DHS official Daniel Sutherland spoke at recent ISNA conference
September 23, 2008
MIM: Daniel aka Dan Sutherland the Department of Homeland Security Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties spoke at the recent ISNA conference. ISNA is an unindicted co conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial.
For more on ISNA see: "Department of the Defenseless"
"ISNA was established by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)-associated Muslim Students Association (MSA) in 1981, helped into existence by a group of MSA alumni and a teaching assistant at North Carolina State University (NCSU) named Sami Al-Arian, who only two years prior co-founded Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Egypt. ISNA was incorporated using the same physical address as the MSA, which was also the address used to incorporate the American Hamas financing wing, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF).
In December of 2003, ISNA was the subject of a terrorism investigation launched by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee "into possible links between nongovernmental organizations and terrorist financing networks."
In June of 2007, ISNA was named an "unindicted co-conspirator" in a legal case brought by the Justice Department against HLF officials that dealt with the funding of millions of dollars to Hamas. During the trial, a May 1991 MB document bearing ISNA's name was presented as evidence, stating: "The Ikhwan [Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and G-d's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
Even today, right on ISNA's official website, one can read the following quotes: "May Allah fight the jews and the christians. They took the graves of their Prophets as places of prostration . Two deens [religions] shall not co-exist in the land of the Arabs." And "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.'" http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=AE1AE743-9F2B-448A-BCF4-2D702EC6844C
END DATE 9/1/2008
LOCATION The Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 North High Street, Columbus, OH
DESCRIPTION The 45th Annual ISNA Convention will be held in Columbus, Ohio, where attendees will spend four days participating in sessions on Islam and Muslim topics of interest. ING will be presenting at the following three sessions at the ISNA conference.
Friday, August 29, 2008 8:30 - 10:00 PM Session 3A: Hall C Sharing the Spirit of Ramadan with Others: Outreach to the Greater Community
Ramadan provides an opportunity for mosques and communities across the country to open their doors to friends and neighbors. This session focuses on the methodology for effective outreach to communities of other faiths, including tips for hosting interfaith events in Ramadan. Fasting is a shared practice in all the Abrahamic faiths, and can be a springboard for celebrating our commonalities, and educating others about Islam. Speakers: Sayyid M. Syeed, Maha Elgenaidi, Rich Killmer, Jonathan Reckford Moderator: Rizwan Jaka
Saturday, August 30, 2008 2:45- 4:00 p.m. Session 6D: Room C 213-215 Promoting Civic Engagement
The goal of this session is to define and describe civic engagement, and to explain its importance in a post 9/11 environment. Speakers will explain the many ways Muslims can participate in civic life and will highlight the benefits of such participation. Chief among these are positive contributions not only to our own communities, but to the larger American society in which we live and of which we are an integral part. This panel will explore ways to combine the energy and talent of the Muslim American community and actively put them to use in making the world a better place. Speakers: Dan Sutherland, Eboo Patel, Maha Elgenaidi. Moderator: Suhail Khan
Sunday, August 31, 2008 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10C: Room D 130-132 Answering Difficult FAQs
Muslims today are bombarded with stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam that they are often not in a position to address or clarify. Almost daily new issues and questions arise that most Muslims are not equipped to answer. This workshop provides answers to contemporary frequently asked questions, as well as general tips for responding to such questions. Speakers: Salam Al Marayati, Jamal Badawi, Ameena Jandali Moderator: Maha Elgenaidi
SPEAKER Maha ElGenaidi, CEO and Founder of ING; Ameena Jandali, founding member and Content Development Manager, ING
SPONSOR Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
MORE INFORMATION For more information on this event, refer to the ISNA Conference website.
Officer for Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Daniel W. Sutherland
Officer for Civil Rights & Civil Liberties: Daniel W. Sutherland
On April 16, 2003, President Bush appointed Daniel W. Sutherland to be the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This unique position calls for Mr. Sutherland to provide legal and policy advice to the Secretary and the senior leadership of the Department on a full range of issues at the intersection of homeland security and civil rights and civil liberties. Mr. Sutherland and his office provide advice on issues such as: the use of race or ethnicity in law enforcement and intelligence activities; building strategic partnerships between the homeland security effort and American Arab and Muslim communities; and, the need to integrate people with disabilities into emergency planning and preparedness. Mr. Sutherland's 2005 speech on the need for the government to engage with Muslim-Americans in the war on terror has been printed in the publication Vital Speeches of the Day. Mr. Sutherland has testified before Congress on issues such as: the use of satellite technology to benefit homeland security projects; enhancing emergency preparedness for senior citizens and people with disabilities; and, building a respect for civil rights and civil liberties into fusion centers across the country.
Mr. Sutherland has been a civil rights attorney throughout his legal career, serving fourteen years with the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and nearly two years with the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education. Mr. Sutherland also served as the first Executive Director of the Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission. He has co-authored Religion in the Workplace, a book published in 1998 by the American Bar Association, and he has served at the White House, with the Domestic Policy Council, and at the Bush-Cheney Transition headquarters.
Mr. Sutherland has handled a number of important civil rights lawsuits. His litigation includes cases alleging discrimination by a large urban police department in its dealings with people who are deaf; allegations that a licensing authority would not adequately accommodate test-takers who are blind; and, allegations of discrimination against refugees from Vietnam and the former Soviet Union. Additionally, Mr. Sutherland has handled a number of cases dealing with the intersection of civil rights laws and athletics, including handling the case of the first baseball player who defected from the Cuban national baseball team, a lawsuit against the National Collegiate Athletic Association on behalf of student-athletes with dyslexia, and the case of Casey Martin, the professional golfer who needed the reasonable accommodation of a golf cart and who won his case on a 7-2 decision by the Supreme Court.
Mr. Sutherland is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law and the University of Louisville.
