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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > CAIR Florida welcomes Southwest Airlines pilot Atif Fareed on board as new chairman

CAIR Florida welcomes Southwest Airlines pilot Atif Fareed on board as new chairman

December 26, 2006

MIM: The Council on American Islamic Relations has upped the'flying Imams' ante by bringing a Southwest Airlines pilot aboard. Atif Fareed is the the new chairman of Florida CAIR, and moved to Florida from Arizona. A state which is also home to 5 of the litigious Imams and light schools which hosted students like 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour and several Jihadist wannabes. The attraction of Arizona for radical Islamists goes back decades. Wadih Al Hage was there and helped to build up the Al Qaeda network in the 90's and spokeman for the cultural Jihadist Imams. Omar Shaheen runs the Islamic Center of Tuscon He was also the lawyer who defended two students who attempted to open a cockpit door during a dry run for 9/11. As one law enforcement agent put it -"they dont just come to Arizona for the sunshine".

Two months after the 9/11 hijackings in 2001 Atif Fareed told an audience at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas that 'it took skill to fly sophisticated planes nearly 500mph into the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon.

Las Vegas Weekly: Upfront 4
Published on: 11/20/2001

Southwest Airlines Capt. Atif Fareed, a Muslim and 20-year pilot, told nearly 60 onlookers in the UNLV amphitheater that the mainstream media must think more critically.

When juxtaposed against his flight experience, he says reports casting the kamikaze pilots as "inexperienced" are laughable. It took skill, he argues, to fly sophisticated planes nearly 500 mph into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon.

Fareed also says the media suffers from "multitasking," asking reporters with scant knowledge of Middle East affairs to cover that beat. "I've been interviewed a half-dozen times and most of the reporters are in the dark about Islam," he says. "Some of the reporters can't even point to Afghanistan on a map." (complete article below)

Atif spent three years in Las Vegas and attended the Islamic Society of Nevada whose congregrants seem to be a bit vague about Osama Bin Laden's role in the embassy bombings in Africa. Of course they hasten to add if he indeed did it he should brought to court and afforded all legal rights provided under U.S. law.


Las Vegas Muslims say U.S. Overeacted

"...Fareed, an airline captain who has lived three years in the Las Vegas area, said he fears non-Muslims are confused about his religion and the political motivation of bin Laden, a Saudi fundamentalist who relocated in Afghanistan and who is closely aligned with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad..."


Las Vegas Muslims on Friday condemned terrorist acts linked to renegade Saudi millionaire Osama bin Laden, but they also said the magnitude of the U.S. retaliatory missile strikes against bin Laden's strongholds in Afghanistan and a suspected chemical plant in Sudan were unwarranted.
"In Islam if you've killed a person, it's like you kill all of humanity," said Atif Fareed, a native of India who was one of 500 Muslims attending a prayer service Friday at the Islamic Society of Nevada mosque on East Desert Inn Road.
Fareed and three other congregation members -- Abdul Ansari, Reza Salimian and Douglas Lawrence Chenin -- agreed that bin Laden was wrong if, as U.S. officials claim, he was behind the Aug. 7 bombings of U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
But they said the United States use up to 79 cruise missiles 13 days later, knocking out targets and possibly killing innocent people, was inappropriate.
Said Chenin: "Islam and terrorism is like positive and negative. They are two separate things. We believe all mankind is a single nation."
Fareed, an airline captain who has lived three years in the Las Vegas area, said he fears non-Muslims are confused about his religion and the political motivation of bin Laden, a Saudi fundamentalist who relocated in Afghanistan and who is closely aligned with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
"There is a difference between religion and people who follow the religion," Fareed said. "If bin Laden did it, he deserves to be punished. We could have pinpointed him and had a more successful mission, but we didn't get bin Laden and there should not have been as much chance of civilian casualties."
Ansari, another Islamic Society of Nevada member and an Afghanistan native who did not attend Friday's prayers-for-guidance service, said he is "positively" worried about his 25 brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces who live in Mazar-e Sharif, an Afghan city 35 miles south of the former Soviet republic, Uzbekistan.
"Seventy cruise missiles for one person? That wasn't right," Ansari said. The problem, he said, is not religion, it's politics.
"We don't like terrorism. We are not protecting terrorists. We are not standing behind them," said Ansari, who fled Afghanistan "after the (Soviets) kicked us out and the (hard-line) religious people took over."
"I'm a a Muslim. I'm shaving. I'm a decent person. I'm against terrorism. Why should war be making more war?" Ansari said.
"He (hid) in my country. If the United States wants to prove justice, bring him (bin Laden) to justice in this country and try him," he said.
Ansari, a U.S. citizen, said after fleeing Afghanistan in 1979, he joined his brother in Los Angeles, who had been in the United States since 1965.
An electronic technician, Ansari said he moved to Las Vegas in 1996 after the 1994 deadly earthquake in Northridge, Calif., destroyed his home and business.
Salimian -- a native Iranian educated in Pakistan -- recalled how the Islamic Society of Nevada has grown from five households in 1975 to the 500 who attended Friday prayer services.
The mosque was built in 1994. Boxer Mike Tyson occasionally comes to say prayers, he said, estimating there are 5,000 Muslims in the Las Vegas Valley who practice the teachings of the Koran, the words that Allah dictated to the prophet Mohammed.

