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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Dhimmi Dutch Companies Fall Into Line As Demanded By IslamoFacist Jordanians Dhimmi Dutch Companies Fall Into Line As Demanded By IslamoFacist JordaniansJune 24, 2008
Dhimmi Dutch Companies Fall Into Line As Demanded By IslamoFascist Jordanians By WILLIAM MAYER and BEILA RABINOWITZ
Led by Zakaria al-Sheikh, who is also chairman of the Jordanian based "news service" Facts International, started this latest effort by Islamists to impose their religious views on the West, as Sheikh's website claims, "Last week, 'The Messenger of Allah Unites Us' group opened a case against Wilders in a Jordanian court, accusing him of racism and incitement to hate Muslims. Wilders said he feared Jordan would issue an international warrant for his arrest." The Dutch companies are currently sponsoring ads in Jordanian based media which "distance themselves" from Wilder's movie Fitna while voicing support for the Messenger of Allah campaign of intimidation. Similar strong arm tactics by Sheikh were on prominent display during the Danish cartoon controversy and was he successful in exercising influence over Danish companies which had trade relations with Jordan. Sheikh's statements are consistent with the Islamist MO, attempting to enforce a Shari'a prescribed "respect" for the religion in the West and using Europe's onerous hate crime legislation to further that effort.
What al-Sheikh and the Jordanian courts are attempting to do is fully compliant with the "stealth jihad" envisioned by the Muslim Brotherhood [see, On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America whose plan was presented into evidence in the ongoing Holy Land Foundation case, the nation's largest terror funding prosecution, whose intent is to subvert the West from the inside. [see below documents]
The intent of this campaign is broader than the current Dutch and Danish considerations and should be recognized as an important and troubling development since it is clearly a method to incrementally force Shari'a compliant views on Europe and eventually the United States which seeks nothing less than to abolish freedom of expression and freedom of religion as well as the the concept of state sovereignty. http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=jordanid=62408%2Ehtm ------------------------------------ http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/ Netherlands: Companies deny giving in to boycottDutch companies published ads in Jordanian newspaper against Fitna and in support of the "The Prophet Unites Us" campaign, hoping to avoid a boycott (English). As expected, this was actually the initiative of local Jordanian businessmenm. However, unlike Danish company Arla, those Dutch companies stand behind their importers, thereby enabling the Jordanian boycott committee to announce victory (Arabic). ----- "We absolutely didn't give in to a boycott threat," says Zwanenberg spokesperson. "But you can't do business if you don't respect the other's religious convictions." The sausage maker placed an advertisement in a Jordanian paper, which distanced itself from Fitna, Geert Wilders' movie. Zwanenberg also supports the campaign of the "The Messenger of Allah Unites Us", an action committee from Jordan which strives to forbid insulting religions in international law. By that the company prevented itself from being placed on a new poster of the committee that calls to boycott Dutch and Danish products. Chairman Zakaria Sheikh says that he had printed a million of these posters. According to Zwanenberg the initiative for the advertisement came from a local middleman. "De facto, we export to his business. We don't speak with Mr. Sheikh, and therefore we had yielded nothing." The company says it has started an investigation about the action committee. "We are not interested in being associated with a fundamentalist organization. But saw no harm in placing an advertisement. Everybody has freedom of expression. Why then shouldn't we distance ourselves from this movie?" Dairy factory Friesland Foods had put out a similar advertisement in Jordanian papers. But according to a spokesperson, it was done by a local distributor on his own volition. "It wasn't directed from the head office. That ad wasn't necessary as far as we're concerned." Friesland Foods, however, says it supports the published text. It came from a statement made on March 28th in which the company condemned Fitna since Wilders "equates Islam to violence". The spokesperson: "We're also not crazy. We knew that there will be questions coming in Muslim countries, let me be clear aobut it. That is how we thinks about it. Nothing more, nothing less." Thes statement was necessary for internal use, says Friesland Foods, since the company does a lot of business with Muslim countries. "We're a concept there". Other companies, such as Philips and KLM, will appear in the boycott poster. They distance themselves from the contents of Fitna, but did not put out an advertisement. A KLM spokesperson: "At this moment we don't see the necessity of it, but we aren't principally against it. We'll wait and see." Electronics manufacturer Philips is more positive: We aren't publishing an advertisement, simply because it's not up to us to take a position on political questions."