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Ingrid Mattson. Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) ..... Speakers: Dan Sutherland, Eboo Patel, Maha Elgenaidi. ... www.isna.net/assets/conventions/programs/convention08programv3.0.p
45thAnnual ISNA Convention Columbus, OH. Aug 29- Sept 1, 2008 Theme: RAMADAN A TIME FOR CHANGEْﻢِﻬِﺴُﻔْﻧَﺄِﺑ ﺎَﻣ ْاوُﺮﱢﻴَﻐُﻳ ﻰﱠﺘَﺣ ٍمْﻮَﻘِﺑ ﺎَﻣ ُﺮﱢﻴَﻐُﻳ َﻻ َﻪّﻠﻟا ﱠنِإ" Verily God will not change the condition of a people until they change it themselves ." The Qur'an 13-11 Friday, August 29, 20081:15 2:15 pm Jummah Prayer Main Prayer Hall Sami Catovic 2:30 3:30 PM Inaugural SessionBallroom 1, 2, 3 Presidents:Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Ingrid Mattson Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Khursheed Khan Muslim Students Association National (MSA National) Asma Mirza Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) Zaki Barzinji Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers (AMSE) --M. AlamAssociation of Pakistani Physicians of North America (APPNA)-- Mahmood AlamIslamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) --Hafizur Rehman Council of Islamic Schools in North America (CISNA) -- Safaa Zarzour Chairs:Convention Program - Sami Catovic Convention Chair - Abdul Wahab Steering Committee - Azeez Haque Moderator: Azhar Azeez
3:30 5:00 PM Session 1A: Ramadan: A Time for Spiritual RejuvenationHall C Ramadan is a once a year intensive training camp for Muslims, a time for retrospection, repentance, and rejuvenation. This session will prepare us mentally and spiritually for this blessed month of fasting and reflection, focusing on the inner dimensions of Ramadan and how to make the most of this special time. Speakers: Jamal Badawi, Mokhtar Maghraoui, Muzammil Siddiqi Moderator: M. Rajabally 5:20 pm Asr Prayer5:30 - 7:00 PM Session 2A: Meet the Scholars: Fiqh of Everyday LifeHall C This session addresses common concerns and questions from the audience in a talk show format. The diverse panel of experts will address questions from the floor on a variety ofissues relevant to American Muslims today. This is a unique opportunity for open dialogue and communication with the experts on topics ranging from Ramadan to family matters. Panelists: Muneer Fareed, Ihsan Bagby, Zainab Alwani Host: Hatem Bazian 5:30 7:00 PM Session 2B: Ballroom 5 Celebrating Our Islamic Heritage with the Somali Community of Columbus (Session in Somali Language)This is a special session for the Somali community in our host town that addresses some of the many issues they have had to deal with since coming here from war-torn Somalia to settle in Columbus. This panel will address issues faced by this fairly new community, some of which are similar to those faced by other immigrants, while some are unique to their situation, including parenting in the West, mental health issues, and other challenges, as well as opportunities for these new immigrants. Speakers and topics: Parenting in the West by Musa AhmedDealing with Mental Health Issues by Abukar Dahir Osman Challenges and Opportunities by Abdirasaq Farah 8:15 pm Maghrib Prayer8:30 - 10:00 PM Session 3A: Hall C Sharing the Spirit of Ramadan with Others: Outreach to the Greater Community
Ramadan provides an opportunity for mosques and communities across the country to open their doors to friends and neighbors.. This session focuses on the methodology for effective outreach to communities of other faiths, including tips for hosting interfaith events in Ramadan. Fasting is a shared practice in all the Abrahamic faiths, and can be a springboard for celebrating our commonalities, and educating others about Islam.Speakers: Sayyid M. Syeed, Maha Elgenaidi, Rich Killmer, Jonathan Reckford Moderator: Rizwan Jaka 9:40 pm Isha PrayerSaturday, August 30 2008Adhan 5:45 AM, Iqama 6:00 AM Spiritual Talk: 6:15 -6:45 AM Speaker: Jamal Badawi9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.Session 4A Hall B Turning the Tables"You just don't know what it's like!" Sound like a familiar response to nearly everything parents say these days? Parents: Are you tired of trying to decipher every word that comes out of your teen's mouth, and feeling caught in a constant guessing game? In this session a panel of teens answer questions parents have, frankly discuss the issues and challenges each face, and attempt to reach common ground. Speakers: Panel of Youth Moderator: Naeem Mohammed 9:00 10:30 amSession 4BBallroom 5 Improving our communication with Allah (SWT)The success of our daily life highly depends on how we communicate with Allah (SWT). Understanding and applying the principles of effective communications in our acts of worship help us to lead and regulate our daily life in the most efficient ways. The essence of submitting to Allah and worshiping Allah through the five daily prayers, supplications, and Dhikr is to communicate with our creator and sustainer consistently, frequently, and effectively. This talk will elaborate on certain elements in communication terms that would improve the quality of our daily prayers (Salaat), our supplications (Du'a), and our Dhikr to attain the ideal and optimum level of communication. Speaker: Yusuf Ziya Kavakci, Muhammad Y. Ninowy, Daud NassimiModerator: Moutasem Atiya
10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.mSession 5A: Hall B Election 2008: Understanding the Issues and Getting Involved in the ProcessIn this important election year, it is vital that Muslims get involved, understand election issues, and exercise their civic obligation of voting. This session will educate people on the topics, describe different political organizations, and provide information about other resources that can help clarify often confusing issues. As the country stands poised for change, Muslim Americans have a civic responsibility to participate in the politicalprocess and work for the betterment of their country. Speakers: Agha Saeed, Tahara Goraya, Salam Al-Marayati Moderator: Suhail Khan 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5B: Ballroom 5 Thinking Outside the Mosque: How Muslim Institutions Can Change AmericaIt is a sign of maturity for any immigrant community when it moves beyond establishing places that meet its immediate needshouses of worship, grocery stores for ethnic cuisine, travel agencies for trips back home, etc.and begins to look to the intellectual, scholastic , and social service needs that will help sustain the community for the long term. Muslims in America are clearly past that point. With the waves of immigrant Muslims in the past fifty years, combined with convert and African American Muslims, our community has attained a critical mass that necessitates a focused effort at building institutions. Zaytuna Institute intends this program to be a wide-ranging discussion about the institutional priorities and needs of Muslims in America. Speakers: Hamza Yusuf and Special Guests Moderator: Safir Ahmed 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5C: Room D 130-132 Fiqh of the FamilyThis session is an open Q & A session with members of the Fiqh Council of North America on matters relating to life, including marriage, divorce, and child rearing issues. This open forum with the experts is an opportunity to dialogue about the everyday issues that affect all of us and our families. Speakers: Zulfiqar Ali Shah, Zainab Alwani, Yusuf Ziya Kavakci, Muzammil Siddiqi Moderator: Abdool Rahman Khan 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5D: Room C 213-215 Toward a Just and Lasting Peace in Palestine and IsraelJoin representatives from the three Abrahamic faiths as they give their perspectives on prerequisites for a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel.
