Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Ghanim Al Jumaily - director of Al Qaeda linked 'charity' Life for Relief & Development-Saddam loyalist appointed Iraqi ambassador to Japan-worked as NASA engineer
Ghanim Al Jumaily - director of Al Qaeda linked 'charity' Life for Relief & Development-Saddam loyalist appointed Iraqi ambassador to Japan-worked as NASA engineer
November 21, 2004
Ghanim Al Jumaily - militant Islamist in diplomat's clothing :
MIM:The advertisement for a Life for Relief and Development fundraiser which was advertised on the website of the Young Muslims (the Al Muhajiroun/Al Qaeda) youth group, which is under the aegis of the Muslim American Society, and the Islamic Circle of North America ,should be enough proof to show that the 'charity' has militant Islamist affiliations. The speakers list at the event, which included the Council on American Islamic Relations Ghazi Kankan. known for a rally speach at which he proferred "greetings from the Muhajadeen at CAIR" and Zaid Shakir, an ICNA/MAS youth activities coordinator , who condemned the convictions of the Virginia Jihad paintball group, speaks volumes about Life for Relief and Development's Islamist agenda .
LFRD's president Khalil Jassemm, who spoke at the event, and is a featured speaker at numerous fundraisers throught the country, (see listings below), was also a speaker at the recent fundraiser of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, whose Imam, Ibrahim Dremali, was labelled an "Islamic extremist" by counter terrorism expert Steven Emerson.
The fact that Life for Relief and Development is being permitted to bring"aid" to Fallujah is something which needs to be reviewed by law enforcement and a Senate committee immediately. The bizarre appointment of Al Jumaily, as Iraqi ambassador to Japan, is also a worrying development .One wonders how much his experience as a jet propulsion engineer at NASA and his work on several space projects for the agency further qualifies him for Iraqi diplomatic status in addition to his credentials as a Saddam loyalist.
The state of Missouri has proven itself to be a hotbed of Al Qaeda and Al Muhajrioun activity. In 1999 Kamran Bokhari, the spokesman for Al Muhajiroun was a co founder of the Saudi/ Al Haramain/ funded Islamic Center of Springfield, which was closed by the US Treasury Department last year . The center had gotten $470,000 from Soliman Albuthe, who is under investigation for connections to terrorism financing.
Last month the Islamic American/African Relief agency was raided by the FBI . Zayid Khaleel, the terrorist who provided cell phones to Bin Laden with which he ordered the bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Narobi, was a student at the University of Columbus, Missouri, a member of the Muslim Student Association, and a fund raiser for the IARA.
Life for Relief and Developments active participation in Iraqi rallies which compared US sanctions to the bombings in Hiroshima are further proof that their agenda is political and antithetical to American interests. Indeed the LRD's aid to Fallujah, where American soldiers found medical supplies in terrorists hideouts, could be proof that their aid is being used against American troops in Iraq.
This account is one of several recent reports of medical supplies found in terrorist strongholds which described Zarqawi's HQ as " a one stop shop for terrorists".
"In the house, the soldiers found letters reportedly written by Zarqawi to his lieutenants, medical supplies from the U.S. Agency for International Development and boxes of ammunition from the Chinese and Jordanian armies.
SOUTHFIELD — Ghanim al-Jumaily helped the United States explore space and now he hopes to help the country establish democracy in his homeland, Iraq.
This weekend, al-Jumaily, 54, will move from Ann Arbor to Tokyo as Iraq's new ambassador to Japan.
"I was completely taken by surprise," said al-Jumaily, an engineer and human rights activist.
"What happened is a friend of mine who is a minister in the Iraqi interim government nominated me for this and I didn't know about this until my name was on the desk of the prime minister.
"I have two disadvantages," he said, chuckling. "I don't speak Japanese and I don't eat raw fish. Translation will be easy, but I like fish cooked."
Al-Jumaily left Iraq 30 years ago, and after obtaining a couple of graduate degrees, including a doctorate in electrical engineering at the University of New Mexico in 1987, he worked in NASA's jet propulsion lab on the Mars Pathfinder and other projects.
