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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Somalia Continue Efforts To Enforce Shari'a, Aided By Phony Civil Rights Group Somalia Continue Efforts To Enforce Shari'a, Aided By Phony Civil Rights GroupSeptember 17, 2008
Somalis Continue Efforts To Enforce Shari'a, Aided By Phony Civil Rights Group By WILLIAM MAYER and BEILA RABINOWITZ September 17, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In scanning the news these days any mention of Somali workers is almost inevitably linked with the topic of labor unrest and efforts to force a recognition of Shari'a in the public sphere. The latest of these takes place in St. Paul Minnesota where, "A few Somali parents in Willmar complained that the public schools weren't allowing their Muslim children to step out of class for daily prayer." [source, http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2008/09/16/willmar_school/] The reason for this recent chapter in the Somali saga is probably attributable to meddling by CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, a terror friendly Hamas mouthpiece and named unindicted co-conspirator in U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al, the nation's largest terror financing prosecution, which is representing some of the Somalis. Apparently due to prodding by CAIR, the trouble continues despite the fact that the issue was dealt with six years ago - to everyone's satisfaction at the time - after extensive talks, according to Mark Miley, principal at the Willman Junior High School who states, "it was everyone at the table, 'Thank you, this will work well for us.' Not just one year, not just two years, not just three years, not just four years, not just five years. We're going on six years here." [source, ibid] Those negotiations established a policy of allowing private prayers to be said by any student between classes so as not to disrupt the school environment. Substantiating our belief that CAIR is the primary mover in many of these cases we find that Somali workers at the Southdale, Macy's store in Minnesota are being represented by the group in a dispute involving claims of discrimination over a workplace kerfluffle regarding use of the Somali language instead of English. Macy's says that it is investigating the matter. As we noted in a previous piece:
"In numerous examples [all of which these authors have written about, see Ingrate Somali Muslim Workers On Rampage - Again - This Time At Colorado Meat Packer, JBS Swift, Creeping Shari'a Turned Back - Tyson Reinstates Labor Day, Shari'a Comes To Shelbyville Tennessee, Are Minneapolis Taxi Fares Going To Support Al-Qaeda?, Muslim Taxi Drivers At Minneapolis International Airport Subjecting Fares To Sharia] after finding work, these Somali refugees have demanded from their employers the "right" to conduct elaborate Muslim prayer rituals [and other elements of Shari'a] regardless of the cost to their employers or the harm such activity might have in a production environment. In many cases what seem to be good will efforts by these employers to address their Muslim worker's concerns have seemingly fallen on deaf ears." The mere presence of CAIR in this equation should be instructive, since the organization exists to force - especially through the courts - the culture to accept and recognize Shari'a despite its Judeo-Christian heritage. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=somaliid=9.17.08%2Ehtm |