Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Press Release: New website from colleagues of Theo van Gogh :The Stopped Smoker - "Politics of Terror" radio - news from Holland Press Release: New website from colleagues of Theo van Gogh :The Stopped Smoker - "Politics of Terror" radio - news from HollandDecember 14, 2004
Welcome to the "Stopped Smoker"the site which is continuing in the spirit of Theo Van Gogh's The Healthy Smoker and to carry on his campaign for free speech . Our only mission statement is : we write what we say and not what the ruling elites or what other dark forces decree, which appears to be increasingly the trend in the mainstream media . Anyone who still thinks that the newspaper, the tv, and the radio are independent is out of their minds . Read further ... The Stopped Smoker free, uncensored Press Release New website from the colleagues of Theo van Gogh: The Stopped Smoker website is launched this evening At 12:00 tonight the new website will go online . This site has been started by journalists ,photographers,and a cartoonist who used to work together with Theo van Gogh on "The Healthy Smoker" the website. After Theo van Gogh's murder the people who worked with him decided to continue his work with a new site. will be changed into a library and archive) Internet is the medium for free speech in a time when newspapers, and news programs are choosing for representatives, bureaucrats, and other predictable commentators. Above all they no longer dare to say what they think and what they mean, because they are afraid of aggression or think that they will be 'held accountable' for the reactions of anyone who claims to be offended by their views . In other words:self censorship. What does 'The Stopped Smoker' have to offer? Weekly columns,analyses, and journalistic stories from independent writers such as Pamela Hemelrijk, Micha Kat, Alberta Opoku, Bernadette de Wit, letters from Paul Ruys and each week a "Killing Joke" cartoon from Gregorious Nekschot We don't have a forum for readers, there are enough of those. Readers reactions are very welcome, but like before they will be put into the context of a journalistic story. Readers are also welcome to submit articles. 'The Stopped Smoker' website is being sponsored by lawyer Oscar Hammerstein, and is being put together together with the foundation "More Freedom" based on a design from Gregorious Nekschot. Those interested can subscribe to a weekly news brief in which the contents of the new edition will be announced. -------------------------------------------------- Gregorious Nekschot the designer of the new website can be heard talking about the situation in Amsterdam on Thursday 12/16/04 from 6:30 pm until 8 on "The Politics of Terror" show hosted by Joe Kaufman. The show can be heard at ------------------------------------------------------------ Welkom op De Gestopte Roker, de site die in de geest van Theo van Goghs De Gezonde Roker de strijd voor het werkelijk vrije woord gaat voortzetten. Ons enige mission statement is: wij schrijven wat wij willen zeggen en niet wat elites en/of andere duistere machten verordonneren, zoals de gevestigde media steeds consequenter doen. Iedereen die nog meent dat de krant, de tv en de radio onafhankelijk zijn, is niet goed bij zijn hoofd. Lees verder... De Gestopte Roker Vrij, ongecensureerd P E R S B E R I C H TDe Gestopte Roker vanavond in de luchtAmsterdam, 14 december 2004 Vanavond om 24.00 uur (00.00 uur) gaat online. De site is opgezet door journalisten, fotografen en een cartoonist die eerder meewerkten aan De Gezonde Roker, de website van Theo van Gogh. Na de moord op Theo van Gogh besloten de medewerkers dat ze door wilden gaan met een nieuwe site ( wordt omgebouwd tot een bibliotheek). Internet is hét medium voor het vrije woord in een tijd dat steeds meer kranten en nieuws- en actualiteitenprogramma's kiezen voor woordvoerders, ambtenaren en andere voorspelbare commentatoren. Zij durven bovendien niet meer alles te zeggen wat ze vinden, omdat ze bang zijn voor agressie of menen dat ze ‘hun verantwoordelijkheid moeten nemen' ter voorkoming van gekwetste reacties. Lees: zelfcensuur. Wat biedt De Gestopte Roker? Wekelijkse columns, analyses en journalistieke verhalen van onafhankelijke scribenten als Pamela Hemelrijk, Micha Kat, Alberta Opoku en Bernadette de Wit, brieven van Paul Ruys aan bobo's en elke week een ‘misselijke grap' van cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot Een forum voor lezers hebben we niet, daarvan zijn er al genoeg. Lezersreacties zijn zeer welkom, maar zullen net als voorheen in een journalistiek verhaal worden verwerkt. Ook ingezonden bijdragen zijn welkom. De Gestopte Roker wordt gesponsord door advocaat Oscar Hammerstein en is gebouwd met hulp van de Stichting MeerVrijheid , naar een ontwerp van Gregorius Nekschot. Belangstellenden kunnen zich abonneren op een wekelijkse nieuwsbrief per e-mail waarin de inhoud van de nieuwe aflevering wordt aangekondigd ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: As of March 7th The Stopped Smoker has 'stopped' publication Announcement Dear Visitor, Gregorius has worked on setting up The Stopped Smoker. You know which one... the site which was to be the continuation of Theo van Gogh's 'The Healthy Smoker' site. Well yeah, that lasted for eight issues. 'Mecenas' Oscar H. was supposed to finance the enterprise but didn't keep his promise. (By the way, Gregorius is still waiting for money from Oscar H.-just so you know that.) Short and sweet: the editorial board has quit in the meantime and we have closed up shop. Gregorious has asked the board of The Stopped Smoker to inform the readers of this situation. But the board didn't feel like it. So let Gregorius give the news himself. THE STOPPED SMOKER IS STOPPED But Gregorious is continuing. Soon we are going to present a new cartoonist. Do you also feel the need for a creative contribution? Don't hesitate then. Regards, Gregorius --------------------------- Original letter:
---------------------------------------------------------- From the website of Dutch cartoonist Gregorious Nekschot designer of the new 'Stopped Smoker' site : For more of his work in english see :Killing Jokes ---------------------------------------------------------- MIM: Welcome to Ollandistan: Dutch website Retekool shows what Holland might look like if political correctness and the government's efforts to 'keep things together' prevails. |