Speakers: Hatem Bazian, Cecilie Surasky Moderator: Jamal Dajani 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5E: Room C 210-212 Youth CultureYouth Culture is a product of the supersonic communication and virtual communities that were developed in the past fifteen years. It is effective, well-funded and global. It is shaping the minds and hearts of hundreds of millions of youth around globe, including your own. This session will shed some light on this cultural phenomenon and how we can best deal with it as parents, teachers and community leaders. Speakers: Iyad Alnachef, Habeeb Quadri Moderator: Sarah Soliman 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5F: Room C 110-112 Educational and Legal Challenges for Muslims and Minorities in IndiaThis session seeks to raise awareness and provide detailed research and analysis of educational conditions of Indian Muslims. It will provide facts, as well as information on the IMRC project in providing educational help to the desired students. Also discussed will be the time and finances needed to support IMRC's mission and objectives. Speaker: Salman Nadvi, Harsh Mander Moderator: Manzoor Ghori 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5G: Room C120-122Medical Aspects of Fasting: Living Healthy, Ramadan & BeyondFasting during the month of Ramadan is a requirement for Muslims, except for those who are exempt because of health or other reasons. Many patients who are taking medicines for different illnesses can fast, but care must be taken to minimize, if not eliminate, the risks of adverse health consequences. Speakers will discuss exemptions due to illness, pregnancy and fasting and also steps that can be taken to adjust medications during fasting. Speakers: Shahid Athar, Sheik N. Hassan Moderator: Hafizur Rehman 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5H: Room C 223-225Muslim Funerals (Janazah) in America: An Interactive Workshop with AhmadRufai Abdullah10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5J: Room C 220-222 Caring for Our Community: Establishing Health Clinics and Women's Shelters
This session provides participants with the basic tools necessary to start a community clinic or health network in their area, using UMMA Community Clinic and Compassionate Care Network as case studies. It will also address how to help victims offamily violence, which is the number one cause of injury to women in the U.S.-more than all other causes combined. The panel will discuss Fatima's Light House, a shelter for women and children in need, as well as highlight Hands to Hands Social Services, which assists families and children through education, air and counseling. Speakers: Yasser Aman, Azher Quader, Shereen Begum, Jawairriya Abdallah-Shahid Moderator: Aatiyyah Quadria 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5K: American Mosque in the 21stCenturyRoom D 230-232The continued growth of the Muslim community and its indigenization within the American society will have a significant impact on the mosque as an institution as the 21st century unfolds. Panelists, who are researching and analyzing this crucial subject, will discuss the anticipated role of the mosque within, and its relevance to,a rapidly changing Muslim community. Panelists: Sulayman Nyang, Zahid Bukhari, Louay Safi, Iqbal Unus Moderator: Ihsan Bagby 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5L: Room E 150-151 AMSE Session: Knowledge Infrastructure Development Through ICT inDeveloping CountriesInformation technology is an emerging field with a variety of applications in everyday life. This panel will focus on issues pertaining to the current development and applications of information technology towards improving the economic conditions indeveloping countries. Speakers: A. Awal, M. A. KarimModerator: M. S. Alam 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Session 5M: Room C 113-114 Meet The AuthorThis Meet the Author' session presents a platform to learn, share ideas and provide literary contributions to the community. Participants receive an opportunity to meet with authors who have contributed to Islam and Muslims in America and around the world. Beneath My Mother's Feet by Amjad Qamar 9 Steps to Achieve Your Destiny by Zohra Sarwari Authors: Amjed Qamar, Zohra Sarwari
12:15-2:30 p.m.BallroomCommunity Service Recognition LuncheonThe Mahboob Khan Community Service Award will be presented to a prominent community leader for his/her outstanding service to the Muslim community in North America. Check at the ISNA booth in the bazaar for tickets. (Tickets are $200, if seats are still available). Keynote Speaker: James Zogby 1:45 Zuhr prayer Prayer Hall 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6A: Hall C Service to the Community: Living the Spirit of RamadanOne of the major goals of Ramadan is to instill, in a fasting person, a sense of compassion and concern for those less fortunate,. How can we translate that focus into concrete programs and actions that serve the community? How does our faith serve as a springboard for providing needed social service programs and help us encourage existing projects? How do we walk the walk rather than merely talking the talk? Those involved in service projects will help inform and inspire us to exemplify our compassion and concern in our communities. Speakers: Altaf Husain, Aisha Al-Adawiya, Khursheed Khan Moderator: Iqbal Unus 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6B: Room E 160 - 162 Opportunities and Challenges in Raising our ChildrenAs children grow up, the world changes around them as well as their parents. In this era, parents face challenges in raising children who can uphold faith and serve humanity. Thissession will explore the importance of family atmosphere in raising children, as well asemphasize the role of parents in providing that favorable atmosphere. After a brief introduction to the topic, panelists will open up the discussion to questions and comments from the audience about this topic in a talk show format. Speakers: Mohammad Tarazi, Ekram Beshir, Sunni Al-IslamModerator: M. Rida Beshir 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6C: Room D 130-132 Defending the Prophet Against Orientalist CritiqueIn light of the recent spate of attacks against the honor of our beloved Prophet (SAW), it is imperative that Muslims are aware not only of what is said, but, even more importantly, how to respond to such misinformation. How much of these slanders are
