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Law Enforcement Continues Sorry Record In Partnering With Islamists

January 14, 2009

Law Enforcement Continues Sorry Record In Partnering With Islamists


January 14, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In August of 2008 the FBI and New York State Police presented special awards to the Muslim Scouts of America troop from the Hancock, New York village of "Holy Islamberg." [ http://islamicpost.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/muslim-scouts-of-america-receive-awards-for-911-relief-work ]

The medals did not originate with the police units but were provided by El Sheikh Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, who resides in Lahore, Pakistan.

The scouts were trained by an organization which calls itself Muslims of the Americas [MOA].

MOA is widely believed to be part of Jamaat Al Fuqra [JAF] one of the most radical Islamist groups operating in the United States today and which has founded numerous radical Muslim enclaves across the United States.

JAF is led by the aforementioned Sheikh Gilani who is thought to be intimately connected with the kidnapping and subsequent beheading of Wall Street Journal writer Daniel Pearl [it is believed that Pearl was on his way to visit Gilani when he was accosted].

JAF's fundamentalist ideology stresses purification of Islam through use of violence. Al-Fuqra members, since the 1970 founding of the group in New York, have been convicted and implicated in numerous acts of domestic terror including a campaign of bombings mounted against American Indian [not Native American] religious groups. The Al-Fuqra villages have served as bases for these operations.

This is not the first time the FBI has participated in award ceremonies with the Muslim Scouts of the MOA. In 2004 several FBI agents and county sheriffs participated in a similar event at the South Carolina village of "Holy Islamville," one of several MOA enclaves and part of the Al-Fuqra mini-empire.

At the Islamiville event, the head of the South Carolina FBI, Les Wiser gave a speech glorifying the agency's relationship with the MOA, waxing lyrical about diversity, apparently unmindful that MOA's definition might differ substantially from his own or that of the FBI. [source, http://www.iqou-moa.org/muslim_scouts/les_weiser.htm ]

These Islamist compounds are hotbeds of conspiratorial anti-Semitism and Muslim radicalism, below from founder, Gilani's website, in a piece entitled, "Media Terrorism: The Hate Campaign Perpetrated By The Zionists."

"The greatest fear of these Zionist is to see Muslims and Christians joining hands be­cause they will be singled out as the common enemy, a process which has already started as the world realizes that they are the true terrorist who manu­facture terror in order to realize their objective, world domination under the Satanic rule of the New World Order. Rather than becoming a victim of this intricate scheme the public should demand to know what happened to the 4,000 Jews that were conve­niently absent from work at the World Trade Center on Septem­ber 11, 2001." [source, http://www.iqou-moa.org/rebuttals/media_terrorism.htm ]

We find nothing in this reprehensible viewpoint that is in any way consistent with either the American or the Scouting traditions.

The actions of New York State police, joined by representatives of the FBI in Islamberg, New York and the corresponding FBI involvement in Islamville, South Carolina, underline the need for law enforcement to thoroughly vet the individuals and groups with which they interact.

Additionally they must be mindful that one of the goals of the Islamists domestically is furtherance of the Muslim Brotherhood's stealth jihad, wherein radical Muslim groups use the openness of this society as a means to undermine it.

One of the Islamists tactics towards that end is seeking out - as was done in these two cases - undeserved legitimacy which will accrue to themselves by forging these self-serving alliances with law enforcement, the military, church groups and other key organizations, in a false show of moderation.

To the degree that this was done in these two cases, safeguards must be put in place to prevent further occurrences in the future.