Then, in 1991, shortly after the Gulf War, he began volunteering for the Southfield-based Life for Relief and Development, a charity that provided food and supplies to Iraq. In August 2002, he was named chief executive officer.
"What we have done most recently is to ship many containers of medical supplies," al-Jumaily said. "Our good relationship with the interim authority in Baghdad has enabled us to deliver supplies."
The work of the organization has benefited Iraqis living in cities that have become household names in the United States — places like Najaf, Fallujah and Karbala.
Al-Jumaily says that as a human rights activist, he did not support the war and he believes there were alternatives to force Saddam Hussein from power. He is pleased Saddam is gone, and he hopes Iraq can move to a new future.
Meanwhile, some Iraqi expatriates have protested in front of Life Relief for Development, saying al-Jumaily and others were too close to Saddam's regime.
"This organization is well-known as a Saddam supporter," said Haider Al-Jabori of Dearborn, who helped organize the protest.
MIM: This press relief shows that Life for Relief and Development is able to move around and continue their anti American activities in Fallujah under the guise of humanitarian aid. On June 17th the 'charity' was raided by US forces who accused LIFE of " aiding the guerillas". See complete article below
MIM:Excerpt from: ' Michigan based charity caught in the middle -US troops raid groups offices while militants accuse it of being a coalition tool'
"On Wednesday, a spokesman for the U.S.-led occupation coalition confirmed the raid for the first time, saying in response to a query by The Chronicle that "a cordon and search operation" had been carried out and that "12 computers and 20 boxes of files were confiscated." No further explanation was given.
"It is very difficult to work here, and I'm not sure what we'll do now," said Ghanim al-Jumaily, an Iraqi American who is the organization's chief executive officer. He was visiting Iraq and was in the office when the U.S. troops arrived. He returned to the United States on Wednesday.
Al-Jumaily said it was likely the American troops suspected his organization of collaborating with the guerrillas. "We work everywhere, in the poorest areas with the greatest needs, so this is no surprise".
Contact: Maryam Ahmad of Life For Relief & Development, 248-424-7493 or 800-827-3543, Web:
SOUTHFIELD, Mich., April 15 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Life For Relief & Development (LIFE), a U.S.-based humanitarian relief organization, continues to focus on providing humanitarian assistance in the war-torn country of Iraq, amidst the daily threats of violence and increased security risks. Efforts by in- country Director, Dr. Yarub Al-Shiraida and local personnel, were met with success when authorization was granted to LIFE by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) to enter Fallujah. A convoy including four truckloads of food and medical supplies from LIFE was quickly mobilized to bring desperately needed aid to hospitals and residents of Fallujah.
As the need for humanitarian assistance increases, LIFE continues to stay the course and has stationed local personnel in Fallujah to monitor the situation daily and report developments as they unfold. "As this situation continues to escalate and spread to other areas, the medical facilities and civilian population will continue to face shortages of food and medicine. We want to be ready to respond as quickly as possible with whatever is needed", stated LIFE's President, Dr. Khalil Jassemm.
Meetings were held earlier this week in Washington with key personnel of the federal government, which also included briefings from Dr. Ghanim Al-Jumaily, CEO, on the humanitarian activities of LIFE in Fallujah and surrounding areas. LIFE plans to continue sending aid to Fallujah and surrounding areas, and has launched a campaign to secure donations for purchasing additional emergency relief items including food and medicine. For more information on this story and other programs, please visit the website at or call 1-800-827-3543.
Q:"Through your involvement with the Iraqi people in relief work activities with the Iraqi people can you see that the people are ready to resist? And do they really have the ability to fight back in view of the complete silence from the Arab world and the dissapointment the Iraqi people have experienced?"
A: "Many steps have been taken at various levels , whether by the government or civilians towards protecting themselves. Whether they have the ability to resist or not is a matter of choice. In general people have accepted the fact the war is not to topple the present Iraqi government but to serve the American interests in the region". (for the complete question and answer session scroll to the bottom of the page".
MIM:Note that Al Shiraida was a reseach assistent in the Nuclear Research Institute in Iraq from 1972 to 1975. This is an indication that he was considered a trustworthy ally of Saddam Hussein.