Sources: Volkskrant, AD (Dutch) ---------------------------------------------- http://www.jordantimes.com/?news=8752&searchFor=Allah%20Unites%20Us
By Linda Hindi AMMAN - The multilateral Danish-Dutch boycott campaign is moving ahead with the addition of a major brand, the removal of others and an ongoing lawsuit, while Jordanian importers still suffer losses. Launched in late February to protest against the republication of disturbing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, "The Messenger of Allah Unites Us" campaign was relaunched in mid-June to add products from the Netherlands after Dutch MP Geert Wilders posted an anti-Islam film on the Internet. The ultimate goal, according to campaign spokesperson Zakaria Sheikh, is to enact a universal law that prohibits the defamation of any prophet or religion, similar to the international legislation banning anti-Semitism. Sheikh told The Jordan Times that the boycott will assist them in providing proof of the harm of "hateful messages" when advocating for the law. A new poster, released earlier this week, displays new items, including a major Dutch electronics brand, while others were removed, including ‘"Anchor" dairy products, which comes from New Zealand. Others were removed after their manufacturers joined the campaign, which offers businesses a way out if they meet four conditions: Publicly denounce the Dutch and Danish actions in the media, and support the lawsuits and the creation of an international law. Dutch food group, Zwanenberg, which exports "ZWAN" products to the Kingdom, was one of the companies exempted from the boycott after it joined the campaign and published an open letter in Arabic dailies. "Zwanenberg announces its solidarity with the ‘Messenger of Allah Unites Us Campaign' in its endeavours to pass an international legislation to stop any insult of any religion including Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)," the letter reads. From Holland, Zwanenberg Managing Director Aldo Vanderlaan told The Jordan Times that they "wanted to make it clear to our consumers in Jordan that we do not support this type of action". He was not aware that one condition stipulates making an announcement in one local (Dutch) media outlet, but said: "I have no problem to say that our company is concerned with this action and would print it if needed." Johan Verboom, deputy head of the Netherlands embassy in Amman, said he was "surprised" that his country was added since the Dutch government clearly distanced itself from the film in statements that were printed in the Jordanian press. "This boycott, which is mainly harming local Jordanian agents, has nothing to do with Mr.Wilders and is not the right method to solve a difference of opinion," Verboom told The Jordan Times. "The Dutch government prefers to work together to build bridges through dialogue," he added. Referring to the creation of a universal law, the diplomat noted that there are ways to discuss these kinds of proposals and he "doubts" that this boycott would be helpful in any way. Meanwhile, lawsuits under way are progressing with an "Internet committee" proving to a Jordanian court that the Dutch film can easily be taken off the net. The prosecutor general selected two local movie directors to "study" the film and submit reports on the moral and cultural impact it could have on viewers. Earlier this month, Prosecutor General Hassan Abdallat subpoenaed several Danish journalists and editors involved in republication of the offensive cartoons. The defendants will be informed of the move by their embassy in the Kingdom and requested to attend a hearing, according to campaigners. Danish Ambassador Thomas Lund Sorensen was perplexed by the move and told The Jordan Times that he finds it "interesting and very unusual that one country would subpoena the citizens of another country about an issue that has happened in their native land within that country's laws". Impact The new poster includes the statement: "In the past four months (their economies) have lost 4.5 billion euros." Sheikh told The Jordan Times that this figure is estimated from feedback from agents across the Arab and Muslim world, but the Danish envoy said this claim was "shocking" and should be backed with proof. "The number that the campaign is putting forward is ridiculous, absurd and totally out of the way," Sorensen said, explaining that the calculation was simple: Exports to Jordan are worth JD50 million "for the whole year" and below three billion euros for all the 57 Organisation of the Islamic Conference member states combined. He said the campaign was misleading Arabs, pointing out that comments to foreign journalists and local reporters differed. "To start, the Arabic poster clearly shows 4.5 billion euros in loss while in the English poster, the figure is a billion euros," he said. According to figures from the Department of Statistics, Danish imports dropped by 1.68 per cent in March this year compared to last year, while in April they declined by 18.7 per cent. When informed about these figures, Sheikh was unconcerned. "If Danish and Dutch exports are so little then they have nothing to worry about," he said, adding that the campaign's intentions are clear and using accepted legal means. "The economic boycott is our freedom, we reject any violent activity, we do not force others to listen or blacklist shops that choose to carry boycotted items and we only ask that the mother company denounces the hurtful actions and supports the international law," Sheikh said. In his view, the campaigners should be "thanked" by the Dutch and Danish. "We have created a way for Muslims to vent their frustrations and leave no room for extremists to use the excuse that the Islamic world has not done anything," Sheikh added. |