Ceremony Honors Muslim Scouts for 911 Service to their Country

On Sunday, September 14th, the long awaited moment had finally arrived from Muhammad Ismail A. Shahid and the other hundred or so Muslim Scouts who answered the call of service to their country during the weeks following the 11th of September. The International Quranic Open University (I.Q.O.U.) and its staff sponsored a dinner and awards ceremony honoring the scouts for their monumental serviced despite the fact that their own government and the Western media failed to acknowledge their service. Local officials such as the mayor of Deposit, New York, and the state po lice department were some of the invited guests. Honor Scout, Ismail A. Shahid from Islamberg, New York, spoke about how he felt honored to help his fellow country men and women in need. Scout Leader, Talibdeen A. Haqq, who had organized scouts in Tennessee to mobilize on September 12th and join the efforts in N Y, said, "it is the Islamic way of life to help those in need." Other scouts and scoutmasters spoke on their experiences that day as the audience sat in utter silence giving full attention to the detailed descriptions being given by the speakers and to the closing remarks of Scout Master, Shuaib Ahmed of Holy Islamville, South Carolina. Guest speaker Muhammad Salih, of Mian Mir, Michigan explained all the trials and difficulties the scouts endure without making one complaint during the relief efforts where the tirelessly delivered supplies and assistance to fire stations and relief shelters throughout New York City. They worked as close to the site of the disaster itself, as possible as up to a month after the tragedy took place. Master of Ceremony, Honorable Khalifa Muhammad Atiq Qadri, finally encouraged those gathered not to pay attention to hasty conclusions and accusations concerning who is behind the attacks, but to take care to gather all the facts and derive their own conclusions.



Muslim Scouts of America Commencement and Awards


Correction: Please note, the awards for the 9/11 relief work and other relief work of the Muslim Scouts of America were sent by El Sheikh Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani for the commencement, and handed out by the New York State Police officers in attendance at the event, in honor of the Scouts' good work.* Muslim Scouts of America Commencement and Awards

By Abu Rashid Qadri, Islamic Post Staff Writer

The sporadic rain showers and the threatening clouds did not dampen the spirits of hundreds of guests that gathered on the grassy meadow in the Village of Holy Islamberg in Hancock, New York on Sunday, the 3rd of August to mark the Commencement Ceremony for the 2008 Muslim Scouts of America's Summer Program. The intensive, broad-based program centered on Islamic Studies; but also included such diversified topics as English Literature and a lecture=2 0series on "Muslim/Christian Unity" and "Civic Responsibility." For close to two decades his Eminence, Imam El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, who is the Vice Chancellor of the sponsoring organization, the International Quranic Open University, has worked tirelessly to make this program a success. That Sunday, the "fruits of his labor" were given very special recognition. The Guests of Honor, Lt. James Land and20Det. Mike Franz of the New York State Police and Special Agent Eric Boyce of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were pleased to present special awards to those scouts which had been sent by El Sheikh Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani. The Scouts who received these awards (correction) exemplified all that the scouting program is about when they sacrificed their monies and time and in some cases their employment to assist in the rescue and relief efforts at Ground Zero following 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the quake that devastated Pakistan and the floods in the Southern Tier of New York State.
The ceremony began with recitation from the Holy Quran, a stirring rendition of the Star Spangled Banner and an opening address by the Master of Ceremony, Khalifa Khalid Ihsan Abdullah Qadri. Some 150 scouts received certificates for completing the demanding 30 day course of study. The ceremony continued with Khalifa Khalid Qadri presenting special awards to the three top finishers in the Qiraat, Naat, Speech and Poetry competitions that were held amongst the scouts. Awards were also given for excellence in sporting competitions which included softball, cross country obstacle course and the ancient wrestling sport of Kabbadi.
One could hear a pin drop when the Program Coordinator, Khalifa Hussein Abu Bakr Qadri, stepped to the podium to present the most prestigious awards. Sha'ban Ahmed, of the Village of Holy Islamville in York, S.C.20received the distinguished, "Best All Around Award" and Shafi Kaba of the Village of Holy Islamberg in Hancock, New York received the esteemed, "Best Scout Award."
Following the closing address dinner was served but festivities did not end there. The main road in Holy Islamberg was lined with vendors exhibiting their wares, food, clothing and crafts. Two families celebrated the birth of newborns and both held an Aqeeqa and served barbequed and roast lamb and side dishes to all that could navigate the village road to their home. All activities contributed to a worthwhile experience. Pdf of camp and commencement highlights can be viewed here. *The awards were not presented on behalf of the New York State police department as previously stated.


For more on Jamaat Al- Fuqra see:

Home Grown Jihad : The Terrorist Camps Around U.S. Home Grown Jihad : The Terrorist Camps Around U.S.