- 1994-1998: Board Member, Life for Relief & Development, Michigan, USA
- 1998-2000: Executive Director, Life for Relief & Development
- 2000-Present: International Projects Coordinator for Iraq & Sierra Leone: Life for Relief & Development
Involvement in Islamic Activities:
Varied from: president of MSA local chapter to board member in various Islamic organizations
MIM: This fundraiser shows that there are zero degrees of separation between LIFE and some of the most militant Islamist organisations in the US today. Muslim Youth, the Islamic Circle of North American, and the Muslim American Society are directly funded by the Saudi Wahabists and count among their supporters Sheik Abdur Rahman Al Sudais of Saudi Arabia, who issued a call on Saudi state television to for Muslims to kill "Jews and American worshippers of the cross", Ikrima Sabri, Grand Mufti of Al Aqsa mosque and Arafat appointee who said of child suicide bombers, "the younger the martyr the more I respect him", and Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi of Qatar, who ruled that women should also carry out suicide bombings to fulfill their religious obligations.
LIFE for Relief and Development In cooperation with ICNA Relief, Muslim American Society, Islamic Circle of North America, Young Muslims & Muslim Students Association NY
EMERGENCY Humanitarian Fundraising Dinner for Iraqi People
Sunday April 27th at 5:30pm
Confirmed Speakers: Imam Zaid Shakir -Imam of Masjid Al-Islam Dr. Khalil Jassem -President of LIFE Al-Hajj Ghazi Khankan -Director of Council American Islamic Relations NY
Tickets: Adults $30, Students $25
Malabar Palace 206-12 Hillside Ave Jamaica, NY 11427 718-740-8022
Life for Relief & Development (West Coast Office) 12912 Brookhurst St. Suite 420 Garden Grove, CA 92840
Tax. I.D. # 95-4402149
LIFE, established in 1993 is registered with the US Government & has consultancy status with the United Nations. Life has been working in Iraq since its establishment and has a network that covers all the major Iraqi provinces. Currently, it is coordinating its work in Iraq with the World Food Program (WFP), the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC), the Iraqi Red Crescent, and the Syrian Red Crescent.
Life for Relief and Development shares the view of these Iraqi protesters
LIFE delivers aid to the cities of Fallouja and Najaf
(Southfield, MI) Life For Relief & Development (LIFE), an international, humanitarian relief, nongovernmental organization (NGO) continues to provide emergency relief to the Iraqi people. Through the efforts of it's Baghdad office, LIFE was one of the first NGO's to receive authorization from the Coalition Provisional Authority to enter Fallujah and Najaf to deliver much needed medicine and medical supplies. Five truckloads of urgently needed food and medical supplies were sent to Fallujah, while two others carrying medical supplies were dispatched to hospitals in Najaf. Recent events in the two cities have placed an even greater strain on medical facilities that remain severely damaged from years of neglect. LIFE in cooperation with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Humanitarian Services (CJCLDS) and Nour International Relief Aid (Nour) has delivered over twenty containers of medicine, supplies and medical textbooks, valued at more than $10 Million dollars, on behalf of the people of the United States. The medical shipments donated by the CJCLDS and Nour continue to improve and restore healthcare facilities throughout Iraq while benefiting the communities that desperately need their services.
We deeply value the community support which enables LIFE to provide emergency response and a variety of humanitarian programs in many countries including Iraq, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Algeria and India for more than a decade. All donations are tax deductible and can be made by calling LIFE at 1-800-82RELIEF (1-800-827-3543) or by visiting our website at Checks can be made payable to Life For Relief & Development/ Iraq Appeal and sent to:
For more information please contact Dr. Ghanim Al-Jumaily, CEO at 248-424-7493 or Diana Sufian, President & CEO, Nour International Relief Aid at 310-458-6828.
Contact: Dr. Ghanim Al-Jumaily Life For Relief & Development 17300 W. 10 Mile Road Southfield, MI48075 Ph: (248) 424-7493 / 1-800-827-3543 Fax: (248) 424-8325
MIM: The list of groups marching in anti American rally which compared the sanctions against Iraq with the bombing of Hiroshima, included Life for Relief and Development, the ADC, the Council for American Islamic Relations, and the International Socialist Organisation.
