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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Barack Obama's New Muslim Advisor Cements Campaign's Ties To Terror Friendly Organisations Barack Obama's New Muslim Advisor Cements Campaign's Ties To Terror Friendly OrganisationsAugust 2, 2008 Barack Obama's New Muslim Advisor Cements Campaign's Ties To Terror Friendly Organizations By BEILA RABINOWITZ and WILLIAM MAYER
Asbahi's Islamist credentials are reflected by the enthusiasm with which the news was greeted by American Islamists, including the Muslim Public Affairs Council [MPAC] which stated: "Mr. Asbahi will further the Obama campaigns outreach efforts and participation of the Muslim American community MPAC is confident that Mr. Asbahi will encourage Muslim Americans to be civically engaged." [source, http://www.mpac.org/article.php?id=673] Understanding MPAC's MO, "Civically engaged" should be interpreted as a euphemism for implementing shari'a; the organization's goals having been characterized by Dr. Daniel Pipes as:
"Impeding counterterrorism efforts and forwarding an Islamist vision of America..." [source, http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2004/07/the-difference-between-cair-and-mpac.html] In testimony delivered before the House Foreign Relations Committee just yesterday, noted terror authority Steven Emerson observed about MPAC:
The constellation of organizations to which Mr. Asbahi is linked should give pause for concern. For example, Asbahi, a Chicago lawyer, is on the speakers list of the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA] [see, http://www.isna.net/Programs/pages/Speakers-Services.aspx#17]. ISNA is widely understood to be linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, the terrorist Egyptian group that created Hamas. ISNA was named last summer as an unindicted co-conspirator in the nation's largest terror prosecution, U.S. vs Holy Land Foundation and is the largest Saudi funded da'wa enterprise in North America. [source, http://www.nysun.com/article/55778?access=284047] Asbahi's ISNA biography reveals that he is involved in numerous Islamist organizations including the Nawawi Foundation [a da'wa organization run by a convert to Islam which presents all of history from an Islamist perspective] as well as the National Association of Muslim Lawyers [NAML] which has close ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], which has been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas as well as having been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the ongoing Holy Land prosecution. According to his ISNA bio, Asbahi also, "serves as a member of the board of directors of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding," [ISPU]. The ISPU's Islamist roots run deep. Muktedar Khan, a prominent Islamist and fellow at ISPU, testified before Congress [see, http://www.ispu.org/policy_briefs/articledetailpb-8.html] absurdly claiming that Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group, "is struggling for independence," and that Hezbollah is only, "motivated by geopolitics," and does not share, "political goals with Al Qaeda." The National Association of Muslim Lawyers often serves as the legal mouthpiece for terror friendly groups such as CAIR and ISNA and recently petitioned the Attorney General to remove, both CAIR and ISNA from their designation as co-conspirators in the Holy Land case. The appointment of Mazen Asbahi to be Obama's liason to Arab and Muslims is another indication of Obama's worrying associations. With Islamist Asbahi at the helm of the campaign's outreach effort to Muslims it is clear that an Obama presidency would give groups like MPAC and ISNA intimate access to key government decision makers and bring the "United States of Allah," one step closer to reality . http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=obamaid=8.1.08%2Ehtm ----------------------------- MIM: Mazen Asbahi's message to Obama supporters. All - Assalamu-Aleikum. My name is Mazen Asbahi and I've been blessed and privileged to be serving the Obama for America Campaign as the National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs. I'm also coordinating Arab American matters. I'm treating the two roles separately as these are two separate constituencies, though of course there is some overlap. In order to get Senator Obama elected, the Campaign needs all of you to continue your support and if possible to take it to another level. It's a race for every vote in the key battleground states, such as Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio. We need Muslim Americans to get excited about the Campaign, and there's a lot to get excited about! Sure, there have been mis-steps. And of course there are added sensitivities with our faith given the "smear" campaign trying to paint the Senator as too exotic and too un-American to be President. If you have not plugged into the Campaign, please do. The Campaign makes it very easy to do. Visit your local Obama offices and register voters, raise money, get the word out, and pull in your friends and family to also participate. Please feel free to contact me with ideas, critiques and suggestions for improvements on our outreach strategies. (Please keep in mind that I've just signed on :)). Peace, Mazen Asbahi Mazen Asbahi | National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs | Obama for America | [email protected] | 312.933.5423 cell http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/post/lawrencemuhammad/gGxYtc MIM: Mazen Asbahi's speakers biography on the ISNA website. http://www.isna.net/Programs/pages/Speakers-Services.aspx#17
Mr. Asbahi received his undergraduate degree in political science and Islamic studies, with highest honors, from the University of Michigan in 1996. He attended the Northwestern University School of Law, where he received his law degree, cum laude, in 2000. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: The forum which Mazen Ashabi moderated at the 44th ISNA convention is highlighted. Among the panelists was the radical Imam Zaid Shakir who has made a CD to clarify the difference between Jihad and the concept of terrorism, which according to him does not exist in Islam.