` http://www.christianaction.org/store/comersus_viewItem.asp?idProduct=13

Price $20.00


Excerpt from a screed on the MOA website by Sheik Mubarik Al- Gilani.

Exposing Roots of Terrorism In U.S.

On the 12th of February, a so-called ‘interim investigative report' by an unknown private individual who called himself ‘CP' investigator and Douglas J. Hagmann , with the internet address, www.homelandsecurityus.com, was released. This highly questionable report about Muslims of the Americas (MOA), their town Islamberg, NY, the International Quranic Open University (IQOU), and the Vice Chancellor of IQOU, is a small part of a campaign of hate, fabricated falsehood, lies, and appalling propaganda aimed at bringing about a clash between Muslims and Christians the world over, and particularly in the United States (U.S.) As the Imam of the Muslims of the Americas and Vice Chancellor of IQOU, I take this opportunity to expose this recurring scheme of deception and falsehood conjured up by vested interests.

The compilers of this report, CP/Hagmann, assert the claim of the existence of an alleged "Jamaat-ul-Fuqra", placing me as its head. For the past 25 years I, and the members of MOA, and the staff of IQOU at Islamberg, have adamantly denied knowledge of any such organization in the U.S., Pakistan, or elsewhere.

In order to uphold and sustain one lie, one has to use hundreds of arguments. In this regard I am going to prove that Douglas J. Hagman and his group are the actual perpetrators of international terrorism, and racial and religious bigotry and their ceaseless campaign of hate, is more damaging to the U.S. than any other country. The U.S. has become a pawn of hidden hands that use America's wealth and the innocent blood of their sons and daughters to wage their wars against Muslims.

In World War II, observe how they managed to lure the U.S. into the war by concealing the Japanese secret code. This gave the green light to the Japanese to invade the U.S. at Pearl Harbor. This played an integral role in swaying public opinion towards opposing Hitler, eventually pushing the U.S. into the war.

It is obvious that Mr. Hagman is employed by those whose aim is to focus on creating hatred between Muslims and Christians in America. Their method is to facilitate unsubstantiated charges, and outright lies, against one of the most peaceful and patriotic communities in the U.S.—Muslims of the Americas.

One such peaceful and patriotic community is Islamberg, which is a Muslim village where the residing families are encouraged to foster good relations with their neighbors. MOA, the IQOU, and their respective villages and campuses regularly host government officials. Sheriffs, mayors, and FBI representatives have been invited to join the MOA village residents during seasonal sports events, cultural/religious activities and festive dinners. MOA villages and campuses are open for all to come and see for themselves.

We would like Mr. Hagmann to address the following:

On September 11th, about 100 MOA Boy Scouts belonging to MOA/IQOU were assisting the rescue and relief effort, on site, at Ground Zero, World Trade Center. They were surprised to learn, later, that some 4000 Jews employed at the WTC were conveniently absent on the 11th of September.

The glaring question arises: How is it that they all came to be absent on that fateful day?

Who were those people arrested on the New Jersey side by the FBI while videotaping the crash of the airplane?

Why did building No. 7 collapse when it was clear that it was not hit by any airplane?

Mr. Hagmann do you have any answers to these questions? Put the responses on your website and let the American public decide for themselves who the real terrorists are.

Let people decide. are the Muslim Boy Scouts of MOA/IQOU to be feared or rather those shadowy ‘insiders' who destroyed these buildings?

Their hope, to bring about a clash of civilizations, in order to realize their global empire, failed. And so too, their aim to blame the Muslims, will fail. http://www.iqou-moa.org/editorial/terror_roots.htm


Slander Against Muslim Communities

Miss The Mark

By Umm Safiyyullah

When reviewing the onslaught of insults and the recent hate campaign levied against the founding Chief Editor of The Islamic Post El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, and the Muslim villages in his community, one is reminded that history tainted by prejudice is wont to repeat itself; despite best efforts to the contrary. Considering the recent swirling typhoons of Islamophobia, religious intolerance, and terrorism one can see the beast feeding on itself again and again. This hatred, including the latest lies brought against the Muslims of the Americas, are part and parcel of a conspiracy, whose aim when brought into the light, clearly wishes to destroy America and the American people. The ones, who are working to destroy the reputation and the lives of Muslims, are the Illuminati, who are trying to spread hatred amongst and between the good people of this country, thus eventually bringing about a clash between Muslims and Christians. Fortunately, the eyes of the public have been opened and the masses have become aware of this conspiracy, therefore this will not happen.