Schedule of Activities
Saturday, August 5 - Teach-in on Iraq:
11:30 am - 6:00 pm: Film, panels, and discussion of the sanctions, U.S. policy, and parallels with Hiroshima.
Panelists include: Aiham Alsammarae, ADC Board member; Anthony Arnove, editor of Iraq Under Siege; Edmund Ghareeb, author; Elizabeth McAllister, Jonah House Catholic Worker; Deana Rabiah, Program Coordinator at ACCESS, Former ADC President of UMI Chapter in Ann Arbor, MI..
(There will be a showing of the acclaimed John Pilger film "Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq.")
6:45 - Hiroshima vigil at the Reflection Pool on the Mall
Organizations endorsing August 6 Rally, as of June 27, 2000:
Adams Youth Center American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Anti-Intervention Network Arizona Institute for Peace Education and Research Bruderhof CAIR-Michigan Catholic Worker, New York Center for Contemplation and Nonviolence, Seattle, WA Church of the Brethren Washington Office Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) FOR-Houston Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Green Mountain Veterans for Peace International Socialist Organization (ISO) Iowans for Peace with Iraq Life for Relief and Development (LIFE) Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Middle East Children's Alliance Partners for Peace Pax Christi USA Peace Action Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois Veterans for Peace Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti-Imperialist Voices in the Wilderness War Resisters League Washington Action Group (WAG) Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR)
MIM: Note that Kavkaz - the Chechen /Al Qaeda/ Azzam website lists Life for Relief and Development as one of it's recommended links.
KAVKAZ CENTER ... Wa Islamah. Ar Ruh. True Islam Followers. The Best Ummah. Life for Relief and Development. Muslim Civilization. Islam Muslims. Group of IslamCity. ... - 48k - Nov 19, 2004 - Cached - Similar pages
The ADC and Imad Hamad helped 'LIFE' get into Iraq. Imad Hamad is under investigation and fighting deportation for his
ADC Helps LIFE Get Licence for Humanitarian Aid Project for Iraq
The Detroit based humanitarian group "LIFE for Relief and Development" (formerly known as the "International Relief Association") with the intervention of ADC was recently granted a new licence to ship badly needed humanitarian aid to Iraq.
During the humanitarian crisis in Iraq throughout the 1990's, LIFE has been one of the most effective and prolific groups in distributing such aid to Iraq. Since its inception, LIFE has successfully delivered more than $15 million worth of humanitarian aid to the people of Iraq. Recently, however, LIFE encountered obstacles from United States officials in obtaining licences to ship this aid.
ADC's Michigan Chapter and Midwest Regional Director Imad Hamad were instrumental in gaining the support of congressional leaders in Michigan, who ensured that the licence would be granted. With the assistance of ADC, Senators Levin and Abraham, and Congressmen Bonior and Conyers, LIFE was granted a licence to ship the aid by the Treasury Department on Jan. 20, 1998.
LIFE is now preparing to ship 12 forty-foot containers of humanitarian relief goods that are in short supply in Iraq, including medicines, medical supplies, infant formula, medical textbooks, and school supplies.
Mr. Muthanna Al-Hanooti of LIFE said that "We have a special relationship with the ADC here in Detroit, which is a great ADC chapter. I asked Imad Hamad for help in getting the licence - he called Senator Levin and Senator Abraham's offices. Senator Levin had expressed concern for the Iraqi people but not acted on it, an issue ADC raised with him. ADC Detroit worked very hard to help LIFE obtain the needed licences. With this kind of cooperation between our different organizations, we can do a lot of things, not only for Iraq but on all issues of concern to our community."
ADC congratulates LIFE on their magnificent humanitarian efforts during this grim period in Iraq, and will continue to work with all humanitarian relief efforts to help the Iraqi people. This is another example of the value of cooperation between our organizations. ADC is doing its utmost to foster and promote a spirit and practice of cooperation among Arab American, Muslim American and other sympathetic organizations to advance our common agenda.
======================================================================== ADC is the largest Arab-American grassroots organization in the United States. It was founded in 1980 by former Senator James Abourezk. To receive membership information, please send us your name and mailing address.