pure fabrications? And how many have an element of truth but have been distorted or exaggerated? Even more profoundly, how does on understand and explain incidents that are indeed historically true, but are viewed in our times as being immoral or unethical? It is our goal to address a series of such incidents from the Seerah and explain the best methodology in defending the honor of our Prophet (SAW). Speakers: Yaser Birjas, Yaser Farzaka, Yasir Qadhi Moderator: Omar Zakariyyah 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6D: Room C 213-215 Promoting Civic EngagementThe goal of this session is to define and describe civic engagement, and to explain its importance in a post 9/11 environment. Speakers will explain the many ways Muslims can participate in civic life and will highlight the benefits of such participation. Chief among these are positive contributions not only to our own communities, but to the larger American society in which we live and of which we are an integral part. This panel will explore ways to combine the energy and talent of the Muslim American community and actively put them to use in making the world a better place. Speakers: Dan Sutherland, Eboo Patel, Maha Elgenaidi. Moderator: Suhail Khan 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6E: Room C 210-212 Ramadan: the Month of the QuranRamadan is the month in which Qur'anic revelation began, and in which it is highly encouraged to complete the recitation of our holy book. This session will give the historical role of Qur'anic revelation in Ramadan, and help us utilize this month to reconnect with our sacred text, and achieve the maximum benefit from its guidance. Speakers: Muneer Fareed, Abdalla Idris Ali, Zainab AlwaniModerator: Sumaira Akhtar 2:45 4:00 p.m.Session 6F: Room C 110-112 Conflict Resolution in Organizations and CommunitiesWith the diversity and constant change in the ethnic backgrounds of Muslim communities in America, lack of communication can cause conflict. This session addresses how Muslims within their communities can improve communication among their leaders and members, as well as help maintain a friendly atmosphere open to all. This session will also address what Islam offers to deal with conflict and how it can be used constructively to improve organizational performance. Speakers: Idris AlBakri, Gulam Bakali, Louay Safi Moderator: Asma Mobinuddin
2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6G: Room C120-122 Muslims' Need for American Identity: Challenges, Reservations, SolutionsThere are socio-psychological reasons for an integrated identity. Psychological research shows a high incidence of conflict and disorders in those who do not have such an identity, or have an identity that is fragmented. From a social perspective, each society has a powerful system that distributes its reward-punishment allocations based on its own scale of priorities. Muslims at present are pushed to the bottom for reasons very much related to this identity. These socio-psychological reasons have a compelling force to cause change automatically, albeit over generations. It is better for Muslims to choose and accept changes in a conscious and deliberate manner, rather than have them forced randomly upon them. Speakers: Saleem Ahmed, Mohammad Akhtar, Sulayman Nyang Moderator: Jamal Barzinji 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6H: Room C 223-225 Muslim Christian Dialogue: Building Partnerships Toward a Common GoalLiving in the United States, a majority Christian nation, it is important to foster relationships and partnerships with our neighbors of the Christian faith. ISNA has worked to create and forge relationships with national Christian organizations to encourage strong bonds between the two faith communities.. In this session, the panelists will discuss the initiatives that have begun to further understanding and develop positive interaction between our communities, as well as give insight into future cooperation. Speakers: Barbara Green, Michael Kinnamon, Peter Makari, Rev A Roy Medley, Robert ParhamModerator: Sayyid M. Syeed 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6J: Room C 220-222 Spirit of Wellness: Holistic Health for Muslim WomenThis workshop will focus on helping Muslim women achieve wellness through various methods of healing such as exercising, managing stress and creating an environment that is conducive to greater spiritual growth. The session will also give specific examples from the Qur'an and Sunnah regarding the body's ability to heal naturally, as well as through the use of Islamic medicine. The presentation will be a vital source of information on how to balance physical, mental and spiritual health. Speakers: Yolanda Febles, Irum Hussain, Mubarakah Ibrahim Moderator: Mariam Jakaku
2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6K: Room D 230-232 Short Presentations Session IDivorce in the Muslim Communities - Julie Macfarlane Muslim Women must be Recognized in a Viable Social Movement Worldwide - Khalila Sabra So, Is Ramadan like Your Christmas? - Khadijah Taseen Moderator: Taslima Rashid 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6L: Room E 150-151 Islamic Home Financing: A Beacon of Hope in Bleak Mortgage MarketAt a time where the housing market is experiencing a slump, the Islamic finance industry continues to grow. This session will address how Muslims can use home financing fromthe Islamic perspective to benefit from the slow mortgage market. Speakers: Hussam Qutub, Pervez NasimModerator: Mohammed Elsanousi 2:45- 4:00 p.m.Session 6M: Room C 113-114 Meet the AuthorThis Meet the Author' session presents a platform to learn, share ideas and provide literary contributions to the community. Participants receive an opportunity to meet with authors who have contributed to Islam and Muslims in America and around the world. Who Speaks for Islam by Dahila Mogahed A Deadly Misunderstanding by Mark Siljander.Authors: Dahila Mogahed, Mark Siljander 4:30 6:00 p.mSession 7A: Hall C The Month in Which the Qur'an was Revealed: Reconnecting with Our Holy TextRamadan was the month in which the Qur'an first began to be revealed, and is the month in which to reconnect with our holy text. How can we make the Qur'an more relevant in our everyday life? How can we truly live the Qur'an, in Ramadan and after the month is over? This session will lay out an action plan going forward that helps incorporate the Qur'an in our life. Speakers: Abdalla Idris Ali, Muhammad Y. Ninowy, Ingrid Mattson Moderator: Iman Faris
