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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Da'wa goes Disney :Hamas producer Oussama Jammal brings Saudi funded Muhammed 'profit' animation film to US public Da'wa goes Disney :Hamas producer Oussama Jammal brings Saudi funded Muhammed 'profit' animation film to US publicCAIR urges Muslims to "buy tickets for friends and neighbors" to film distributed by director terrorist linked Bridgeview Mosque Islamic propagation through animation ----------------------------------------- MIM:The North American release of the Saudi funded animation film: "Muhammed -the Last Prophet" is being touted as the Islamist version of an American Disney production. The film was made in the US by ex Disney director Richard Rich, for the Saudi based Badr films company. Besides being one of the first 'commercial' Islamic propagation films "Muhammed - the last Prophet" boasts the distinction of being a Disney, Saudi, Hamas collaboration. Oussama Jammal, the head of the Fine Media Group which is distributing the film in the US is a Hamas activist who has fund raised for the legal defense of terrorists. He is also the president of the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation, which has been under law enforcement scrutiny for over a decade . Jammal took over the direction of the BMF from Rafiq Jaber ,the leader of the Islamic Association of Palestine, the North American wing of Hamas .This is more proof that Jammal is in directly involved in the Hamas terrorist organisation. More proof, is any was needed ,that FIne Media Group president Oussama Jammal is a Hamas member and operative . http://www.google.com/search?q=bridgeview+mosque+foundation&hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all&lr=&start=20&sa=N The Fine Media Group produces Islamic children's films as a to generate revenue for Jammal's other activities .Completed in 2001, the release of Muhammed - The Last Prophet was delayed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks . Oussama Jammal stated that it was "an irony that Americans would be able to watch the American produced movie after much of the world had already seen it," adding that the opening of the film was put off after September 11th since according to Jammal "people were not in the mood to go to the movies". At a post 9/11 press conference at the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation Jammal asked this question: "How certain are we that it was Arabs who were behind it?" Suggesting that Americans look at the causes, he argued that despair and fear are at the roots of terrorism. http://www.washington-report.org/archives/november01/0111050.html "...The first animated movie of Prophet Mohammed will finally be screened in North America after being delayed by the September 11 tragedy, which sparked off unprecedented anti-Muslim sentiment..." "... It was completed just before the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States by the Al-Qaeda terror network of Osama bin Laden..." "...He said it was an irony that Americans would be able to watch the US-produced movie after much of the world had already seen it..." "...The film was scheduled to be released in the United States around 2002 but was put off because it was just after September 11 and people were not in the mood to go to the movies," Jammal told AFP. "Yet, it is of great significance for this first animated Islamic movie ever in North America to be screened at the end of the fasting month -- fitting perfectly with the nature of the film..." http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1056454,001100030009.htm ---------------------
http://www.iffilmfest.org/2002winners.cfm MIM: Oussama Jammal : Terrorist in a Tuxedo - Hamas does Hollywood In 2002 Oussama Jammal won a production award at the " International Family Film Festival" in California . Oussama Jammal proved that working for Hamas and fundraising for terrorists, while denying Muslim involvement in the 9/11 attacks and blaming America for terrorism is an asset in the US film industry. At a post 9/11 press conference spinmeister Jammal went into ' Muslim victim mode' and unintentionally revealed his militant Islamist agenda : "We, as Arabs, are no strangers to suffering,..."Americans are saying now that they are willing to give up some luxuries to get through the next phase. But how long will they hold out?" http://www.washington-report.org/archives/november01/0111050.html Oussama Jammal's Fine Media Group is a fundraising front for activities of the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation , and by direct extension Hamas. The Saudi funded production and distribution of the Muhammed film is an example of how Muslims are attempting to fulfill their Islamic obligation of Da'wa (Islamic propagation) by bringing films about Islam into the American mainstream under the guise of Disney like "family entertainment". Jammal's Fine Media Group works together with Badr International, the Saudi company which financed the production of the film. Oussama Jammal is director of the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation and on the board of directors of the Council of Islamic Organisations of Greater Chicago. The head of the CIOCG, Kareem Irfan, recently explained to a journalist that beheadings " were a primordial sense of retribution and revenge ." "The BMF (and the CIOCG) is funded by the Saudis and has raised money for the defense of Muslims such as Arnaam Ernaout, now jailed for his fund raising for Al Qaeda via the Benevolence International Foundation, and Sami Al Arian. Both groups have direct ties to Hamas and the Islamic Association of Palestine. In 2003 