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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Stealth jihadists delve into causes of extremism at ASMA conference in Doha -Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow

Stealth jihadists delve into causes of extremism at ASMA conference in Doha -Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow

January 20, 2009

MIM: Note that Arsalan Iftekhar an ex official of CAIR (an organisation which is an unindicted co conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial and a Saudi funded front group for Hamas) was a panel moderator. Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow called upon "Intellectuals" and "academia" to delve into the causes of extremism which they claimed had nothing to do with Islam and was the fault of the West and Israel. MLT presents themselves as a voice for moderate Muslims while promoting stealth jihad.

For more on ASMA and the Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow see:

ASMA: American Society for the Advancement of Muslims- faux moderates promoting Islamisation by "Muslim Leaders of Tommorrow" http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2860

Source ::: THE PENINSULA (Qatar)


DOHA: The next generation of Muslim leaders have called on the intellectuals and academia to look into the causes of Muslim extremism rather than generalising the social problem. A panel discussion on "Tackling Violent Extremism: Our Responsibility?", held on the second day of the international conference hosted by Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (MLT), observed that a deeper discussion on various aspects of Muslim extremism are needed for detecting the root cause and finding a solution. Mona Kanwal Sheikh, one of the panelists, said Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, injustice or violence.

The phenomenon of more and more young people attracted to the militant outfits is a matter to be discussed covering all aspects of the issue. The wider perceptions about Jihad and martyrdom must also be subjected to a wider discussion, she said. Mona, a researcher at the University of Copenhagen, attributed occupations on the borders to be one of the major reasons for the growing support for extremist outfits.

There is a lack of psychological integration among the Muslims in many parts of the world. "Violence can be justified if it is defensive. Occupation certainly demands resistance", she said. "When one really feels that his identity is under attack, it is natural that he will fight back, irrespective of his religion," said another panelist Azhar Hussain. "What is the dividing line between a moderate Muslim and an extremist Muslim ? To what degree provocation can create an extreme Muslim. Can an angry Muslim be branded as an extremist?". These are some of the pertinent questions to be addressed by the academia, Hussain said.

Hussain, who is the Vice President for preventive Diplomacy at the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy (ICRD), also stressed the need for getting the community involved in the activities to safeguard their identity. Faris Arouri (Palestine), Shaarik Zafar (USA), Muzamil Jaleel (India) and Saqeb Mueen were among others who spoke. Arsalan Iftikhar (USA) was the moderator. The concluding day of the two-day event also witnessed a panel discussion on "Framing and Messaging in the Media".

Over 300 dynamic Muslim leaders, hailed from over 75 countries, discussed the most urgent collective challenges the Muslim community at the meet. They also debated solutions to pressing issues such as the global Muslim crisis in authority and the mandate to promote peace over extremism from within. The Conference was organised by the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA). in collaboration with the Cordoba Initiative and UN Alliance of Civilizations (AoC). It was sponsored by the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID). CAP: Mona Kanwal Sheikh (middle) addressing the Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (MLT) meet at Marriot Hotel yesterday asa other panelists look on:pic by Salim Matramkot.

A cartoon unveiled by American cartoonist Saleh Memecan at the 2006 MLT Conference in Copenhagen



MIM: Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (who are preparing the implementation of sharia) issued this open letter full of 'kumbaya' to world leaders in which they write that "meeting basic needs" will mean that Muslims are less likely "to be swayed by radical ideologies". This disingenuous claim ignores that fact that terrorists like the 9/11 hijackers,Osama Bin Laden , and many others came from the upper eschelons of society and were educated and lived in the West.



Open Letter to the World Leaders of Today from the Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow

In the face of the world's many unprecedented challenges, and with Barack Obama as the new U.S. President, there is no better time for men and women across the globe to present a case for positive change. We, as 300 Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow living in 76 countries around the world*, respectfully present this Open Letter to the World Leaders of Today. If we are to inaugurate a new era of hope and peaceful engagement, Muslim and non-Muslim world leaders must commit to the following:


  • Allocate resources to meeting basic needs, infrastructure, the environment, education, and job creation, because healthy, well-educated, and engaged citizens are more invested in their societies and are less likely to be swayed by radical ideologies.
  • Support policies that enhance development and human rights, not war, because these rights are God-given to all and their violation inhibits our efforts to sustain peace, tolerance, and hope.
  • Generate opportunities for intellectual and cultural advancement, because creative minds are better positioned to find solutions to complex challenges.


  • Promote youth participation in government and civil society,=2 0because in order to resolve our most intractable conflicts and problems, we must galvanize the youth to become part of the solutions.
  • Ensure the full political participation and democratic rights of all people—including youth, women, and religious and ethnic minorities—because extremism is curtailed and prosperity ensured when all members of society are engaged, speech is free, governance is open and ethical, and civil society is robust.


  • Respect the contributions of all, including Muslims and peoples of other faiths, to their own societies and to global civilization, because a world built on mutual recognition is achievable only when everyone's contributions are valued.
  • Safeguard our shared—Muslim and non-Muslim—values of peace, pluralism, and cooperation, because we draw upon these values to positively transform our communities.


  • Seek honest engagement as equals, because respect and trust between leaders sets a powerful example for all.
  • Pursue dialogue and diplomacy to resolve longstanding conflicts, because they destroy individuals and societies and weaken the efforts of future leaders like us to instill hope and ensure justice.
We urge you, the world leaders of today, to take these steps, so that we, the Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, can help steer our world towards a better future for all. We are dedicated to working with you to realize this vision. The time for change is now.

*This letter represents a collective call by the group of MLTs attending the 2009 MLT Conference in Doha, Qatar; individuals will have the opportunity to personally endorse this letter during and after the conference.

The Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (MLT) is a global program, social network and grassroots movement cultivating the next generation of Muslim leaders. The MLT program generates a free and open public space where this community can vigorously debate ideas, share best practices, and help one another become better leaders. With ethnic, religious and social diversity as key strengths, the MLTs are stepping up as spokespersons and activists for peace and tolerance around our globe today. MLT is the largest global program creating a new generation of Muslim civic leadership.

MIM: Note that the MLT Values Charter stresses that leadership means to embrace an Islam that is all encompassing. It also states that they want to "create a platform..true to the diversity of the Ummah...guided by the teaching of the Qur'an and the Prophet".


bismillah al rahman al rahim
As Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, we proclaim our commitment to improving our communities and our world for present and future generations. Driven by sincere intentions and leading by example, we create a platform for informed, collective, and sustainable action; true to the diversity of the Ummah and the pluralism of Islamic thought, we work together and empower others to find solutions to difficult challenges; and, guided by the teachings of the Qur'an and the Prophet, we strive to create secure, peaceful, and thriving societies for the benefit of all humanity. We dedicate ourselves to the following:

Freedom: To protect the right of every man, woman, and child to live a free and dignified life.
Justice: To build a just global community, particularly for those that are most vulnerable.
Pluralism: To encourage tolerant and respectful intra-Islamic and interfaith interactions.
Intellectual Development: To create an environment of open dialogue, intellectual exchange, and knowledge sharing.
Creativity: To nurture the creative impulses of Muslims and Muslim cultures worldwide.
Leadership: To unite Muslims by exemplifying Islam as a faith of spiritual reflection, intellectual engagement, and social responsibility.

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