4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7B: Ballroom 5 Mobilizing the Muslim Political Machine: Effective Strategies for Community-Based Political AdvocacyWith the upcoming presidential election, the political importance of the Muslimcommunity has increased dramatically. While voter turnout and registration is important, now is the time to increase Muslim American participation in the political system at the local, state, party and federal levels. The audience will be provided with tools to organize their community to be involved in all aspects of the political process, from establishing dialog and familiarity with elected officials, to becoming involved in the political party system, participating in the electoral process itself, and how to create political action committees that support candidates and bring a tangible return to their community. Elected officials, including the only two Muslim members of the United States House of Representatives, the Hon. Keith Ellison and the Hon. Andre Carson, will discuss their own experiences as well as the efficacy of these strategies from the perspective of those in office. NOTE: THIS IS A FREE TICKETED EVENT.TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED AT BAZAAR BOOTH # 709 (National Center forVoter Advocacy). SEATING IS LIMITED AND ADMITTANCE IS BY TICKETONLY.Speakers: Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), Congressman Andre Carson (D-IN), Houston City Council Member M.J. Khan, Khurrum Wahid, A.J. Durrani, Shejea Khan Moderator: Asad M. Ba-Yunus 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7C: Room D 130-132 Fiqh of RamadanThis session provides an opportunity for attendees to find answers to questions about fasting, Ramadan, and related issues from well known scholars and experts in an interactive Q & A forum. Speakers: Muzammil Siddiqi, Jamal Badawi, Zainab Alwani, Abdool Rahman Khan Moderator: Iqbal Unus 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7D: Room C 213-215 Kashmir: Setting a Stage for the Final SettlementWhile the international community upholds a position of principle with relation to the status of Kashmir, little has been done and the urgency of settling the dispute is getting scant multilateral recognition. As a result of this, no genuine negotiations have yet been held by the two involved governments of India and Pakistan to arrive at a just and lasting solution. Both are going through motions and holding parleys which turn out to be more a matter of pretence than substance. The panelists will explore various possibilities to set a stage for the settlement of the Kashmir dispute. Speakers: Ambassador Riaz Khokher, Lord Nazir Ahmad Moderator: Ghulam-Nabi Fai
4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7E: Room C 210-212 Strategic Partnerships that Advance Community CausesThe panel will explore the success strategies for community based organizations and leaders. Discussion will be focused on the strategies and techniques by subject matter experts on issues related to: social services, federal funds, and the importance of strategic job employment and placement. Experts in the fields of community organizing and working with charitable institutions will provide "best practices" for advancing the cause of your community based group. Speakers: Mark Ward, Mohammad Magid Ali, Suhail Khan, Mohamad Elibiary Moderator: George Selim 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Session 7F: Room C 110-112 Practicing What we PreachAs Muslims, we would like the whole world to know that "Islam means peace. " While we have many mosques, Islamic schools, Islamic centers, and Muslim organizations involved in interfaith work, do we actually live according to Islamic tenets? We will share the secrets of American Muslim Voice's success locally, nationally and internationally, part of which is because we operate under Islamic tenets by being kind, caring and charitable, accepting and practicing nonviolence and peace, and protecting humanitarian values and human rights for all. We hope that our Muslim brothers and sisters will live Islam by getting involved in proactive peace-building. The desired outcome would change the negative image of Muslims and Islam to a positive one. Speakers: Samina Sundas, Tahir Anwar, M. Rajabally Moderator: Malik Nadeem Abid 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7G: Room C120-122 What it Takes to Be an Entrepreneur: Foundation of Faith Based EntrepreneurshipUnderstanding Technology Entrepreneurship models with specific focus on technology based ventures is an important part of becoming an entrepreneur. The first part of this session will discuss the characteristics and behavior of Technology Entrepreneurs, and the challenges they face. Speakers will also describe some success stories of Technology Entrepreneurs in the world. The second part of this session will deal with how to develop entrepreneurial characteristics and what steps to take to develop your own business and life plans. Faith-based entrepreneurship is the ability to develop a vision of the future, to commit oneself to a mission, to be innovative and creative, and to proceed with humility and self confidence with an abiding consciousness of God's design. These characteristics of entrepreneurship offer a path of success in business ventures, as well as in public and private life. Speakers: Abid Abideen, Miles Davis, Tarik Fareed, M Yaqub Mirza Moderator: Farhan Shah
4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7H: Room C 223-225 Engaging Youth in Family Violence Prevention: Catalysts to Changing SocialNormsFamily violence occurs in at least ten percent of Muslim homes in America and children and youth are often caught in the destructive cycle. Prevention becomes crucial in addressing violence in homes and through engagement, education and empowerment, Muslim youth can break the cycle of violence that impacts their homes and future relationships and social change; children learn what they live. Come find out how you and your community can engage youth to model healthy relationships, effective change agency and wellness for themselves and society.Speakers: Robina Niaz, Bonita McGee, Yasmin Turk Moderator: Najma Adam 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Session 7J: Room C 220-222 Ramadan: A Time for GivingRamadan is a time to share our wealth with those less fortunate. From starting a food pantry to serve local indigent families, to helping those in need throughout the world, these panelists will highlight the opportunities and rewards of charitable giving. Speakers: Anwar Khan, Omar Shaheen Moderator: Abukar Arman 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7K: Room D 230-232 The Green Muslim MovementAs scientists gain a better understanding of the process of global warming, the