Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Muslim Student Petition in NL - Open Letter to the Dear Friends of Theo Van Gogh threatens" We want to eliminate some misunderstandings once and for all " Muslim Student Petition in NL - Open Letter to the Dear Friends of Theo Van Gogh threatens" We want to eliminate some misunderstandings once and for all "Open Letter to 'Friends of Theo van Gogh, Pim Fortuyn's LPF party the WWD & Wilders - a veiled follow up to the killers message "We're a religion of peace -and we'll kill you to prove it!" MIM: Click on image to view 'the bigger picture' MIM: Muslim Students Open letter/petition to the Friends of Theo van Gogh and politicians essentially claims that - 'You are to blame for his murder by not showing us enough respect ,and we will not tolerate freedom of expression'. The copycat 'open letter' has the same ominous overtones as the open letter which was written by Theo van Gogh's killer Mohamed Bouyeri , addressed to politicians Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders. threatening them with death and torment at the hands of Allah and his local minions. The student's open letter is full of accusations, recriminations,and hostility. Not only is there not one word of apology - the contempt for the Dutch and for Dutch society is evident in the statements in the 'open letter'. One of the most telling paragraphs falsely blames the tolerance of the Dutch for 'radicalising' Mohamed Bouyeri and declares that part of the problem is because "among some (Muslims) there is distrust of the non Islamic or native Dutch in Holland" (!) The letter in no uncertain terms blaming the Dutch for being in Holland and disturbing the Muslims. Other ominous and revealing statements are"we will not give up our ideal of a multi cultural society." MIM: The Muslims in Holland appear to have a penchant for 'open letters' to the infidel Dutch inhabitants of their future Caliphate. The first such open letter was stuck into Theo Van Gogh's chest with a knife by his killer Mohammed Bouyeri. It was an an open letter to Hirsi Ali and Holland declaring their intent to kill her and warning the 'fundamentalist unbelievers' that Holland, America, and Europe would be destroyed by the wrath of Allah. A second letter was found with the killer, and was a death threat directed at Geert Wilders, a VVD politican who is starting his own political party- with a restrictive immigration platform called Group Wilders. The GW is a follow up to the LPF party -List Pim Fortuyn - named for the murdered politician who warned against the Islamisation of Europe. It is no surprise that the 'petition' and open letter have the same title and belligerent and threatening tone as the missive which Theo van Gogh's killer stuck in his chest, since the spokesman for the petition is a self proclaimed 'Palestinian Muslim' named Fadi Hirzalla. On a message board Hirzalla posted what he claimed are passages from the Talmud, which are in fact fabrications and sound as if they were taken verbatim from the letter which was written by Van Gogh's killer! (1) In addition to spreading anti semitic canards on the internet Hirzalla also write articles justifying Arab terrorism against Israel which he calls a 'demonic state".(2) In this 'Petition to the dearest friends of Theo van Gogh, the Muslims 'lay down the law to the dhimmis' and explain how they must show respect and defence to them. Besides using the same 'Open letter'format that Theo van Gogh's killer used in his five page letter which he stuck into Van Gogh's chest next to the knife he used for slitting his throat, the Muslim students 'Open letter' reveals that their intentions are the same by ominously stating that we want to "clear up some misunderstandings once and for all". The tone of the letter blames the Dutch for the Van Gogh murder and portrays the Muslims as poor maligned victims of perceived and undocumented discrimination and hostility. Note that no where is an apology offered on the contrary, the letter is a warning to the Dutch and "The Dear Friends of Theo van Gogh" that they had better show more dhimmitude or else... ------------------------------------- (1) (2) ----------------------------------------- The petition can be seen at the new website made by the friends of Theo van Gogh called The Stopped Smoker. The Friends of Theo van Gogh wrote a sarcastic 'open letter' to the killer ------------------------------------------------- From the editors at 'The Stopped Smoker' "The maligned Muslims want "once and for all" to be rid of the unpleasant questions regarding the murder of Theo van Gogh "by an individual" who doesn't have "anything to do with our Islam". --------------------------- Commentary and introduction to the petition from the The Stopped Smoker : Translation by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM : December 24, 2004 Muslim petition NL is a group of Muslim students in Amsterdam. They write on their website that they want to' let their voices be heard in the Dutch society' . The plan is to present the petitions to the politicians and the media. They hope to 'improve the perception of Muslims in Holland' and to 'promote' the dialouge between Muslims and non- Muslims. On the Muslim petition website is their first (of what will presumably be many) petitions, written in the well known larmoyant style style, which includes the usual call to limit the freedom of expression because this will lead to the radicalization of'people'. The extremist Muslims disappear in the suggestion that all of On the Muslim petition site is the first petition which is directed at The friends of Theo van Gogh and the right wing political parties.They must not upset the Muslims any more. Finally they will be better off if they don't say anything at all anymore because these Muslims have quite a long reach . It is obvious that those behind the initiative have already garnered the support of the CDA, the left and the small Christian parties. As of now the 29th December, there are 2010 signers, nearly all Islamic names, and of a few non Muslims as well. Mostly students but managers, financial advisors,doctors, jurists, IT'ers and a labor union leader, a probation officer, an accountant, teachers, medical personeel, a mosque director and multi cultural advisor Abdul Jabbar Van de Ven. MIM Note : Abdul Jabbar Van de Ven ( a Dutch convert to Islam , teacher and 'youth Imam') went into hiding after he declared on Dutch national television that he was "filled with happiness when he heard about the murder of Theo van Gogh". For more on this see: The petition follows: Dearest Friends of Theo van Gogh, people from the LPF , the VVD and the group -Wilders, During the past years we have felt ourselves to be misunderstood and discriminated against by you.Since the murder of Theo van Gogh this feeling has become stronger. We want to clear up some misunderstandings once and for all. We cannot all be judged the same way. Every person and every Muslim had their own personality and life style. The murder of Theo van Gogh was committed by an individual, not by the Islam. Our Islam condemns the murder of Theo van Gogh. Foreign Muslims are often asked if they find it objectionable that Theo van Gogh was murdered. Why should we feel any different then you ? It is obvious that we condemn the murder just as much as you do. We have experienced some statements about Islam to be extremely upsetting. Criticism is allowed,but give it with respect and be precise and even handed in your judgements. Where mutual respect ends, suspicion begins. Where insults begin, constructive dialouge ends. Freedom of expression is a moral right and a great good. A powerful tool. The clash of ideas stimulates progress in thinking and actions. But, as in the case of all power : It requires a hero to be able to use it properly. Heroes are the ones who suceed not to have this go at the cost of another norms and values. The rights of equality and the right of freedom of religion must not be forgotten. All moral and legal rights must be respected, and the best is when they are balanced. It is -certainly for politicians- their business not to disturb this fragile balance. Unlimited freedom of expression is not a solution, and can turn out to be part of the problem.It can contribute to the radicalisation of people and the polarisation of the society. The murder of Van Gogh appears to have shown that,but the Dutch law recognises that the insulting of entire religions does not make for a happy society. Fear and suspicion hold the happiness of the multicultural society hostage. Arson, violence, and insults are taking place everywhere. The discriminatory accusations against Muslims are causes as are several problems in the Muslim community in Holland. It is important to identify these problems. A great many Muslims do not speak Dutch, unemployment is relatively high, and the criminality in certain circles is high, education is lagging behind, and among some there is also suspicion towards the non Islamic or native Dutch in Holland. The progress which we want to acheive, is not possible without respect, trust,and understanding for each other. We Dutch, Muslims and non Muslims, have to strive to fight against the present problems. We are struggling with multi cultural problems, and the solution will have to be just as multicultural. We will not give up our ideal of a multi cultural society. We must name the problems for what they are and work on them together. We hope that you will take political responsibility to no longer hurt our feelings by generalising, and to better recognise our constitutional rights to equality and freedom