Broward School Board Member Robert Parks Refuses To Remove Hamas Supporter From Diversity Committee - Parks States That There Are "Two Sides To A Story"Americans Against Hate
(Fort Lauderdale, FL) On Tuesday, September 23rd, a group of six individuals from Americans Against Hate (AAH) met with Broward County School Board member Robert Parks at his office in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The meeting was concerning previous disturbing statements made by Parks' appointee to the School Board's Diversity Committee [pdf], Jawhar Sadallah Badran. AAH was calling for Badran's removal from the committee Badran, a representative of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), on March 1, 2008, was caught on camera clearly stating his support for Hamas. The statements included: "Hamas is not a terrorist organization," "Hamas is a defender of the Palestinian people," and "Hamas is better than Fatah, because there's no corruption. Hamas takes care of the people."
After being shown the video of Badran's statements, Parks said that he would not remove Badran, from the Diversity Committee, reasoning that "there is always two sides to a story." Parks then compared terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas and Hezbollah to his losing family in Vietnam.
Parks also repeatedly stated that Badran has "never demonstrated" to the committee his "pro-Hamas" and "pro-terrorist" beliefs.
Parks was further shown a statement made by Badran, in July of 2006, where he described himself as a suicide bomber. He stated to the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, "Hamas and Hezbollah are committing acts of defense against the acts of the Israelis. The only weapons that we have are to strap bombs on our bodies and do whatever damage and destruction we can."
AAH, as well, discussed the numerous terror ties of Badran's organization CAIR. However, nothing said or shown by AAH to Parks could convince him to remove Badran, whom Parks affectionately referred to as "Joe" and whom Parks said came "highly recommended."
Parks did say that he would not reappoint Badran, when Badran's term is up. So far, Badran has served two terms on the Diversity Committee.
AAH Chairman Joe Kaufman stated, "This matter is ‘cut and dry.' Badran states that he supports terrorist groups and violence, and we therefore do not believe he should be serving on any government committees, let alone one that deals with children. He should not serve one more day. He should be removed immediately. We are disappointed in Robert Parks for not doing what's right."
Those who are concerned can contact Robert Parks' office, at 754-321-2007. Please be respectful, when calling.
Joe Kaufman is available for interview. E-mail:
[email protected]
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Please sign petition to remove Badran.
CAIR's Jawhar "Joe" Badran, a member of the Broward Co. School Board Diversity Committee, was caught on camera making statements in support of Hamas.
Please sign our petition to the School Board to have him removed from the Diversity Committee.
And please post on websites and circulate e-mail.
Thank you.
Joe Kaufman
Americans Against Hate