Jammal, who disputed Muslim involvement in the WTC attacks, at a post 9/11 press conference, defended the BMF fundraising for Al Arian and stated that: " raising money for his defense was not against US law " The Imam of the BMF is Jamal Said, who stated that "Muslims were forbidden to listen to music and that women should not travel long distances without chaperones". Oussama Jammal has deferred to the religious sensibilities of his Muslim audience and does not portray Muhammed in the movie nor use his voice. (see excerpts from article below ) For more on Jammal and the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation: http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/251 --------------------------------------------- Daily Southtown, Sep. 21, 2003 Federal authorities are investigating the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview and its leaders for possible involvement in terror-related money laundering. "...Although the recent take-downs have not struck directly at the mosque in Bridgeview, members of its leadership have long been targets of a probe into the funding of Palestinian militant group Hamas. A federal civil lawsuit and an FBI affidavit have raised allegations of an illicit terrorist fundraising ring that includes powerful members of the local Islamic community connected to the mosque..." "...We would be naive," said Mosque Foundation president Osama Jammal, "to think we are not being investigated or that we are not targets...." http://www.religionnewsblog.com/4563-U.S._investigating_Mosque_Foundation.html Prophet Muhammad Movie to Premier in N.America http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=11573 MIM: Note the veiled threat inherent in the sentence :"The policies of the Bush administration in the wake of the 9/11 attacks have in effect,antagonised a large section of the estimated 6 million Muslim Americans". The implication being that Muslims anger towards infidels is legitimate and will be held in check if they adhere to what the Muslims regard as the conditions of ' a treaty of peace' , while perceived hostility towards Muslims by non Muslims, who might have felt "antagonised" by the Islamist terrorist attacks of 9/11 is grounds for legal prosecution under hate crimes and/or discrimination laws.
WASHINGTON, October 16 The first animated movie on the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will finally be screened in North America on November 14 at the beginning of Eid Al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan. "Muhammad: The Last Prophet," will premiere in theaters in 37 US and Canadian cities for one week, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP). The 90-minute film that chronicles the early life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was produced for Badr International by RichCrest Animation Studios, the creators of animated classics such as "The King and I" and "The Fox and the Hound." Film director Richard Rich is a well-known American director who worked for Disney. No images of Prophet Muhammad appear in the film, given that Islam prohibits the visual representation of the prophets. "Great Significance" "Yet it is of great significance for this first animated Islamic movie ever in North America to be screened at the end of the fasting month -- fitting perfectly with the nature of the film," said Oussama Jammal, president of the film's distributing company Fine Media Group. He said the film was scheduled to be released in the United States around 2002 but was put off because it was just after the 9/11 attacks. "People were not in the mood to go to the movies," said the 50-year-old Lebanese-born Jammal, who emigrated to the United States in the 1980s and has since become an American citizen. He said it was an irony that Americans would be able to watch the US-produced movie after much of the world had already seen it. Window to Islam The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, said the movie was an excellent opportunity for parents and children of all faiths "to learn more about an historic figure like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and events that shaped today's world." "It addresses the needs of the post 9/11 climate and is a creative and non-political way for the people to know about the history of Islam and the prophet's message," council spokeswoman Rabiah Ahmad told AFP. Nihad Awad, the council's executive director, urged Muslims to purchase tickets for distribution to their friends and neighbors. John Voll, the director of Georgetown University's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, said the movie would help provide an "alternative perspective". "The movie is especially relevant in the current time when so much of the media presentations of Muslims and Muslim life are so negative," he told AFP. Policies of the administration of George W. Bush in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks have, in effect, antagonized a large section of the estimated six million Muslim Americans. Racial profiling, the detention and deportation of an unknown number of young men from Arab and Muslim countries, some for fairly minor immigration violations, and the Justice Department's crackdown on Muslim charities have all fueled a sense of persecution. Three quarters of Muslims polled recently said they would vote for Senator John Kerry to just seven percent for Republican Bush ahead of the tightly-contested November 2 presidential polls. Some 150 of the traditionally Republican-leaning Arab Americans, including businessmen, physicians and lawyers, agreed during a meeting at the University of Central Florida in Orlando on October 3 to give their votes to Kerry.