In 2006 Atif Fareed helped to teach the FBI about Islam and Muslims he enthused that the 'training' helped break down barriers to communication and promote mutual understanding". In 2004 Fareed had a more one sided meeting with the FBI when he was interrogated about his activities for 3 hours by agents.

CAIR-FL Trains FBI Agents on Islam and Muslims

(ORLANDO, FL, 05/05/06) - The Florida office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) today held a diversity training workshop on Islam and the American Muslim community at the University of Central Florida's downtown Orlando Ying Academic Center.

Approximately 15 law enforcement agents, including members from the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, attended the workshop that examined basic Islamic beliefs and concepts, common stereotypes of Islam and Muslims, and ways in which to improve interactions with the Muslim community. Agents were able to ask questions throughout the two-hour CAIR-FL presentation.

"This type of positive interaction between law enforcement officials and the Muslim community helps break down barriers to communication and promotes mutual understanding," added CAIR-FL Chairman Atif Fareed.

Fareed said CAIR-FL hopes that it will continue to expand the program to help train law enforcement authorities in other parts of the state, just as it did in Orlando and in Jacksonville. CAIR offices in other states have offered similar training programs.

CAIR, America's largest Muslim civil liberties group, has 32 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

MIM: This December the Muslim Student Association organised an event entitled "Muslim Youth at Risk" - Fareed was to be one of the speakers but had to cancel. Below are the messages posted about the event.

Assalamu alaikum,
Atif Fareed has confirmed to speak at the event and has put up $500 for the
cost of food.

Sarah Aslam
Secretary, MSA of Valencia CC
Orlando, FL
(321) 947-7587

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007
muslimstudents. info

Date: Sat, Dec 23 2006 1:37 am
Email: "Sarah Aslam" <footins...@gmail.com>
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Here is the link to the video that I had made for the Muslim Youth at Risk


Date: Mon, Dec 18 2006 7:46 pm
Email: Dena al-Atassi <denaalata...@yahoo.com>
Not yet ratedRating:

salaam alaikum wr wb,

thank you everyone for working on an AWESOME event!!! it really went well and i was so thrilled to be a part of it with you guys. your hard work is appreciated and im praying that Allah swt bless every one who worked on it and give them joy and ease in both worlds, ameen.

we definitely need to meet to do an honest assessment of how the overall turnout was, and dr yasmeen and i were thinking wednesday (dec 20th) at valencia 12pm-ish was a good time.

please please let me know if you guys can be there. i know it's last minute but we have to get together before we all forget what we were thinking during the event haha.

also, we probably should discuss some disaster-mitigation plans lol b/c of our not being able to fundraise at all due to the bedier holdup in the airport and our lack of adults with big pockets present :P pls prepare ideas and we'll brainstorm isA on wednesday.

looking forward to seeing you all there isA!!!!! and THANKS again!!


ps you'd better make it ;)

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007

From: Akib Sirkhan - view profile
Date: Mon, Dec 18 2006 7:48 pm
Email: "Akib Sirkhan" <brofir...@msn.com>
Not yet ratedRating:

akib will try, anne frank lookin foo...

