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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Muslims in Holland tell municipality they will stop praying with radical Imam if they give them new mosque in city center

Muslims in Holland tell municipality they will stop praying with radical Imam if they give them new mosque in city center

April 2, 2007

MIM: Dutch Muslims have gone beyond brazeness and are gleefully exploiting Dutch dhimmitude by telling the Tilburg town council that they will stop going to the radical mosque of Imam Salam [who called upon Muslims not to pay taxes] if they will provide them with tax payer funded prayer room in the center of town. One law maker has already agreed. Last week there was a debate raging among local officials if they should visit Imam Salam and his son [who translates for the non Dutch speaking Imam] in order to further their understanding of what motivated him to call upon Muslims not to pay taxes "in order to bring harm to the Dutch state."

At this rate of dhimmitude the next step would be for the municipality to turn over the Tilburg Town Hall, which would presumably make a perfect mosque and fit the demands of the Moroccan Muslim community, or at the very least provide them with space. This would fit into Muslim demands that the municipality provide them with prayer facilities which are centrally located [so that they will have an in your face visibility as part of the Dutch landscape with obvious Pysops and da'wa advantages as a walk in information center for Islam].

The town officials appear so eager to accomodate Muslims that perhaps they could vacate or at least make room in the Town Hall.

What lawmaker Hamming has failed to take into account is that once any location designated as a mosque according to Islamic law it cannot be used for any other function!

The city officials denial of the obvious borders on the surreal -i.e. any Muslim who would have attended Imam Salam's mosque in the first place would not be opposed to Salam's views contrary to their claims, and opening another mosque with Salam's ex congregants means two radical strongholds situated in different parts of town, allowing easier access for Muslims depending on where they happen to be at prayer time. In addition it will increase mosque attendence and facilitate convert recruitment.

The question also remains as to why the Tilburg City council would agree to help Muslims open a new mosque and provide them with a building - and not close the mosque run by Imam Salam, which icontinues to be a hotbed of jihadist fundamentalism.

Translated by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM:

Lawmaker Jan Hamming : Temporary premises needed for mosque

Tilburg- By the end of May a temporary location needs to be found which can serve as a mosque for the Moroccan community according to statements by the lawmaker Hamming from Tilburg. If a temporary location can be found for the mosque the support for the controversial Imam Ahmad Salam will decrease.

Since the mosque on the Stedekestraat is no longer in use, there is a big lack of prayer space. That is why many Muslis are visiting the mosque of Imam Salam because it is the only one in North - Tilburg.

The Imam was recently called into account because he called upon Muslims not to pay taxes. Prominent Muslim Tiburgers say that the support for Imam Salam will quickly disspate if a there is a new mosque. The municipality concurs.

If they will be successful in finding a temporary location by the end of May is the question. The municipality has few buildings available. The Moroccan Muslims greatly prefer a mosque which is situated in the center of town.

Wethouder Hamming: tijdelik locatie nodig voor moskee

TILBURG - In Tilburg moet voor eind mei een tijdelijke locatie gevonden zijn die dienst kan doen als moskee voor de Marokkaanse gemeenschap. Dat zegt wethouder Hamming van Tilburg.

Hij doet een oproep aan de Tilburgers om een gebouw ter beschikking te stellen. Als er een tijdelijk pand gevonden kan worden voor de Marokkaanse moslims zal de steun aan de omstreden imam Ahmad Salam minder worden.

Sinds de moskee aan de Stedekestraat niet meer in gebruik is, is er een groot gebrek aan gebedsruimte. Daarom bezoeken veel moslims toch maar de moskee van imam Salam, want het is de enige in Tilburg-Noord.

De imam werd onlangs op het matje geroepen omdat hij moslims onder meer opriep geen belasting te betalen. Vooraanstaande Marokkaanse Tilburgers zeggen dat de steun aan imam Salam snel zal afnemen als er een nieuwe moskee komt. De gemeente is het daar mee eens.

Of het lukt om voor eind mei een tijdelijke locatie te vinden is nog maar de vraag. De gemeente heeft zelf maar weinig gebouwen in de aanbieding. De Marokkaanse moslims willen graag een moskee die op een centrale plek in de stad ligt.



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