MIM: Middle East on Line laments that the 9/11 attacks preempted the release of "Muhammed the Last Prophet" ----------------------------------------- MIM: Free Republic readers ask if the movie ends with Muhammed and his buddies flying a train into the WTC.
Do Muhammad and his cute little cartoon buddies hijack planes and fly them into the WTC at the end of the movie? http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1239430/posts?page=61 MIM: CAIR -The Council on American Islamic Relations themselves a Saudi funded front group for Hamas , are intent on exploiting Islamic propagation in the guise of Disney and make it clear that the Saudi funded film is a blatant exercise in Da'wa . The head of CAIR's national office, Nihad Awad, urged Muslims to "purchase tickets for their friends and neighbors" and stated that,"the release of this film in theatres also gives Americans chance to interact with Muslims in learning environment." It appears that for those who have Muslim ;neighbors'in Chicago,the animation film with an invisible Muhammed is more realistic then the sight of the burning and crumbling twin towers. According to a report: "...As for Osama bin Laden, the general consensus in Chicago's Arab and Muslim community seems to be that it would have taken more than the resources available to the "Nomad of Afghanistan" to carry out operations of the sophistication and magnitude of the Sept. 11 terror. Oussama Jammal, the director of the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation, asked at a post 9/11 press conference "How certain were we that Arabs were behind it ? http://www.washington-report.org/archives/november01/0111050.html Jammal was speaking at an event together with the BMF spokesman Rafiq Jaber, the head of the Islamic Association of Palestine,the North American wing of Hamas. The BMF Imam Said Jamal, used the event as to denounce Israel's anti terrorism offensive into Jenin. ------------------------- Press Release for the film quotes CAIR's Nihad Awad executive director Nihad Awad doing his bit to promote the film for CAIR's Saudi handlers and inadvertently admits that militant Islam was the cause of 9/11. "This film is an exciting chance for parents and children of all faiths to learn more about an (sic) figure like Prophet Muhammed about events that shaped today's world". ------------------------------------------------
Animated feature seeks to dispel Muslim stereotypes MIM: Note that Mark Pinsky is a sought after journalist by Muslims who are looking for a positive spin on their news reporting. http://www.kansas.com/mld/kansas/living/religion/9990798.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp Stung by widespread negative media stereotypes, many of America's Muslims will take to mainstream movie theaters to mark the end of their holy month of Ramadan with a groundbreaking, full-length animated feature called "Muhammad: The Last Prophet." The film's screening in November coincides with Eid al-Fitr, the feast that concludes Ramadan. Distributors of the children's film are taking their cue from Christian filmmakers, although no one connected with the 90-minute cartoon expects the limited run to duplicate the half-billion-dollar success of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." "It's not about what the box office generates, but about how much interest and benefit the people can get out of it," says Oussama Jammal, whose animation production company owns the North American distribution rights to "Muhammad." Because of resistance by theater chains, which question whether there is an audience for the film, Jammal's company, Fine Media Group, has had to rent the theaters and sell tickets on its Web site, http://finemediagroup.com. "For us, it is about calming down the anxiety about Islam and Muslims in this country," he says. Many Muslims also hope "Muhammad" will increase understanding of their faith among the larger American community. A poll released Oct. 4 by the Washington, D.C.-based Council on American-Islamic Relations found that 25 percent of Americans believe anti-Muslim stereotypes. In a separate finding, the survey reported that negative images of Muslims in media and popular culture far outweigh positive ones. "What I'm hoping is that the film will emphasize to the larger community, both Muslims and non-Muslims, that it's important to learn about the life of Muhammad in order to truly understand what Islam is," says Muhammad Quadir, director of the Islamic Society of Central Florida's Center for Peace. He and other Muslim community leaders around the country plan to buy blocks of tickets for "Muhammad," just as supporters of recent Christian films have, and to distribute them. "This is the first time we have a really positive movie that we can feel proud of and encourage people to see," said Areej Zufari