-- ----- Original Message -----
From: Dena al-Atassi<mailto:denaalata...@yahoo.com>
To: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]­m>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 7:46 PM
Subject: thank you!!

salaam alaikum wr wb,

thank you everyone for working on an AWESOME event!!! it really went well and i was so thrilled to be a part of it with you guys. your hard work is appreciated and im praying that Allah swt bless every one who worked on it and give them joy and ease in both worlds, ameen.

we definitely need to meet to do an honest assessment of how the overall turnout was, and dr yasmeen and i were thinking wednesday (dec 20th) at valencia 12pm-ish was a good time.

please please let me know if you guys can be there. i know it's last minute but we have to get together before we all forget what we were thinking during the event haha.

also, we probably should discuss some disaster-mitigation plans lol b/c of our not being able to fundraise at all due to the bedier holdup in the airport and our lack of adults with big pockets present :P pls prepare ideas and we'll brainstorm isA on wednesday.

looking forward to seeing you all there isA!!!!! and THANKS again!!


ps you'd better make it ;)

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007

From: Mezzo Mezzo - view profile
Date: Tues, Dec 19 2006 1:54 am
Email: Mezzo Mezzo <mezzo...@yahoo.com>
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Walaikum salam,

Wednesday will not work out for me personally unless it is in the evening, but if that's what works out for most everyone else then one of you can just bring me up to speed later.

Dena al-Atassi <denaalata...@yahoo.com> wrote:

salaam alaikum wr wb,

thank you everyone for working on an AWESOME event!!! it really went well and i was so thrilled to be a part of it with you guys. your hard work is appreciated and im praying that Allah swt bless every one who worked on it and give them joy and ease in both worlds, ameen.

we definitely need to meet to do an honest assessment of how the overall turnout was, and dr yasmeen and i were thinking wednesday (dec 20th) at valencia 12pm-ish was a good time.

please please let me know if you guys can be there. i know it's last minute but we have to get together before we all forget what we were thinking during the event haha.

also, we probably should discuss some disaster-mitigation plans lol b/c of our not being able to fundraise at all due to the bedier holdup in the airport and our lack of adults with big pockets present :P pls prepare ideas and we'll brainstorm isA on wednesday.

looking forward to seeing you all there isA!!!!! and THANKS again!!


ps you'd better make it ;)

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007

From: Dr. Yasmeen Qadri - view profile
Date: Tues, Dec 19 2006 3:43 pm
Email: "Dr. Yasmeen Qadri" <yqa...@edconsultations.com>
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Since the host president Daniel cannot make it tomorrow, and we did not hear from the others except that Akeb said he would try, Dena I think we should cancel tomorow's meeting. If you can please email a questionnaire about the conference so we can all give our input that may help.

I was pushing myself to attend, but my mom does not feel too good so I had to cancel all of my meetings today, can't say for sure about tomorrow yet.

Thank you.
Dr. Yasmeen

Mezzo Mezzo <mezzo...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Walaikum salam,

Wednesday will not work out for me personally unless it is in the evening, but if that's what works out for most everyone else then one of you can just bring me up to speed later.

Dena al-Atassi <denaalata...@yahoo.com> wrote:

salaam alaikum wr wb,

thank you everyone for working on an AWESOME event!!! it really went well and i was so thrilled to be a part of it with you guys. your hard work is appreciated and im praying that Allah swt bless every one who worked on it and give them joy and ease in both worlds, ameen.

we definitely need to meet to do an honest assessment of how the overall turnout was, and dr yasmeen and i were thinking wednesday (dec 20th) at valencia 12pm-ish was a good time.

please please let me know if you guys can be there. i know it's last minute but we have to get together before we all forget what we were thinking during the event haha.

also, we probably should discuss some disaster-mitigation plans lol b/c of our not being able to fundraise at all due to the bedier holdup in the airport and our lack of adults with big pockets present :P pls prepare ideas and we'll brainstorm isA on wednesday.

looking forward to seeing you all there isA!!!!! and THANKS again!!

~*dee \


29K Download

From: Dr. Yasmeen Qadri - view profile
Date: Tues, Dec 12 2006 9:59 pm
Email: "Dr. Yasmeen Qadri" <yqa...@edconsultations.com>
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Walykumsalaam Dena:

The final agenda looks really good, MashaAllah. Please forward the program to all the speakers and give them some helpful hints like please:

Be on time, time limit for each speaker (15 mts each and then the rest for questions what do you think?), and place of event.

Also, since we have only an hour for the marriage speech and both speakers are good, my advise is to put me as a moderator for that session.

Regarding the phone message of your Uncle Najeeb, don't worry we already talked about it so he did not return your message. I had talked to Iman about our concern for the money for the caterer, she had said that she will speak to the treasurer of MSA National. Please keep in touch with her and follow it through as we will have to pay him before the event.

Thank you.


Dena al-Atassi <denaalata...@yahoo.com> wrote:

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007

Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Yahoo! Answers.