MIM: See Debbie Schlussel's weblog for more on LIFE' s connections to Hamas etc.
MIM:On August 30,2004 the Islamic Center of Boca Raton held a fundraiser which included Khalil Jassemm , president of of Life for Relief and Development.
"Life was founded in 1993 by five Iraqi-American men compelled to help their homeland after the Gulf War," said Khalil Jassemm, Life's president and chief executive officer. Since then, the agency has distributed $35 million worth of food, clothing, medical supplies and construction materials. The flow of donations to Life's Southfield warehouse has always been steady -- 90 percent provided by the country's Arab and Muslim communities. But concern is growing among agency leaders that the giving may slow. "Things got harder after Sept. 11 because people are uncomfortable donating," Jassemm said. "The economy is not good and the insecurity of our donors is impacting our work. "The Muslim and Arab communities are feeling very uncomfortable because they are having problems in the United States now. And many Americans do not want to give money to a group of people they do not know, and many do not know the Arab community."
For information, visit -------------------------------
The Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) and LIFE for Relief & > Development humbly invite you to join us Saturday evening, October 12, > 2002, > for an emergency fundraising dinner. This event will give you an > opportunity > to hear from eloquent speakers who can bring you up-to-date on the > crisis > facing the people of Iraq and the debate in Washington. > > IRAQ: an Emergency fundraising Dinner > 6:00 pm, Saturday, October 12th, 2002 > > HILTON Alexandria Mark Center > 5000 Seminary Road > Alexandria, VA 22311 > 703-845-1010 > (Babysitting provided) > > SPEAKERS will include: > Ambassador Edward Peck, Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq > Br. Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of MAS Freedom Foundation > Mr. Erik Gustafson, Executive Director of EPIC > Dr. Khalil Jassemm, CEO of LIFE for Relief & Development > > ALSO INVITED: > Scott Ritter, Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector > Hans Von Sponeck, Former UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq > Congressman Nick Rahall II (West Virginia) > > Tickets: Adults $30 (students $20) > > We hope that you will be able to join us for this important night. Our > work > cannot continue without the strong support of people like you. > > To REGISTER please contact the EPIC office at > 202-543-6176 > > If you are unable to attend, but still wish to support our work you can > send > DONATIONS to: > > The Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) > 1101 Penn. Ave. SE > Washington, DC 20003 > > Tax ID #52-2223500 > > The Education for Peace in Iraq Center > 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue SE > Washington D.C. 20003 USA > Tel. 202.543.6176 - Fax 202.543.0725
Baghdad -- In a sign of the narrowing space available for humanitarian work amid Iraq's current chaos, a Michigan-based charity is under pressure from American troops and anti-American guerrillas alike.
The Iraq headquarters of Life for Relief and Development, of Southfield, Mich., was raided last week by U.S. troops, who carried away computers and documents.
Only days previously, the group's offices in Fallujah and Baghdad had received repeated death threats from shadowy guerrilla groups that accused its workers of being "American agents" and ordered them to leave Iraq.
Life for Relief and Development is one of the few international aid groups that works throughout the country's most conflicted areas, and it is the only one with a permanent presence in Fallujah. That city has been virtually under control of anti-American guerrillas since U.S. Marines withdrew in April, following three weeks of bloody urban combat.
The Muslim nonprofit group has sent food, medical supplies and water purification equipment to the besieged city, using a permit granted for that purpose by the U.S. occupation authorities.
But the organization's operations have been virtually suspended since the June 10 raid on its Baghdad office by U.S. troops, who confiscated all its computers and files.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for the U.S.-led occupation coalition confirmed the raid for the first time, saying in response to a query by The Chronicle that "a cordon and search operation" had been carried out and that "12 computers and 20 boxes of files were confiscated." No further explanation was given.
"It is very difficult to work here, and I'm not sure what we'll do now," said Ghanim al-Jumaily, an Iraqi American who is the organization's chief executive officer. He was visiting Iraq and was in the office when the U.S. troops arrived. He returned to the United States on Wednesday.
Al-Jumaily said it was likely the American troops suspected his organization of collaborating with the guerrillas. "We work everywhere, in the poorest areas with the greatest needs, so this is no surprise."
