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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Al Muhajiroun now calling themselves the "Salafi Youth Movement" threatening a 9/11 or 7/7 attack

Al Muhajiroun now calling themselves the "Salafi Youth Movement" threatening a 9/11 or 7/7 attack

September 22, 2008


ABOVE: Hate preacher Bakri is now based in Lebanon The Daily Star (UK)
22nd September 2008

By Dean Valler


ISLAMIC hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed's outlawed group has warned it plans its own Twin Towers-style terror attack.

The Al Muhajiroun group, banned under anti-terror laws brought in after the 7/7 London bombings, is now calling itself the Salafi Youth Movement.

It has launched a website and its leaders include Bakri, now living in exile in Lebanon, and former solicitor Anjem Choudary.

Both men played a key part in Al Muhajiroun and remain hell-bent on turning the UK into a Sharia state.

Al Muhajiroun is widely believed to have influenced the 7/7 ringleader Mohammed Siddique Khan to lead the suicide bomb attacks that killed 52 people in the capital in 2005.

Choudary, speaking at an Islamic conference at the Al Huda Centre in Walthamstow, east London, said: "The country is splitting into two camps and there is the prospect of another 9/11 or 7/7 attack."

During the conference two videos were shown to the audience which featured several convicted terrorists.

Another speaker, Abu Waleed, a disciple of jailed preacher Abu Hamza, joked about Muslims carrying rucksacks and said Downing Street and the White House – along with the rest of the world – would soon be under Sharia Law.

He also mocked British boxer Amir Khan, 21, for draping himself in the Union Jack and criticised him for visiting troops in Iraq.

Abu Azair, 40, another follower of Hamza, said: "The youth are the spark of fire, but what do you normally fire with? A gun. A machine gun. A Kalashnikov.

"But the problem is that we are firing blanks.

"We don't even know that we have got machine guns in our hands.

"Unfortunately, we have been trapped in this filthy country.

"When someone says to you that Islam is compassion, they are wrong. Islam is about submission."

Andrew Dismore, a Labour MP who warned against Al Muhajiroun 10 years ago, said: "The trouble is they just keep reinventing themselves.

"They are using the internet, and Bakri can preach from the web from across the world without fear of being put under a control order or prosecuted."

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