iraq's Islamists - Woman Confesses In Widespread Rape/Suicide Bombing Scheme.
Jassim's confession has already been broadcast widely on Iraqi television.
Female suicide bombers have been a mainstay of al-Qaeda tactics recently due to the perception that women are less likely to be involved in terrorist activities as well, their manner of dress with heavy robes lends itself to concealing weapons. Islamic taboos also prevent even cursory searches of women by what are almost exclusively male security personnel.
In all, Jassim is believed to have been involved in the recruitment and brainwashing of over 80 victims, playing off strict Islamic codes of chastity which apply unequally between the genders and which serve as a major force in the degradation of women throughout the Muslim world." In light of this practice, Mehsud's kidnapping and then forcing children to blow themseleves up, "for the glory of Allah" is unfortunately not at all surprising. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=talibanid=7.4.09%2Ehtm |