possibility of major changes in our earth's climate has created an impetus to re-evaluate our relationship to the earth. As faith groups take the mantle of leadership in trying to be better stewards to the earth, Muslims cannot continue to remain silent on this issue. An environmental awareness is firmly rooted in our tradition through the Quran and Sunnah. The question for us is how to take these concepts and apply them in our lives. How does the idea of ayaat Allah (signs of God) around us help transform our personal relationship with nature? How do the concepts of adl and mizan keep us and our society in an equitable balance? Where does the concept of khilafa (stewardship) take us in terms of activism and awareness?This session will bring together a diverse panel of speakers who have tried to answerthese questions through their work. Presenters will share practical tips and advice fromtheir experience with environmental activism. This session aims to inspire the audience to network and develop an eco-consciousness in their communities by taking action on behalf of the planet. Speakers: Sanjana Ahmad, Mohamad Chakaki, Zainab Khan Moderator: Rabia Harris
4:30 6:00 p.m.Session 7L: Room E 150-151 AMSE Session: Nanotechnology Based Infrastructure DevelopmentThe prospects and challenges associated with the development of knowledge based economy in developing countries will be discussed in this session. Speakers: A. Hossain, Khurshid A. Qureshi Moderator: S. Jeelani 5:20 pm Asr Prayer4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Session 7M: Room C 113-114 Meet the AuthorThis Meet the Author' session presents a platform to learn, share ideas and provide literary contributions to the community. Participants receive an opportunity to meet with authors who have contributed to Islam and Muslims in America and around the world. Treatise for the Seeker of Guidance by Imam Zaid Shakir Author: Zaid Shakir8:15 pm Maghrib Prayer8:30 10:30 p.m.Session 8A: Hall C A Time For Reflection: A Journey of 45 YearsThis session, which aims to address the main theme of the convention, will commemorate 45 years of achievement and leadership by ISNA, MSA, and MYNA. Scholars will reflect on the legacy of ISNA and its impact on Islam in North America.Speakers: Hamza Yusuf, Ingrid Mattson, Zaid Shakir, Suhaib Webb Moderator: Altaf Husain 9:40 pm Isha PrayerSunday, August 31, 2008Adhan 5:45 AM, Iqama 6:00 AM Spiritual Talk: 6:15 -6:45 AM Speaker: Abdalla Idris Ali
9:00 10:30 a.m.Session 9A: Ballroom 1, 2, 3 Connecting to God: Finding Our Spiritual CompassRamadan is a time for renewal and change, both as individuals and families. How can we make the most of this blessed month to inspire transformation and growth in our families? How can we take the lessons of Ramadan beyond the month itself, and use them to help us meet the challenges faced by families in raising children? Speakers will provide the inspiration and practical tools for families to make Ramadan a catalyst for change, as well as a means of bringing the family closer together, and nurturing the noble characteristics that this religion seeks to cultivate in its adherents. Speakers: Aisha Gray Henry, Mohamed Magid Ali, Sadullah Khan Moderator: Safaa Zarzour 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.Session 9B: Ballroom 5 Meet the AuthorThis Meet the Author' session presents a platform to learn, share ideas and provide literary contributions to the community. Participants receive an opportunity to meet with authors who have contributed to Islam and Muslims in America and around the world. Quranic Inspirations by Ibrahim Syed Muslim Family in a Dilemma: A Quest for a Western Identity by Mohammad Akhtar Authors: Mohammad Akhtar, Ibrahim Syed 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10A: Hall B Agreeing to Disagree: Adab al-IkhtilafUnity and brotherhood are words that are often bandied about or heralded as important goals. But when true disagreements arise, we often lose sight of the bigger picture, and allow small differences to sow division and enmity between us. This session will provide tools to help people learn to respect and accept differences within Islam, and will explain the ethics of disagreement, the manner in which to agree or disagree, and the importance of acknowledging diverse perspectives. Speakers: Yusuf Ziya Kavakci, Jamillah Karim, Abd al'Hakim Jackson Moderator: Sami Catovic 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10B: Ballroom 5 Agenda to Change Our FamiliesAn abbreviated version of Zaytuna Institute's weekend Minara workshop, this session provides clear and effective guidance for rectifying our state as conscientious and productive Muslims. With an emphasis on taqwa (God consciousness) and ikhlas (sincerity), Agenda to Change Our Condition is an indispensable workshop for all
Muslims striving for excellence in character. Topics addressed will include: Taqwa's Definition and Benefits; The Heart and its Treatment; and Civic Involvement. Speakers: Hamza Yusuf, Zaid Shakir Moderator: Sadaf Khan 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10C: Room D 130-132 Answering Difficult FAQsMuslims today are bombarded with stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam that they are often not in a position to address or clarify. Almost daily new issues and questions arise that most Muslims are not equipped to answer. This workshop provides answers to contemporary frequently asked questions, as well as general tips for responding to such questions. Speakers: Salam Al Marayati, Jamal Badawi, Maha Elgenaidi Moderator: Imran Maskatiac 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10D: Room C 213-215 Muslim-Jewish Dialogue: Building Peaceful Society Here & ElsewhereIn 2007, ISNA launched The Children of Abraham Dialogue Guide, in partnership with the Union for Reform Judaism. This initiative, which focused on partnering mosques and synagogues throughout the country to study together the common principles of both faiths in hope of encouraging understanding and acceptance of each others faith traditions, is one of the major achievements of Muslim-Jewish relationships. Along with other partners of the Jewish faith, there is a dialogue to further promote similar avenues to achieve the common goal of understanding and acceptance. In this session panelists will discuss these partnerships and how they are fostering relationships amongst our two communities. Speakers: Ingrid Mattson, Rabbi Harold Berman, Rabbi Schneier, Huda Abu Arqoub Moderator: Sayyid M. Syeed 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10E: Room C 210-212 Following the Prophet's Example in This Holy MonthThis session focuses on the importance of emulating the Prophet's example in this holy month, especially increasing our piety, mercy, and connection with the Quran. Join the scholars as they give concrete examples from the Prophet's Seerah on how to make Ramadan a true source of rejuvenation and inspiration for change. Speakers: Hisham Mahmoud, Sadullah Khan, Mokhtar Maghraoui Moderator: Rizwan Jaka