Evidence of this conspiracy can be found in a recent article printed by the New York Post on June 4th titled Home Grown Terrorism: Catskills Site Eyed, which targeted one of the Muslims of the Americas villages located in Upstate New York. It was reported that the village, "…acts as the headquarters for an outfit called Muslims of the Americas, widely believed to be a front for Jamaat al Fuqra, founded by radical Pakistani cleric Mubarak Ali Gilani." This colossal fabrication is perhaps the worst form of sensational reporting which seeks to misrepresent and connect the Muslims of the Americas with a phantom and non-existing conspiratorial group labeled Al Fuqra. These attempts seem only to clarify the sterling reputation of the Muslims of the Americas.

The article also states, "Reports of gunfire and military-style physical training at the camp have led some investigators to believe that the group's members are preparing for a home-grown jihad."

And goes further to claim that, "The feds have alleged that some group members have been sent to Pakistan and Afghanistan to receive terrorist training." This falsehood is steeped in its own ruin, as there is no such proof or truth contained in these statements. Which documents were used to make such claims? Which feds are being quoted here? Certainly not the many individuals from both the FBI and CIA, who over the last ten years have kept open relations with the Muslim of the Americas. The sources used by the New York Post (if indeed such a source exist) could not be referring to agents from both these organizations who have attended and participated in the graduation ceremonies of the American Muslim Boy Scouts (hence, the feigned military style training). In fact, representatives from these organizations have in recent times taken to visiting the villages during the camp and holding their own instruction with the scouts.

In addition, it was purported that, "Gilani is the extremist who Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was reportedly trying to meet in Pakistan when he was abducted and beheaded." This flimsy slander is another such fabrication that can best be refuted by the well-documented statements of the investigative authority figures. El Sheikh retains he never met, nor knew Daniel Pearl, and indeed Special Agent Kathy Diskin who was on site trying to locate the missing journalist stated, "I had an opportunity to sit in on an interview with Sheikh Gilani, and within fifteen minutes, our feeling was he was not involved in this."

These insults, designed to ruin the character of El Sheikh and the peaceful purpose of the Muslims of the Americas villages, have fallen short of their mark due to the courage of the public and its refusal to buy such lies. One such courageous individual can be found in the personage of the Honorable President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, an ideal Muslim ruler, who single-handedly brought forth truth in defense of the Noble family, and sought to expose such conspiracies. There is much gratitude for his efforts. May he forever be saved from the corruption of the Illuminati, and may he become the principal thorn in their proverbial sides when exposing their conspiracies. Our prayers are with the Honorable President of Pakistan General Musharraf, as Paul Findley pointed out and asserted, ‘he who dares to speak out against these conspiracies, must be careful'.

