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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Fundamentalists practice damage control preempt law enforcement by suing Imam for Wahhabist sermons

Fundamentalists practice damage control preempt law enforcement by suing Imam for Wahhabist sermons

May 20, 2007

The IMB Inc. sees Hassan Turabi as an inspiration and are fundamentalists. Looks like they are practicing damage control before law enforcement does it for them. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/05/20/america/NA-GEN-US-Mosque-Ousting.php TRENTON, New Jersey: The founders of a New Jersey mosque have sued to have their religious leader removed, saying he is trying to make the congregation more fundamentalist. The suit, filed by the International Muslim Brotherhood Inc., the mosque's owner, as well as three founding members, says Imam Sabur Abdul Hakim recently has adopted stricter views of Islam and is planning to beam in lectures by satellite from a conservative sect in Saudi Arabia. A message for Hakim's lawyer, Eric Broadway, was not returned Sunday. The mosque was founded in 1981 by local Muslims and state employees needing a place to pray. It was meant to be open to all sects. The board of trustees had set in place a rotating schedule of people for the mosque's weekly Friday sermon, but Hakim in 2004 decided that he alone would decide who gave the Friday sermon, the lawsuit says. The chosen person usually is one who follows a strict doctrine associated with the fundamentalist Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia, the lawsuit says.

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