Yasmeen Qadri, Ed.D.
Director EdConsultations

"By the time,
Verily, man is at loss,
Except those who believe and do righteous deeds,
and invite one another to perform good deeds,
and to patience." Surat Al-Asr

ps you'd better make it ;)

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007

Yasmeen Qadri, Ed.D.
Director EdConsultations

"By the time,
Verily, man is at loss,
Except those who believe and do righteous deeds,
and invite one another to perform good deeds,
and to patience." Surat Al-Asr

Salaam alaikum wr wb!

I just wanted to let you all know that MAS asked if they could have registration at our event (a table) for their event in January. I told them if they could raise for us at least $3k and bring it with them on the day of then I would ask that to be set up for them. It's worth a try ;)

Also, alhamdillah over 50 people have RSVP'ed on the website, and that's not including the 10 or so girls from MAS that have commit to come from Tampa. It also doesn't include many of the facebook confirmations.

Soooo, we have:

Thursday: ladies are getting together insha Allah at Waterford Lakes 2:00PM to go shopping for decorations, with a $100 budget.

Friday: everyone is getting together at 3:30PM UCF Student Union 3rd floor to rehearse and set up the center pieces. Also, Dalia has tried to book the Keywest for Friday as well as Saturday, just in case they give it to us we can set the whole thing up the night before and lock the rooms.

Also, we need a brother to pick up Speaker Altaf Ali from the airport on Friday and to drop him back off. He arrives insha Allah Friday at 11AM and leaves at 5:45PM. If anyone can volunteer, I will send you the flight details.

Jezaakumullahu khair you guys all are awesome and may Allah swt reward you!!


MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007


From: Dr. Yasmeen Qadri - view profile
Date: Tues, Dec 12 2006 10:02 pm
Email: "Dr. Yasmeen Qadri" <yqa...@edconsultations.com>
Not yet ratedRating:

Walykumsalaam Dena:

Thank you for the updates. Is Altaf arriving in Orlando on Friday or Saturday?

Dena al-Atassi <denaalata...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Salaam alaikum wr wb!

I just wanted to let you all know that MAS asked if they could have registration at our event (a table) for their event in January. I told them if they could raise for us at least $3k and bring it with them on the day of then I would ask that to be set up for them. It's worth a try ;)

Also, alhamdillah over 50 people have RSVP'ed on the website, and that's not including the 10 or so girls from MAS that have commit to come from Tampa. It also doesn't include many of the facebook confirmations.

Soooo, we have:

Thursday: ladies are getting together insha Allah at Waterford Lakes 2:00PM to go shopping for decorations, with a $100 budget.

Friday: everyone is getting together at 3:30PM UCF Student Union 3rd floor to rehearse and set up the center pieces. Also, Dalia has tried to book the Keywest for Friday as well as Saturday, just in case they give it to us we can set the whole thing up the night before and lock the rooms.

Also, we need a brother to pick up Speaker Altaf Ali from the airport on Friday and to drop him back off. He arrives insha Allah Friday at 11AM and leaves at 5:45PM. If anyone can volunteer, I will send you the flight details.

Jezaakumullahu khair you guys all are awesome and may Allah swt reward you!!


MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007


Yasmeen Qadri, Ed.D.
Director EdConsultations

"By the time,
Verily, man is at loss,
Except those who believe and do righteous deeds,
and invite one another to perform good deeds,
and to patience." Surat Al-Asr

From: Dena al-Atassi - view profile
Date: Tues, Dec 5 2006 10:37 pm
Email: Dena al-Atassi <denaalata...@yahoo.com>
Not yet ratedRating:

Salaam alaikum everyone!!

There is a meeting for the Dec. 16th organizers (insha Allah) at Masjid al-Rahman on Goldenrod Rd. at 3:30PM this Friday insha Allah. Please be on time because everyone will be waiting and we need to get a lot done!!!

We will need to adjust the program because:

1. Imam Hatim cancelled

2. Ahmed Bedier thinks he's a speaker (haha he emailed me asking what we want him to talk about)

3. Atif Fareed may not be able to come, but will substitute sister Sabiha Khan (Orlando CAIR Director) in his place...actually her hubby is Syrian and she's desi so she may be able to talk about interfaith marriage lol, but I duno if she'd want to :P

4. I made up half the titles in the program I sent you guys b/c I didn't remember them and they weren't on Farah's documents

5. We need to work out who will moderate and what bio's/info about each speaker will be used to introduce them

6. We should work out with Osama nice verses of the Quran pertinant to the lecture topics, and begin each with a Quran and translation. This way we could also use more MSA students to go to the mic each time translating the diff. verses

We will also need to do a reality check about how our advertising is going and how many people we are getting fund pledges from. Please remind people this is fundraising and even if they could just donate $10-20 (for students coming, for example) it wouldn't hurt their pockets but it would help Islam soooo much isA!!