11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10F: Room C 110-112 Build a Masjid, Build a CommunityIn America, Masjids play a vital role in the life of Muslims. Are we using our masjid to its full potential in structuring our community as well as the image of Muslims in the community? What is the role of a masjid in a community? What role will the masjid play on your behalf as a Muslim in a particular community if you do not become involved?These questions and concerns need answers. Join this session to get the answers you need and learn how you can help Speakers: Muneer Fareed, Aisha Al-Adawiya, Louay Safi Moderator: Rodwaan Saleh 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10G: Room C120-122 Islamic Schools: Working Together to Serve Muslim Children in North AmericaIslamic Schools are an organic and natural product of the phenomenal growth of the Muslim Community in North America. Over the past several decades, hundreds of schools sprang up across the country, working independently and in some cases cooperating with other schools regionally, to educate upcoming generations of Muslims in America. Over the years, there have been several efforts to bring the schools together to ensure success for all without duplication or waste of effort. The Council of Islamic Schools of North America (CISNA) has been leading efforts in this arena, and somemembers of the board will share the latest developments in the organization as well as general trends in Islamic education today. Panelists: Safaa Zarzour, Patricia Salahuddin, Abdalla Idris Ali, Debbie al-Montasir Moderator: Rashed Nizam 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10H: Room C 223-225 Speaking About the Unspeakable: Drug Abuse, Depression, and Suicide PreventionCommunities often ignore or deny societal problems, such as drug abuse, depression, and suicide. This session addresses symptoms and warning signs of these problems, and treatment options and intervention, utilizing Islamic teachings, and practical steps for the community to start a recovery program. Speakers: Trish Merill, Hamada Hamid, Abdul Basit Moderator: M. Rajabally 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10J: Room C 220-222 Opportunities for Youth LeadershipParents and teachers are always looking for after-school programs or extra-curriculumactivities that would supplement what these youth learn at home and at school. This panel will introduce three opportunities to our community members. Representatives from the scouting program, Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) and the Muslim Youth
of North America (MYNA) will share with parents, teachers and community leaders how these programs can contribute to their existing youth development programs. Speakers: Dave Richardson (Boy Scouts of America), Zaki Barzinji (MYNA), Ilana Alazzeh (MIST) Moderator: Aisha Noor 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10K: Room D 230-232 Health Care Reform: Faith-Based PerspectivesOne of the main concerns of citizens of the United States (and the world) is equitable health care. In this session the panelists will discuss Jewish, Christian and Muslimperspectives of health care reform. There will be ample time for comments, questions and answers from the audience Speaker: Rabbi Richard F. Address, Reverend Linda WallingModerator: Sheik N. Hassan 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10L: Room E 150-151 AMSE Session: Improving Science and Technology Education in DevelopingCountriesThis panel will focus on the growing disparity between the quality of science and technology education in the developed and developing countries, and possible ways to bridge this gap. Speakers: Zarjon Baha, I. Ahmad Moderator: I. Ahmad 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 10M: Room C 113-114 Meet the AuthorThis Meet the Author' session presents a platform to learn, share ideas and provide literary contributions to the community. Participants receive an opportunity to meet with authors who have contributed to Islam and Muslims in America and around the world. Ibn al Haytham: The First Scientist by Bradley Steffens Author: Bradley Steffens 2:00 PM Zuhr Prayer
2:30 4:00 p.m.Session 11A: Hall B ISNA and You: ISNA Business SessionThe Annual Report and Budget will be presented in this session as ISNA leaders discuss the workings of the organization, offer their ideas for advancing Islamic work through the ISNA mission and receive feedback from members. Speakers: ISNA President, ISNA Secretary General, Majlis Ash-Shura, Executive Council 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Hall C Session 12A: MSA MAIN SESSION4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12B: Ballroom 5 Principles Governing Fiqh for Muslim MinoritiesIt is not the first time Muslims have existed as a minority in a non-Muslim region. Muslims in the past who found themselves a religious minority navigated the social, political, cultural and legal constructs of their peers to create an identity that would both coexist with their neighbors and be sincere to their faith. These Muslim communities utilized the basic principles of fiqh as they proceeded to create this identity. This session will examine some of these basic principles that help us make some of the decisions we are faced with daily on our own, while addressing some of the unique aspects of the Fiqh of Minorities with an emphasis on Muslims in America. Speakers: Ihsan Bagby, Zulfiqar Ali Shah, Jamal Badawi, Yusuf Ziya Kavakci Moderator: Adam El-Sheikh 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12C: Room D 130-132 Ramadan a Time for Self-PurificationRamadan is a once a year opportunity to focus on self purification and improvement. This session will provide the inspiration combined with concrete suggestions to make the most of this blessed month. Speakers: Muhammad Y. Ninowy, Abdalla Idris Ali, Mokhtar Maghraoui Moderator: Sami Catovic 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12D: Room C 213-215 Equal Justice Under the Law: Knowing Your Rights when the FBI ComesKnocking, Going Through Security at the Airport, and Other Legal Hazzards forthe Common American MuslimThis session will provide the audience with knowledge and tools to protect themselvesfrom potentially overreaching tactics used by federal and state law enforcement to gain information from Muslim individuals and communities, including common traps used to