of the Islamic Society. "We are inviting many of our non-Muslim friends to come to see the film." "Muhammad: The Last Prophet" will open in nearly 40 U.S. and Canadian cities the week of Nov. 14-18. It is not scheduled for Wichita. Directed by Disney veteran Richard Rich, who also directed "The Fox and the Hound," "Muhammad" has relied on scholars from the University of California at Los Angeles, and Georgetown University, as well as others from Al-Azhar Islamic Research Academy in Egypt, who spent nearly two years reviewing it before giving their approval. Part of Rich's challenge was artistic. Islam prohibits visual representations of its founder. Like other live-action films and documentaries on the prophet's life, the animated film solves the problem by viewing the action from Muhammad's point of view, and by having a narrator read his words from the Quran. An associate of the prophet, Malik, frames the story for his young daughter Siham. Technically, the film's animation is somewhere between straight-to-video Disney and Saturday morning television cartoons. The color palette is mostly desert pastel, and unlike most animated portrayals of Arabs, these characters all speak English without accents. However, certain Western cartoon conventions are preserved: Most of the good guys are clean-shaven; most of the bad guys have beards. Twice in the film, Muhammad voices respect for the biblical figures Abraham, Moses and Jesus. For non-Muslims, especially younger ones, the tale of Muhammad's 7th-century revolt against the corrupt, idol-worshipping, slave-owning leaders of Mecca may start to drag by the end of the first hour. On the other hand, there are lots of battle scenes in the last half-hour, until Islam's monotheism triumphs. This is a world away from Disney's "Aladdin," which enraged Muslims for what they saw as its portrayal of Arabs as barbarian. "Muhammad" fits an emerging pattern for religious films. Before Christian movies became commercially viable, filmmakers such as Billy Graham's studio also had to rent theaters to show their films. But that has changed, especially in the past year. Most recently, "Therese," based on the life of the Catholic saint Therese of Lisieux, opened in 32 theaters Oct 1. Although "Therese" earned $350,000 its first weekend, industry experts say its financial fate -- like that of "Muhammad" and films such as "Luther" -- depends on video and DVD sales. "The whole theatrical release is a commercial for the DVD," says Jammal, the Illinois-based distributor. The apparent success of these smaller Christian films "tells me there is an interest in religious content. "Invisible Hero Muhammed is talk of movie" http://www.baltimoresun.com/services/site/premium/access-registered.intercept Imagine that you're a movie director preparing to make a bio-pic. The story ---------------------------------- MIM: Oussama Jammal is the owner and head of the Fine Media group. He is also a director of the Council of Islamic Organisations of Greater Chicago and the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation, whose spokesman Rafiq Jaber, is the leader of the Islamic Association of Palestine/Hamas. The BMF openly supports Hamas and has been under law enforcement scrutiny for more then a decade. The BMF is also aligned with Sound Vision, an Islamist multi media company which also works to propagate Islam in North America. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/228 -------------------- Excerpts from: 'Battle for the soul of an Illinois mosque' http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/000837.php "...Among the leaders at the Bridgeview mosque are men who have condemned Western culture, praised Palestinian suicide bombers and encouraged members to view society in stark terms: Muslims against the world. Federal authorities for years have investigated some mosque officials for possible links to terrorism financing, but no criminal charges have been filed. ---------------------------------------- MIM :The spokesman for the Bridgeview Mosque is Rafiq Jaber, the national president of the Islamic Association of Palestine. which is "considered to be a front group for Hamas operating inside the United States". http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26545 Nabil Al Marabh, a suspected planner in the 9/11 hijackings attended the Bridgeview mosque. http://www.suntimes.com/terror/stories/cst-nws-commun21.html A member of the the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation, Mohammed Saleh, was the first American citizen to make the FBI's most wanted Islamic terrorist list . The Bridgeview mosque has also been linked to the Holy Land Foundation, a charity which was closed down by the U.S. government for fund raising for terrorist groups. http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=8279.