...Also...another takbir!! The registration online has been up only a few days and we already have 31 confirmed guests--only half of whom are from Orlando (other cities include Gainesville, Tampa, Detona, Riverview, and more).

Looking forward to your responses :)


PS. Sarah, Can you add the following people to our googlegroup:

dhiek...@aol.com (msa fl council co-advisor)
alias...@gmail.com (active member and chair of ez bazaar committee)
beautydiva...@yahoo.com (former active cair volunteer)
osam...@hotmail.com (Osama--is he on??)

PPS You guys I made a mistake in my last email. We have $4001 donations, not $4501....sorry!

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

From: Dr. Yasmeen Qadri - view profile
Date: Wed, Dec 6 2006 11:56 pm
Email: "Dr. Yasmeen Qadri" <yqa...@edconsultations.com>
Not yet ratedRating:

Walykumsalaam Dena:

Before the meeting on Friday, I request that the following items be confirmed:

1. Invited speakers and the times they are available. Please let them know that their confirmation means their Islamic commitment, and can only change ( Allah forbid), if there is an emergency. Remember, we will be reflecting the future EZ conference in our actions!
No cancellations after the names go on the flyer or program.

2. Dena needs to confirm any alternative caterer. Ahmed is only the second option until Friday. If we do not have any confirmation then we will proceed with Ahmed. If you find an alternative caterer you need to make sure the cost is reasonable, the food is delivered on time, and the paper work is in completion and on UCF's list.

3. Program will be given for printing on Saturday, Dec. 9, which means no more changes, InshaAllah.

4. Finally, if each one of you can contact out of Orlando participants and encourage them to come that will be great. There are 3 weddings in Orlando during Christmas break, and the bridal showers for all three happen to be on Dec. 16, so I am not sure how many sisters will be attending our conference.

Dr. Yasmeen

Dena al-Atassi <denaalata...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Salaam alaikum everyone!!

There is a meeting for the Dec. 16th organizers (insha Allah) at Masjid al-Rahman on Goldenrod Rd. at 3:30PM this Friday insha Allah. Please be on time because everyone will be waiting and we need to get a lot done!!!

We will need to adjust the program because:

1. Imam Hatim cancelled

2. Ahmed Bedier thinks he's a speaker (haha he emailed me asking what we want him to talk about)

3. Atif Fareed may not be able to come, but will substitute sister Sabiha Khan (Orlando CAIR Director) in his place...actually her hubby is Syrian and she's desi so she may be able to talk about interfaith marriage lol, but I duno if she'd want to :P

4. I made up half the titles in the program I sent you guys b/c I didn't remember them and they weren't on Farah's documents

5. We need to work out who will moderate and what bio's/info about each speaker will be used to introduce them

6. We should work out with Osama nice verses of the Quran pertinant to the lecture topics, and begin each with a Quran and translation. This way we could also use more MSA students to go to the mic each time translating the diff. verses

We will also need to do a reality check about how our advertising is going and how many people we are getting fund pledges from. Please remind people this is fundraising and even if they could just donate $10-20 (for students coming, for example) it wouldn't hurt their pockets but it would help Islam soooo much isA!!

...Also...another takbir!! The registration online has been up only a few days and we already have 31 confirmed guests--only half of whom are from Orlando (other cities include Gainesville, Tampa, Detona, Riverview, and more).

Looking forward to your responses :)


PS. Sarah, Can you add the following people to our googlegroup:

dhiek...@aol.com (msa fl council co-advisor)
alias...@gmail.com (active member and chair of ez bazaar committee)
beautydiva...@yahoo.com (former active cair volunteer)
osam...@hotmail.com (Osama--is he on??)

PPS You guys I made a mistake in my last email. We have $4001 donations, not $4501....sorry!

MSA National East Zone Conference
Rosen Plaza Hotel: Orlando, Florida
April 6-8, 2007

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Yasmeen Qadri, Ed.D.
Director EdConsultations

"By the time,
Verily, man is at loss,
Except those who believe and do righteous deeds,
and invite one another to perform good deeds,
and to patience." Surat Al-Asr



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