His group has operated in Iraq since 1993, and although it kept its distance from Saddam Hussein's regime, it was openly critical of U.S. policy in Iraq.
In the past three weeks, his group distributed 30,000 medical books to hospitals and medical schools, he said. The group also has opened free medical clinics in Baghdad and other cities and has provided donations of food and medical supplies to needy Iraqis.
"We have had trucks coming and going here at 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., which probably triggered rumors," he said. "It was the neighbors, somebody nearby. This is how 'intelligence' happens in Iraq -- it's all rumors. Somebody gets paid to tell things to somebody else, and even if it's not true, it's good business for them."
Al-Jumaily said that during the raid, the soldiers "behaved professionally, I must say. There was no destruction. They said they would give us back the computers and files in two or three days. But now it's five days, and when we go to ask to get information, they say there was no raid. They do not know anything about it."
He said he had gone to the U.S. office set up to handle the complaints of people subjected to coalition troop raids, but officials there said they had no information about the raid on his group's office.
The soldiers conducting the raid "identified themselves, but they didn't leave any business card or other document or receipt, and we were so nervous and in shock that we didn't think of asking until they had left," said Dr. Yarub al-Shiraida, the director of the Baghdad office. "Here it's like a black hole, the information goes in one way, but nothing goes out the other."
The pressure on Life for Relief and Development is building from the other side, too. Over the past three weeks, the group has received telephone threats in its Fallujah and Baghdad offices. "You are an American organization, you have no place here," the most recent threat said. "If you don't leave, you will regret it."
Al-Jumaily said with a shrug, "We talked with the tribal sheikhs in Fallujah, who said we were OK and do not have reason to fear, so we will stay."
But the margin for error is tiny -- guerrillas routinely kill Iraqis and foreigners whom they suspect of collaborating with the U.S. occupation authorities. Tuesday, in just one of several attacks around the country in recent days, suspected guerrillas killed six Iraqi truck drivers who had delivered supplies to an Iraqi police base on Fallujah's outskirts.
The Iraq operations budget last year for Life for Relief and Development totaled about $5 million, most of which was in-kind donations from individuals and businesses in the United States and Canada, with other funds coming from UNICEF and private foundations.
The group also has smaller operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Syria and Sierra Leone. It had no problems with U.S. authorities or law enforcement before the June 10 raid, al-Jumaily said.
Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, the federal government has cracked down on 25 U.S.-based Muslim charities, freezing their assets. There is no publicly available information suggesting that Life for Relief and Development has been under investigation. The group's website ( includes commendations from several leading U.S. politicians, including a 1999 letter from then-President Bill Clinton.
MIM: Full text of Islam Online question and answer session :
Dr. Yarub S. Al Shiraida
International projects coordinator for Iraq : Life for Relief and Development
'America's war on Iraq -Consequences and Impending Crisis'
Sunday November 24, 2002
Radi - Germany
Dr. Yarub it seems that you have been involved in relief work in Iraq. Did you visit Iraq recently? How do the people there see the American threat of war? Do they have the readiness to fight back?
Since 1997 I visited Iraq at least 10 times. The last visit was on Nov. 2, 2002 in which I tried, with some other colleagues, to implement an emergency plan in corporation with the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.
As for the Iraqi people, they take the threat seriously at all levels, whether government or civilians. Everyone is afraid of the impact of another war that will bring them 12 years back.
Civilians are making preparations for another war by saving food, water, and some even went to the extent of digging wells, in fear of water shortages or contamination.
Suzane -
It seems that the real crisis now is that Muslims and Arab leader do not know exactly how would be the dilemma and catastrophe if Iraq was attacked, not only on Iraq but also on the whole Arab world. How do you see the catastrophe would be on the whole Arabia?
First of all, Allah knows best. However, I can see from speaking with many people, officials and the general public, that the worry comes from the length of stay of the American military in the region and Iraq in particular.
Secondly, what nation will be the next target after Iraq is no longer a threat? Thirdly, what type of government will replace the existing Iraqi government? People are wondering and are asking all these questions.