Among the topics on the CD are: -If the enemies of Islam attack Muslim civilians, can we attack non-Muslim civilians? http://www.onlineislamicstore.com/jihortercdim.html http://www.isna.net/Conferences/pages/WebCast.aspx 44th Annual ISNA Convention Webcast Please click on the session title to view the main session webcast. Friday Main session webcast: 3:00 4:30 PM Inaugural Session Hall A Chairs: Moderator: Azhar Azeez 5:00 6:30 PM Session 1A: In the Footsteps of the Beloved: From Emulation to Internalization Hall A Speakers: Muhammad Nur Abdullah, Mokhtar Maghraoui, Zaid Shakir 8:30 - 10:15 PM Session 2A: Righting the Wrongs: Faith and Social Justice Hall A Speakers: David Cole, Siraj Wahhaj, Ebrahim Moosa Saturday Main session webcast: 9:00 10:30 a.m. Session 3A: The Family Fortune: From Theory to Practice Hall A Speakers: Aisha Al-Adawiyya, Altaf Husain, Safaa Zarzour 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m Session 4A: Serving the Community: From Theory to Practice Hall A Speakers: Sherman Abd al-Hakim Jackson, Muneer Fareed, Rami Nashishibi, Anwar Khan 2:45- 4:00 p.m. Session 5A: Faith in Practice: Understanding Basic Principles of Fiqh Hall A Speakers: Yusuf Kavakci, Zainab Alwani, Muzammil Siddiqi 4:30 6:00 p.m Session 6A: From the Margins to the Mainstream: Effective Outreach Hall A Speakers: Ibrahim Hooper, Sayyid M. Syeed, Kareem Irfan, Salam Al-Marayati 8:15 10:30 p.m. Session 7A: Upholding Faith, Serving Humanity Hall A Speakers: Ingrid Mattson, Siraj Wahhaj, Zaid Shakir, Hamza Yusuf, Keith Ellison , Abdalla Idris Ali, Asma Mirza, Zaki Barzinji Sunday Main session webcast: 9:00 10:30 a.m. Session 8A: Connecting to God: Finding Our Spiritual Compass Hall A Speakers: Umar F. Abd-Allah, Abdullah Adhami, Maha Hamoui 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Session 9A: Finding Unity within Our Diversity Hall A Speakers: Ihsan Bagby, Hamid Mavani, Mohamed Hagmagid Ali, Abdul Malik Mujahid (CIOGC Presentation) 4:30-6:00 p.m. Session 11A: Stewards Over the Earth: Faith and the Environment Hall A Today the earth is faced with one of the most catastrophic threats in its history: global warming. This phenomenon has the potential to wreak havoc on every aspect of our lives if steps are not taken to curb greenhouse gases. Added to this are numerous other devastating affects of unchecked modernity, such as water and air pollution, deforestation, diminishing resources, extinction of species, and a plethora of other environmental problems. The Qur'an contains hundreds of references to nature and creation as signs of God and a bounty for humankind and humans' role as stewards over this earth. This session will examine numerous environmental principals illustrated in Islam, explain the concepts of stewardship and ecology, and identify concrete steps we can take collectively to address this serious crisis. Speakers: Ameena Jandali, Jamal Badawi, Hakim Archuletta --------------------------------------- MIM: In 2006 Asbahi spoke at the ISNA Leadership Development Center Washington Conference. For more on ISNA see: "CAIR and ISNA named as part of criminal conspiracy in Hamas funding case -link to U.S. government indictment" http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2951 Leadership Track at ISNA Washignton Conference
Dr. Rafik Beekun, Professor of Management and Strategy and former chair of the Managerial Sciences Department at the University of Nevada, presented on Team Building in Islamic Organizations highlighting the importance of team spirit and demonstrating how Islamic organizations can develop effective teams. His lecture was followed by Dr. Louay Safi, Executive Director of ILDC, session titled Compassionate Leadership and Community Empowerment which focused on the role of community leaders in setting the tone for an open atmosphere that invites cooperation and involvement among community leaders. The last two sessions were continued on Sunday with joint presentations by Dr. Rafik Beekun and Mazen Asbahi, senior associate at the law firm of Goldberg Kohn in its corporate and intellectual property groups. Both Dr. Beekun and Mr. Asbahi presented on Enhancing Your Islamic Organization's Board of Directors and Improving Transparency and Accountability in Muslim Non-Profits. Both of these interactive sessions focused on discussing duties of the boards and providing a number of important business and legal tools that can be used to enhance ones board of directors. These four sessions were attended by nearly 35 participants including community leaders, social activist, teachers and directors of mosque boards. Resources shared in the presentations were