ensnare otherwise law-abiding citizens. A video produced by lawyers at MuslimAdvocates will be presented and supplemented with remarks and a Q&A session with lawyers with experience in this area. The discussion will include the latest developments in the law, an explanation about our rights when confronted by law enforcement authorities, and recommendations about how to approach various scenarios in which Muslims often find themselves under scrutiny. SPEAKERS: Khurrum Wahid, Esq., Naheed Qureshi, Asad M. Ba-Yunus MODERATOR: Farhana Khera 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12E: Room C 210-212 Estate Planning: Your Family, Your CommunityEstate Planning is vital to the financial security of both your family and your community. This presentation will cover Estate Planning instruments such as Wills and Trusts, and the legal, financial, and Islamic importance of such documents. The session will highlight the impact of not having such documents in place, as well as the tax implications involved. The session will also cover the role of endowments in charitable giving. Speakers: Salman Azam, Yaqub Mirza, Ahmed Shaikh Moderator: Farooq Selod 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12F: Room C 110-112 Issues Facing Refugee PopulationThere are many Muslim refugee populations in the U.S. for many reasons, including war, political persecution and the desire for a better life. Immigrants often arrive with littlesupport and cultural understanding. This session seeks to explore the challenges facing these immigrant populations and those who are helping them adjust to life in a new country. It will also discuss how we, as fellow brothers and sisters in faith, can provide a much needed link and support system for the refugee community. Speaker: Hawa Siad, Steve Walker, Angie Plummer, Zeba Khan Moderator: Amanda Mouttaki 4:15 p.m. -5:30 p.m. Session 12G: Room C120-122 Towards the Abrahamic Vision of Faith Based UnderstandingThe general goal of this session is to introduce the concept of Faith-Based Reconciliation that is founded on the Abrahamic moral vision to a general Muslim audience. Specifically, the session presents eight core values that constitute reconciliation as a moral vision: Pluralism, Inclusion, Peacemaking, Social Justice, Forgiveness, Healing,Sovereignty and Atonement. Speakers: Jamal Barzinji, Abubakar Al-Shingieti Moderator: Hisham Altalib
4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12H: Room C 223-225 Program Shift or New Paradigm: How American Muslim Health Professionals arechanging the landscape?Muslim health care professionals are making tremendous contributions in creating new and unique programs for the benefit of not only the community but in addressing challenging issues affecting society at large. In this session, the Association of Muslim Health Professional(AMHP) Board Members and Advisors will assess the collectiveimpact of projects involving Muslim Free Clinics Council, Cultural Competency, Health Policy, Environmental issues, Disability and Elderly Care Initiatives as undertaken bysecond generation Muslims.Speakers: Malikah Adillah, Ihtesham Alam, Zia Qazi, Faisal Qazi Moderator: Hasan Chughtai4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12J: Room C 220-222 Prophetic Medicine: A Holistic Approach to MedicineIn the realm of health, hygiene, prevention and treatment of maladies, the Prophet employed both popular remedies of his time as well as spiritual remedies. The latter comprised of recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and duas or (nafl) prayers on various occasions. Thus, his was a true approach to problems of health. Prior to Islam, the spiritual aspects of cure were left to the priests and the treatment of the body was in the domain of physicians, surgeons, orthopedists and ophthalmologists. By combining the two, and blending these philosophies together, our Prophet can be considered one of the first ones to use a truly "holistic approach to the cure of disease". In this session, we will examine in some detail these combined aspects of "Prophetic Medicine" which can truly be considered a 'Holistic" approach to medicine. Speaker: Husain F. Nagamia Care of the Elderly In a Muslim CommunityThe US population is growing larger and older. American Muslims, who make up 6-8 million of America's population, also have a growing population of older Muslims. This is especially true of immigrant American Muslims. Currently there is no formal national program by any national Muslim organization to deal with issues affecting elderlyAmerican Muslims. The purpose of this presentation is to identify these concerns and offer some suggestions. IMANA, and its parent organization ISNA, are invited to take up this challenge. Speaker: Shahid Athar Moderator: Ashraf Sufi 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12K: Room D 230-232 Short Presentations Sessions II
1.) Legacy of Islamic Arts and Contemporary Muslim Artist - Salma Arastu. 2.) Yoga and Islam - Aisha Jaffri 3.) Building Sustainability through Islamic Management Frameworks - Abrar Ansari Moderator: Faizan Haq4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12L:Room E 150-151 AMSE Session: Networking and AMSE Business MeetingThe importance of networking in the job market will be discussed followed by the annual AMSE business meeting and elections for the new AMSE executive committee. Speakers: Khurshid A. Qureshi, Iqbal J. Unus Moderator: Khurshid A. Qureshi 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Session 12M: Room C 113-114 Meet the AuthorThis Meet the Author' session presents a platform to learn, share ideas and provide literary contributions to the community. Participants receive an opportunity to meet with authors who have contributed to Islam and Muslims in America and around the world. The Story of the Quran: Its History and Place in Muslim Life by Ingrid MattsonAuthor: Ingrid Mattson 5:20 pm Asr Prayer5:00 7:00 p.m.MSA Main Session Hall C Ramadan: An Impetus for CuresSpeakers: Hamza Yusuf, Zaid Shakir, Suhaib Webb, Altaf Husain, Asma Mirza Moderator: Mohamed Sheibani 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Islamic EntertainmentMuslim artists share their faith and passion for Islam through poems, prose, lyrics, comedy and more. 8:15 p.m. Maghrib Prayer9:30 p.m. 10:30 pm Isha with Taraweeh