Mohamed - Canada
sales professional
If one becomes unclean (nulq)while fastinf, is the fast nulified or should he continue to fast
Dear Mohamed,
We are so sorry for not answering your question because it has nothing to do with the subject of this dialogue. Please submit your question in the live fatwa session.
Ihsan - United States
What kind of relief work does "Life" organization do exactly in Iraq?
Since 1993, Life has done the following relief work:
1. Sending medicines and medical supplies to various hospitals in Iraq.
2. Sending millions of dollars worth of textbooks and stationery.
3. Renovating up to 35 schools till now.
4. Repairing 10 water treatment plants.
5. Distributed Ramadan food baskets and 'Udhiya meat.
6. Opening many training centers (computer training centers, and sewing centers). 7. Sponsoring over 600 orphans in Northern Iraq.
During my last visit, we prepared an emergency plan in which we leased five warehouses to store blankets (10,000), water containers (10,000/20L), food, tents, and medical kits.
Steven -
Do you think that the UN inspectors will find what they call weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
From my conversations with many Iraqi officials, they all emphasize that Iraq is clean of any of these allegations. My real concern, however, is that the operation of UN inspection may perhaps be delayed, and this will be seen as impeding their operation. The work of the inspection team will upset many Iraqis in different installations, as their work takes them to public facilities (non-military facilities) and bombard them with military related questions which they cannot answer or take offensively. This was the case during the last inspection process.
Yousef - Canada
What is your opinion about the Canadian support for the United States about a joining war on Iraq? Will the America go to war?
The war on Iraq is unjustified by any means, and the participation of Canadians based on America's whim should not be the case. Canada's role has previously been, and should continue to be, with regards to keeping and maintaining peace, and not to aid in the destruction of nations.
The war has already been decided, and the news from inside Iraq is that bombing "military" installations is taking place on a daily bases, and civilians are being killed in this process.
Fouad -
Through your involvement with the Iraqi people in relief work activities with Iraqi people, can you see that the people are ready to resist? And do they really have the ability to fight back in view of the complete silence from the Arab world and the disappointment the Iraqi people have experienced?
Many steps have been taken at various levels, whether by the government or by civilians, towards protecting themselves. Whether they have the ability to resist or not is not a matter of choice. Iraqi people, in general, have accepted the fact that this war is not to topple the current Iraqi government, but rather to serve the American interests in the region.
The greatest fear, however, comes from a possible civil war that might take place in the absence of a strong government (take for example the current situation in Afghanistan after the American involvement).
Saleha -
As a Muslim woman residing in the West, what do you suggest I do other than helping with sending aid and money?
The most important thing you can do above sending money and aid is to pray and make du'a' for a peaceful solution to this dilemma. There are also many excellent literature about the current situation of the Iraqi people as a result of the previous war and the continuing UN sanctions. Make yourself aware of the current situation and use this to convince your government representative in your locality to promote a peaceful solution and not to promote another more devastating war.
Joseph - France
Do you think that America will support the Shi`ah against Saddam? And how would you think Saddam will do if this happened?
We are receiving news, though not confirmed, that there is a type of corporation between American and Iran. Now the United States may not promote the Shi'ah involvement in the beginning of the attack; however, as the war prolongs the US will encourage rebellions from inside factions.
The Shi'ah in Iraq are divided into at least 2 groups, one of them is 100% pro-Iraqi government, and the other is indifferent. The Iraqi government is doing all they can do to both discourage any internal rebellions, and to use fierce forces to bring any such rebellions to a quick end.
yousufkhokhar - United Arab Emirates
private service
What is the duty of heads of Muslim states and religious scholars to protect and stand with Muslim brothers or any of the Muslim country against war imposed on them by non Muslim nations? Are these leaders and scholars exempted of their duties in this regard to save their own position in this world but not worried about the punishment after their death?
Neither Muslim leaders nor Muslim scholars are doing their best to stop another disaster in the region. Many Muslim scholars have not visited Iraq to understand the real inhumane conditions that the Iraqi people live in. They are not exempted from their duties in this regard, and they must make their people aware of the ramifications of this war. Unfortunately, if you speak to Muslim leaders they say they are against this war, but in reality, the American troops are already taking part in military drill on Muslim land and preparing for war. Life for Relief and Development would be more than willing to accompany any scholars or politicians to Iraq, and show them the real conditions in which the people live.