made available for the participants. The program was designed to provide an integrated exposure to leadership and management skills, challenges and issues facing the growing Muslim community, and well as share knowledge of Islamic principles in their application in North America. This was the first time the Leadership Track was implemented in an ISNA conference. Due to the success of the initiative and the positive feedback, the Leadership Track will be continued in the other ISNA regional and zonal conferences. http://www.ildc.net/ildc-news/2006/6/7/leadership-track-at-isna-washignton-conference.html -------------------------------------- MIM: Asbahi also chairs the "Charities Advisory Committee of Muslim Advocates which is the sister organisation of NAML the National Association of Muslim Lawyers a group which seeks to Islamise the American legal system. MIM: About NAML The National Association of Muslim Lawyers (NAML) is the national representative of the Muslim legal profession. NAML serves Muslims, the public and the legal profession by promoting justice for all peoples and improvements in American laws and the American justice system. NAML believes that sustained involvement in the executive, legislative and judicial decision-making processes is essential to the long-term well-being and successful integration of Muslims into American society. The Muslim community's interests are best protected by those with an understanding of and respect for the law, legal process, and the role of the legal profession in developing, enforcing and changing the law. NAML intends to promote meaningful access to legal representation for Muslims, and in turn to promote full, fair and equal participation by Muslims in American society overall. http://www.namlnet.org/missionstatement.php
MIM: The mission statement of Muslim Advocates. About Us After several years of volunteer operation, the National Association of Muslim Lawyers (NAML) is extremely pleased to announce the expansion of its advocacy and educational operations to serve the needs of the Muslim American community and, in turn, to defend our nation's founding principles. Beginning this summer of 2005, NAML appointed its first full-time executive director and launched a new charitable sister organization, Muslim Advocates. Muslim Advocates envisions a world in which equality, liberty, and justice are guaranteed for all, regardless of faith, and in which the Muslim American legal community is vital to promoting and protecting these values. In pursuit of this vision, Muslim Advocates' mission is to promote equality, liberty, and justice for all by providing leadership through legal advocacy, policy engagement, and civic education, and by serving as a legal resource to promote the full and meaningful participation of Muslims in American public life. The events of September 11, 2001, and their aftermath presented an overwhelming challenge to the Muslim American community. In this new environment, sophisticated and well-orchestrated advocacy and educational campaigns by Muslim Americans are essential to ensure that we remain entitled to the same rights and protections guaranteed to every American. Muslim American lawyers, who understand U.S. legal, legislative, and political systems, bring a much-needed perspective and vital skill sets to the table. Lending such knowledge and expertise, we seek to partner with both lawyers and non-lawyers in the Muslim community, as well as all Americans, regardless of faith background, who share our commitment to liberty, justice and equality for all. Muslim Advocates is a public, tax-exempt charity under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We invite your support and participation in this exciting new phase of our growth and development. http://www.muslimadvocates.org/about/main.html -------------------------------- MIM: The mission statement of the Nawawi Foundation where Mazen Asbahi is director of publications. Ingrid Mattson, the president of the Islamic Society of North America sits on the board of directors.http://www.nawawi.org/aboutus/board.html http://www.nawawi.org/aboutus/mission.html MISSION This vision is based on Dr. Abd-Allah's extensive knowledge and expertise in the fields of Islamic studies and the history of Islam in America. The Foundation increases American Islamic cultural and religious literacy by publishing literature and creating life experiences through traveling abroad. The Foundation's writings are respected by academics, accepted in traditional circles, and easily accessed and understood by the public. Our organized international cultural-immersion trips provide fun-with-learning opportunities for American Muslims to recognize and appreciate their role in the American and global Muslim communities. ----------------------------------------------- MIM: A Facebook post by Asbahi to Obama supporters. ![]() Please visit the new Arab Americans page at www.barackobama.com, and join the email listserve "National Arab Americans for Obama." http://my.barackobama.com/