of religion. In that you have the responsibility to serve as an example for the media and citizens. We expect that this will have a positive effect on the disturbed relationship between Muslims and non Muslims. With Friendly Greetings , The signatories: ------------------------------------------------------ MIM: The editors at The Stopped Smoker added these comments and suggestions: Muslim petition can be signed at the website. Commentary from concerned/worried Muslims and dhimmis can be seen at Politiek actie net. Questions ( example: What do you understand as multi cultural society? and suggestions for new petitions (example: Ban Submission Part III,Make the second wife tax deductible like they are in England! or implement Shar'ia in districts of the city with a Muslim majority) can be submitted via [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: The original petition can be seen at : ----------------------------------------------------------- Also see : Students Petition shows that Netherland's Muslims simply don't get it Redaktie
Op Moslimpetitie staat hun eerste petitie, geschreven in de bekende larmoyante stijl, met daarbij de al even bekende oproep tot het inperken van de vrijheid van meningsuiting omdat die vrijheid zou leiden tot radicalisering van 'mensen'. De extremistische moslims verdwijnen in de suggestie dat heel Nederland op het punt zou staan om geweld te gaan gebruiken. Tegen de moslims, natuurlijk. De initiatiefnemers zien overal brandstichting en ander geweld tegen hun eigen groep, zo 'bewijzen' ze dat Nederland de moslims discrimineert. En die discriminatie voeren ze weer op als de oorzaak van de moord op Theo van Gogh. O ja, de achterstanden in de moslimse bevolkingsgroep (die uiteraard ook weer de schuld zijn van Nederland) zijn ook een oorzaak. Op Moslimpetitie staat hun eerste petitie, gericht aan de vrienden van Theo van Gogh en de rechtse politieke partijen.Die mogen de moslims niet meer kwetsen. Eigenlijk kunnen ze maar beter helemaal niks meer zeggen, want deze moslims hebben nogal lange tenen. Klaarblijkelijk hebben de initiatiefnemers de steun van het CDA, de linkse en de kleine christelijke partijen al binnen.Er zijn nu (29 december) ruim 2100 ondertekenaars, bijna allemaal islamitische namen, al zitten er ook en paar autochtonen bij. Vooral studenten, maar ook managers, financieel adviseurs, artsen, juristen, ict'ers, een vakbondsbestuurder, een reclasseringsambtenaar, en accountant, leraren, verpleegkundigen, een moskeevoorzitter, een multicultureel adviseur én Abdul Jabbar van de Ven.
------------------------------------ MIM:The email and phone number of Fadi Hirzalla the spokesman for the petition. Fadi Hirzalla ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- MIM: Diversity as perversity. The new Dans Macabre as a form of cultural suicide. More examples of multi kulti run amok: Dancing for Diversity 2 Day Congress: Urban Klompen Dancing 2 weeks after the murder of Theo van Gogh taking place in the Tropen Museum on the Linneausstraat directly across the park from where he was slaughtered by a Dutch born Muslim and product of multi culturalism. Even more of an obscene travesty is the theme of the program: "Integration is not a failure - but it requires a lot more effort and positive energie". Intercultural Programs (IP ) and Netwerk CS have organized on the 15th and The first day will be lead by John Leerdam, a member of the Lower House (PvdA) Labor Party and since a year and a day "ambassador"of cultural diversity. During the second day, which will be continued by columnist and publicist Samira El Kandoussi, the ESTAFETTE will take place. This is a special networking meeting which is being held on the theme of development and cultural exchange of knowledge about diversity in the cultural sector. In the present political debate the gap between new and ‘old' Dutch seems to be getting bigger. All the attention is directed towards the differences,while the similiarites between people can be many times greater. The key word here is curiousity. Cultural heritage can be the means of recognizing and learning to value the differences and similiarities between people and groups .This is a just way of dealing with the diversity of society. John Leerdam and Samira El Kandoussi provide a good example. By having learned an ‘Urban Clog Dance' which was specially invented by the Theatre Group DOX they are sending a positive signal. "That integration is not a failure but demands more efforts from all of us and positive energie. Secretary of State Medy van der Laan (Culture)is opening the two day conference ‘Dancing with Diversity' with a video message. Also the first copy will be given out of Boekman 61 about "The Museum from the Future". In this, more attention will be focused on the multi cultural dimension of the twenty first century.