Similarly, El Sheikh himself, who dares to speak out also, has experienced being targeted by the Illuminati forces. It began after the arrest of Richard Reid the shoe bomber, when Boston Globe reporter Farah Stockman a woman who could easily be linked to organizations which wanted to spread rumors, went door to door in Pakistan with the Shoe Bombers' picture asking if anyone knew El Sheikh, as he was a follower of Pir Gilani. At the time of the terminal illness of the father of El Sheikh, Farah Stockman comes to the door of El Sheikh and he lets her know that his father was dying and he could not see her. After some time, she leaves a letter which was found by El Sheikh's father and whose contents so shocked him with his weak heart that within hours he passed away. This was a great loss as El Sheikh's father was a prominent member and worker in the Pakistani movement. Following this, there were attempts made on El Sheikh's life. At this time, he became very cautious and decided that he should not stay in Lahore. The third attempt made on El Sheikh's life took place at a home of his where he was not located. Four men with guns attempted to murder El Sheikh's cousin who was staying at the house. Shots were fired and one of the intruders was killed. When authorities were called, it was discovered that the dead man was the son of the priest of local Christian militia. Despite the death of one individual, the case was not registered and the whole affair was hushed. At this El Sheikh knew that this affair was momentous, and so he went away to a remote village. After some time it was revealed to El Sheikh that he was mentioned in the newspapers, and that the authorities were looking for him concerning the disappearance of American Journalist Daniel Pearl. Immediately, El Sheikh sought out the authorities, as he had no part in the Daniel Pearl intrigue. The Authorities questioned El Sheikh, and the interview can be best summarized, as mentioned earlier, by FBI Special Agent Kathy Diskin who said, "I had an opportunity to sit in on an interview with Sheikh Gilani, and within fifteen minutes our feeling was he was not involved in this." The trauma and losses suffered by the family of El Sheikh were numerous. The damage included and was not limited to the snatching, detainment, and abuse of El Sheikh's eldest son by authorities, and the death of both parents, as the shock of the accusations were tremendous and overwhelming. Indeed, the whole concocted story of the Daniel Pearl conspiracy is one component of a hate campaign that holds no truth. As time has passed, it is now widely believed by people of significance that the disappearance of Daniel Pearl was much too suspicious and that he is not dead at all.

The rumors are aimed at destroying the character of El Sheikh. Yet, amidst this insanity, if one wishes to seek truth wherever it may be, beauty, modesty, and humility can be found in the small and parsimonious (yet, rich in culture and tradition) villages belonging to the Muslims of the Americas, and guided by El Sheikh. Despite their meager means, the villagers are both striking and refined in their manners and way of life. Much hard work and effort as been put into the community, and the end result are peaceful citizens. The supposed secrecy of the villages can be defied by the many neighbors, journalist, authorities and officials (local and government), and many, many, others who have found their way to either location to be graciously hosted, often serenaded (most villages boast beautiful singing youth), and befriended by the inhabitants. The trampling of the sterling reputation of these Muslims, and the source of the Goliathan rumors that seem to abound and take flight with the smallest inclination are steeped in the past identity of the villagers themselves, who come from all walks of life (including incarceration and poverty; to name the worst) seeking a way of life that is good and clean and free of that which their past lives are shadowed with. Upon close inspection, these rumors are ill-fitting, as the fruit borne of the first generation villagers can be found in their children who (despite the few who have become casualties of the streets and the recent inner-city culture of the decade) have not only sought higher education and thus blossomed into doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc., but also returned to their communities, and the villages themselves to help nurture it along. The sad and curiously pieced together media witch hunt that also attacks El Sheikh Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani regretfully ignores the fact that this man, a humanitarian in his own right, guided the villagers to the true and peaceful practice of Islam and out of the ghettos and streets in which they lived. His encouragement included the practice of a law-abiding life free from regretful time passage in a jail cell, which was and is the anguish and reality which befalls most minority families and the bitter truth which has left minority communities bare and bereft of hope and aspiration. He also upheld and currently holds to the foundation of the Muslim villages which seek to maintain peacefulness, neighborliness, chivalry, kindness, humility, responsibility, and individual and collective generosity. He has, through much effort, reformed thousands of people in America, and this effort and hard work has brought forth peaceful citizens. Ironically, the lies purported about El Sheikh and the Muslims of the Americas are abounding when in truth, American Muslims are at the forefront in defending the U.S. against treachery.

There seems no end to the hate campaign which appears to be spiraling quickly out of control. Yet, despite the onslaught of negative tittle-tattle, the tender philanthropic aims of the Muslims of the Americas have reached as close as relief efforts at Ground Zero and locations hit by Hurricane Katrina, and as far away as the Southeast Asia Earthquake of 2005. The communities seek and keep good and open communication with their neighbors and the local media sources can often be found invited to attend any and all village functions and affairs. Bazaars, youth concerts, and religious services are all open-invitation as Islam (the religion of peace) retains its concrete and hearty claim to be the way of life for all of mankind. It is with this spirit that a request is made to all those involved in the spurious claims to stop, as much harm has come to the innocent, and a great deal of damage has been done already. http://www.iqou-moa.org/rebuttals/slander_against_muslim_communities_miss_the_mark.htm

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