Folks: There's a lot to get excited about! Yours, Mazen Asbahi ------------------------------- MIM: The home page of Arab Americans for Obama Welcome to Arab Americans for Obama
Barack Obama on Key Issues of Concern to Arab Americans
We are a community of Arab Americans who are working nationwide to elect Senator Barack Obama the next President of our nation. We believe in Senator Obama's message of hope, action and change. We believe that Senator Obama has the judgment to lead and the courage to renew America's promise. Senator Obama is committed to the issues that our community cares deeply about: civil rights, profiling, a just peace to the Arab-Israeli conflict, a wise withdrawal from Iraq, closing Guantanamo, immigration reform and promoting human and civil rights in the Arab World. We also care deeply about building an America where the American Dream is open to all - immigrant and non-immigrant alike. We recognize the urgent need to be a part of the movement to bring positive change to Washington and to the nation. Barack believes that if we can put an end to partisan politics, bring people together, and recognize that what unites us is greater than what divides us - then we can make fundamental change possible in our country. Whether it is ending the Iraq war, providing universal health care, making college tuition more affordable, placing a quality teacher in every classroom, providing meaningful support for small business or making "equal justice under the law" a reality for every citizen, we believe that you can have confidence in the courage, sound judgment, and leadership of Senator Barack Obama. Many Arab Americans across the country are working hard to get Barack elected. Let's join together and with others and build a better America for our children and their children. http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/aahome -------------------------------- MIM: The Muslim Public Affairs Council announcement welcoming the appointment of Mazen Asbahi. Obama Appoints National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs July 28, 2008 The Muslim Public Affairs Council welcomes the appointment of Mazen Asbahi as the National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs for the Obama 08 Presidential Campaign. Mr. Asbahi will further the Obama campaigns outreach efforts and participation in the Muslim American community. He will be based in Chicago at the campaigns headquarters. Additionally, he will serve as the National Coordinator of Arab American Affairs. MPAC looks forward to working with Muslim and Arab American organizations to develop a united effort to maximize our representation in the electoral process. Asbahi is a senior associate at the law firm of Schiff Hardin LLP in its corporate and securities group in Chicago, IL. Additionally he serves as general counsel to a number of nonprofit entities and is active in a variety of civic, educational and charitable groups. He graduated cum laude from the Northwestern University School of Law in 2000. The inclusion of a Muslim American voice in the presidental campaign reinforces the principle of pluralism in the electoral process. MPAC is confident that Mr. Asbahi will encourage Muslim Americans to be civically engaged. MPAC encourages the presemptive Republican nominee, Senator John McCain, to form a similar Muslim outreach program or appoint a liaison to the Muslim American community. http://www.mpac.org/article.php?id=673 --------------------------------------------- MIM: Mazen Asbahi emceed a dinner for the Council of Islamic Organisations of Greater Chicago. For more on the CIOGC and it's former president Kareem Irfan see: "Chicago Islamist leader Kareem Irfan of the CIOGC excuses beheadings as "a primordial sense of retaliation and revenge"http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/177 "Abdul Malik Mujahid: CIOGC chairman publishes "Commanders of the Muslim Army" Jihad book -Council of Islamic Organisations of Greater Chicago gets funding to help Muslims become American citizens" http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/414
------------------------------------------------------- MIM: In 2006 Asbahi participated in a conference on Islamic Education in America. PDF]