Later, he took Khalid and me to the Bridgeview Mosque, where Jamal Said was the imam. I could tell immediately that we were deep in the heart of Hamas territory. At a post 9/11 press conference, in the presence of mosque spokesman Rafiq Jaber, and Imam Jamil Said, Ousama Jammal stated the following: "How certain are we that it was Arabs who were behind it?" Suggesting that Americans look at the causes, he argued that despair and fear are at the roots of terrorism. http://www.washington-report.org/archives/november01/0111050.html Domain: FINEMEDIAGROUP.COM --------------------------- http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/177 Note that Oussama Jammal, head of the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation, whose spokesman is the leader of the IAP/Hamas, is listed as a director of the CIOGC. The Council of Islamic Organisations of Greater Chicago. For more on Jammal, and BMF and Hamas see: http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/166 http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/149 MIM: Oussama Jammal is also a director of the Council of Islamic Organisations of Greater Chicago. The CIOCG is proud of their close ties to the Wahabist Muslim World League and boasted of hosting a delegation when it came to Chicago. The MWL is on a list of terrorist funding organisations which is being investigated by the US goverment.
http://www.ciogc.org/none.html?articleId=75 Press release announcing a visit of a delegation from the MWL to Chicago in 2002. ---------------------------------------------- MIM:It is no coincidence that Oussama Jammal the director of the Fine Media Group which is distributing the Saudi funded film "Muhammed -The Last Prophet "is also on the board of the CIOCG and the president of the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation. The CIOCG is Saudi funded and their connection with the MWL one of the largest Saudi government organisations dedicated to funding the propagation of Islam is further evidence the the Fine Media Group is a Wahabist business front. The Council's effective co-hosting of the annual ISNA conventions and especially its forceful post-Sept. 11 advocacy on behalf of the Muslim community has gained it national prominence among Muslim organizations. The Council routinely manages requests for participation from local & national organizations and media outlets on issues relating to Islam and Muslims. Illustratively, the Council recently hosted a visiting delegation of international Muslim scholars and leaders from the Muslim World League, a distinguished international NGO that serves as an observer to the United Nations. Drawing upon its long-term relationships with Chicago's leaders, the Council arranged, at short notice, elaborate luncheon and dinner programs for the delegation with leading academics, top government leaders, interfaith and civic partners, a well-received press conference, as well as meetings with editorial staff at prominent local print and broadcast media outlets. ------------ MI: In "Reigning in Riyadh' Dore Gold, the author of 'Hatred's Kingdom, " How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism", had this to say about the activities of the Muslim World League. http://www.jcpa.org/art/nypost-dg6apr03.htm But the Saudi charities also facilitated the growth of Islamic militancy, subsidizing, for example, the flow of men and material to conflict areas. After the death of Abdullah Azzam in 1989, his successor, Osama bin Laden, used the charities to pay the salaries of his al Qaeda operatives around the world.