Mohammed -
As a Muslim who lives in U.S.A. and really angry about what's going on all over the Muslim world especially the new upcoming war against the people of Iraq because of that criminal Saddam. What I'm supposed to do?
Agian, we can emphasize the importance of du'a', as only Allah the Almighty can really put a stop to this current dillemma. And again, also speak with government representatives and voice your concerns about another war. There is power in numbers, so make your friends aware of the situation and have them speak out as well.
Hala - Egypt
Do you think the Iraqi people can sacrifice all what they can to topple their regime?
I myself do not promote any bloodshed in the country. The Iraqi people have suffered enough. The change has to take place gradually, otherwise it will lead to remarkable chaos. Dictatorships are rejected by all and will never last, and many Iraqi officials are realizing this. Moving slowly towards a non-dictatorship government should be the solution. I think this is the role of our scholars and respected politicians to continuously advise the Iraqi government to move in this direction. We heard officials willing to do this, but they are in a situation geared towards a war which hinders their efforts greatly. Unfortunately, our people either praise the government and are afraid to give advice, or they take very extreme or hostile positions against the government because of past injustices. We need to find a medium between these two extremes, and this is the best solution. Our organization's representatives are advising and criticizing without fear, and this is what others should do as well. If we try to avenge everything in the past, it will never end.
Khulood - Switzerland
Do you think it is easy for the US and its alliances to overthrow Saddam? And I wonder if this happens, can the UN guarantee that no genocide will be committed thus sacrificing millions of innocent civilians?
Firstly, the UN cannot guarantee anything when the US has its mind set on a particular action.
Secondly, the impact of the war, which is feared most, will be more devastating than the previous one. During the last war, the Iraqi army was distributed in non-residential areas (i.e. deserts, and borders). But this is not the case this time around. So even though genocide will not take place, the innocent casualties will be tremendous. While on the other hand, the current Iraqi government insures survival by any means.
And lastly, the American government seems to be able to remove any government by flexing their muscles, unless Allah deems otherwise. But this is not the concern of the people; the concern comes from the replacement government, and whose best interests they have in mind: the Iraqi people, or American interest. The other concern comes from the aftermath that would result from this unjustified war. Will it be another decade of suffering?
John - United Kingdom
Technical worker
A group of us (of mixed ethnic groups and religions) based in Birmingham UK believe war in Iraq is very likely. We are, therefore, working to try to minimise the impact on the iraqi people. We explain more at
Do you think this is a good idea?
This is an excellent idea, and the people of Iraq appreciate this greatly.
shayma -
As-Salamu `Alaykum, when do u think the US will strike Iraq? Many have said after Dec. 8 when Iraq comes up with the 'list'. Do you feel this is the case?
Wa `Aalaykum As-Salam Warahmatullah,
They are already striking at an unofficial level, but an official major strike was expected in November, and was only delayed by UN concerns. At least the Iraqi people (officials and others) expected the war back then.
marwan - Canada
Are the majority of the American people with or against the war and what are their attitudes towards Muslims? Are they improving?
This depends on how the question is asked to the American people and who is asking it. If the question is should we go to war to rid Iraq of weapons of Mass Destruction, the answer will most likely be yes. But if the question is should we go to war to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction that we cannot confirm they have, the answer will definitely be no.
I think the American people are more aware of what Islam really stands for and not what the media and ignorant politicians feed them, because of Muslim efforts in North America in educating the public mass.
Farhan - United Arab Emirates
Sir, with science advancing so quickly, what if one day the humans migrate to another planet. How would Muslims follow the rules of Shariah, e.g., there would be a different lunar year, might be no moon, length of days would be different, etc. This is not a very far-fetched possibility. Please let me know. I have had this question in my heart for years now. Jazak Allah. Allah Hafiz..
irrelevent given the current topic..
shayma -
Alsalamu alaykum..
when do u think the US will strike iraq? many have said after Dec. 8 when iraq comes up with the 'list'. do u feel this is the case?
already addressed
yousufkhokhar - United Arab Emirates
private service
This was already addressed..
Editor -
Has the session finished?
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