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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Did Musharraf 'allow' US strike on terrorist school which wouldnt have been there without his knowledge? Speculation that Al Zawahiri is dead Did Musharraf 'allow' US strike on terrorist school which wouldnt have been there without his knowledge? Speculation that Al Zawahiri is deadOctober 31, 2006 Zawahiri Dead? - Questions Surround Missile Attack On Terrorist Madrassa In Pakistan http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=madrassa103106%2Ehtm
JUST BREAKING - ABC News is now reporting that the Bajur raid was carried out by Coalition forces - AS PREDICTED HERE BY PIPELINENEWS - most likely a U.S. Predator drone. Ayman Zawahiri, the Egyptian born al-Qaeda number 2 in command was apparently the target of the strike. Additionally unconfirmed reports have been circulating that Zawahiri was killed in the raid.
Pakistan's wholesale retreat [accompanied by a release of jailed Taliban terrorists along with their weapons] from Waziristan - the "deal" which Mr. Montero refers to - has resulted in a three-fold increase of Taliban attacks upon neighboring Afghanistan, the border shared by the tribal areas and Afghanistan now resembling a sieve through with al-Qaeda passes at will. That the airstrike in Khar came early in the morning on the day when an agreement was expected to be signed between the local Bajur tribal leaders and the central Pakistani government is odd however. One plausible explanation might very well be that the attack was not carried out by the Pakistanis, but rather by Coalition forces whose intention was not only to kill the intended al-Qaeda targets but at the same time to emphatically scuttle another disastrous Pakistani withdrawal agreement similar to that reached with Waziristan. Pakistan's claim that it conducted the raid itself is understandable from the perspective that U.S. led operations in Pakistan are controversial to say the least and such a claim would at least partially indemnify Musharraf's government against such charges. Al-Qaeda sympathies in these tribal areas are deeply felt, with pro-Taliban tribal militants and elders revering Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar as "heroes of the Muslim world." In January of this year a U.S. Predator aircraft struck a terrorist meeting being held in a residence in Damadola in the same Bajur tribal area, intending to kill the number two al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. For days after that event much of the U.S. media joined with the foreign press in perpetuating the myth that the targeted building was filled only with civilians, but shortly after their initial anti-American paroxysm it became clear that while Zawahiri was not in attendance at the meeting - perhaps being tipped off by Pakistan's notoriously Islamist dominated ISI - al-Qaeda explosives and chemical weapons expert Midhat Mursi was there and was killed during the strike. During the Taliban's rape of Afghanistan, Mursi ran al-Qaeda's Derunta training camp, carrying out chemical warfare experiments on animals. Pakistani officials - off the record - eventually stated that in addition to Mursi, Abdul Rehman al Magrabi, a senior operational commander for al-Qaeda and Khalid Habib, the al-Qaeda operations leader for both Pakistan and Afghanistan, were also killed in the raid, though their bodies had been removed from the site of the attack. |