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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Check book Islamism: George Mason U Accepts "Gift" From International Institute For Islamic Thought Check book Islamism: George Mason U Accepts "Gift" From International Institute For Islamic ThoughtNovember 12, 2008
Islamic Imperialism Alert - George Mason University Accepts "Gift" From International Institute For Islamic Thought By WILLIAM MAYER and BEILA RABINOWITZ
The decision by GMU to accept IIIT's funding places it well within a now established tradition of American universities bending to the will of Islamists in order to grab whatever cash is being dangled in front of them. Whether the decision makers at GMU were aware of IIIT's long association with groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and self-confessed terrorist Sami Al Arian, is really ancillary to the question, because whatever the decision making process, entering into a relationship with this group is not justifiable. If the university's officials were ignorant of IIIT's reputation as a radical Muslim organization, GMU's failure to adequately vet their prospective partner demonstrates a rejection of the most basic business practices at best. If however they were aware of IIIT's reputation and still went ahead in accepting the grant the entire matter becomes even more difficult to defend. The IIIT is part of an Islamist mini-empire based in Herndon Virginia. According to FBI documents IIIT has taken a lead role in establishing a plan to Islamize the United States. That plan was drawn up by the Egyptian terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, also known as the Ikhwan. The group has been the subject of surveillance for over 20 years. In the declassified FBI document [originally marked SECRET] excerpted below, first made available by Steven Emerson's Investigative Project, the IIIT is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood's blueprint to destroy America from within, "to institute an Islamic Revolution in the United States."
As the IIIT's website makes clear, its Vice President Jamal Barzinji was at George Mason for the signing of the agreement, but who is Barzinji? Barzinji is an Islamist and according to terror researcher Kenneth Timmerman, he has close ties with a host of radical Muslim organizations, including some who have been in turn linked to al-Qaeda:
Organizations operating out of Barzinji's offices included the International Islamic Relief Organization, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), and al-Haramain, all of which have been blacklisted by the U.S. Treasury Department because of their ties to al-Qaeda. Until the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the head of the WAMY office in Herndon was Abdullah bin Laden, younger brother of the Saudi terrorist who heads al-Qaeda. All of these groups were raided and their files seized by the Greenquest task force on March 20, 2002...previously sealed affidavit that lays out the government's motives for the massive raid alleges that Barzinji and his Safa Group companies were "suspected of providing material support to terrorists, money laundering, and tax evasion through the use of a variety of for-profit companies and ostensible charitable entities under their control, most of which are located at 555 Grove Street, Herndon, Virginia." As referenced in previous articles [for example, CAIR, The Muslim Brotherhood And The Khalil Gibran International Academy, The "Civilization-Jihadist Process" Is Well Underway ] this plan by the Muslim Brotherhood [aka the Ikhwan] [called "The Project] to infiltrate and subvert from within, became a key piece of evidence [government exhibit GX3-85, a .pdf of which is accessible HERE, ] submitted in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation [HLF] the United States' most significant terror funding trial. The 32 page document was seized during a 1991 raid on the Virginia residence of one of the HLF prosecution's unindicted co-conspirators. Half in Arabic, half in English, it outlines the audacious scope of the undertaking, whereby the Brotherhood hopes to work with similarly motivated Muslims to infiltrate and scuttle Western civilization - "sabotaging its miserable house from within" - with the goal of placing it under the yoke of a global Islamic theocracy, the caliphate. They call the means whereby this might come about a, "Civilization-Jihadist Process," directly mirroring the strategy for Islamic Revolution outlined in the above referenced FBI document.
Of note, at the conclusion of this policy statement, there appears a list of organizations which the Ikhwan is counting on as "friends" to help it overthrow the secular governments of the West and establish Shari'a compliant states. That list includes numerous American Muslim organizations including the International Institute for Islamic Thought.
Had George Mason U been less in a frenzy to accept the radical Muslim cash without question, it could have become aware of the Islamist MO in such matters, pumping money into U.S. universities, hoping to gain influence and prestige there. A study commissioned by the U.S. Dept of Education, first referred to in depth publicly by National Review's excellent investigative reporter Stanley Kurtz [see, http://www.nationalreview.com/kurtz/allforeigngiftsreport.html] makes the phenomenon of academia's susceptibility to checkbook Islamism, apparent. Recognition of this fact is what last year prompted, to their credit, Temple University to refuse to accept IIIT's similar grant offer. George Mason University's decision in this controversy smacks of self-serving expediency trumping any reasonable oversight. The least damaging explanations are either simple malfeasance or more darkly, not wanting to know the truth. In that vein perhaps the "vetting" might have been deliberately contructed to establish a basis for plausible deniability if the deal turns sour. Regardless, this matter should serve as a warning of just how far this component of the stealth jihad has progressed and how difficult it will be to stop, given the apparent unlimited appetite of organizations which are willing to toss reason and moral judgment under the bus in pursuit of a tainted bottom line. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=masonid=11.12.08%2Ehtm |